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First Seamus list. 25SS. :-D


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Well trying my hand at my first Seamus list. I've had the grand total of one game with his crew at box sets and liked him straight out. Not the most badass melee master around but fun nevertheless because of the tricks he can play with positioning. And heck, stuff like that keeps me coming back for more rather than when to set off a beefsticks charge.

Well after some thought and with an event coming up at 25SS I thought I'd try this combo out.


Copycat Killer




Convict Gunslinger

3SS in the bag


The general idea is to play their hand down with the Gunslinger and the Hanged. Lure people in with the girls to break up their lines and let Seamus pop away with his gun and use his Terror 14 and Bag o Tools as much as he can.

Well that's til the first game anyways. ;)

Ideas? Suggestions?

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What can I say? It's a pretty solid crew.

Saemus plus the Hanged is a really potent combination, and the Convict Gunslinger is just brutal with his pistols and suppresive fire. My only criticism of that model is that everyone seems to want to take him. :rolleyes:

The main things to watch out for are high-Wp minions and minions with immune to influence, especially the combat kind. Seamus really is very average in combat and as resiliant as he is, a beatstick like Teddy is still going to take him down quickly enough.

It might be worth considering a combat minion of your own (Sybelle is the obvious choice) but maybe see how you go with what you've got first.

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I would follow what the pink man said :D, having played Seamus an awful lot, he doesnt really miss the convict gunslinger. I would change to either Sybelle or an Onryo and consider the grave spirit instead of copycat killer (i know its hard since hes such a cool little model!)

The grave spirit gives great tanking ability for either the hanged or sybelle and the Onryo can help get around the WP centric or Immune to Influence minions with one of her spells, plus combos with a hanged well too.

Keep having fun and keep us posted

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Just a side thought if you are going up against a high WP list like perdita and her family or something like it you may want to switch out your tactics. a good perdtia list with the govs prox can make basic family member WP 10. The hang itself can get around this but the bells will take issue with it.

One undead model that I am loving more and more is the Crooked men. I would look into them for expanding your army further, they have a great anti range df and they also have a good range spells that may prove useful.

You might also want more SS on Seamus, is .50 Flintlock is awesome when you have alot of SS to feed it to make sure it hits.

Just some thoughts that I will hope help.

-Andrew Hauhgt

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Thanks for those suggestions and using SS's to hit is something I've picked up on today after my second game with the crew. We played boxed sets vs. Perdita and the Belles struggled with the high WP apart from Luring in Papa Loco which isn't all that useful. ;)

Nevertheless expanding on that idea what are peoples thoughts on saving SS on taking Belles and then trying to summon them during the game? [You'd burn a SS with say a lowish feathers card to make sure it happens]. Just got thinking about the option as 25SS and even 30SS games get pretty tight in regards to what options you can take. And heck if you can save say three or two SS then your ahead. Anyone tried this option before? ala Take two Belles instead of three and with the 4SS use one to res a Belle during the game and take a beatstick in exchange.

Also picked up a blister of Crooked Men today. ;) Can't wait to use Slow to Die and then pop Shafted. So funny!

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If I'm facing a living crew I'll sometimes gamble and save the SS to summon a Belle for 1 and a CC. Of course, this relies on you generating an extra CC to get full value, but I find that when your first Belle dies and Bete Noir pops out then you're going to have a couple more corpse counters about soon.

Beware though, I've cheated a 7Crow in and used a SS only to flip a 2 for Arise my sweet before now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just read through Rising Powers and I'm sure everyone has thought of using the Desperate Mercs? 2SS cost, pop them 2nd turn and go crazy with the 4 shooty attack that they can do [no book next to me]. Then once they're dead use the saved SS to summon a Belle and still have a spare up your sleeve for doing it again afterwards. Situational I know but handy nonetheless. :)

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And I guess if you want more Belles early on in the game then this strat wouldn't be good for you. Just an option and a thought for the collective think tank. :)

Me? Almost painted the Redchappel box set! :D Next the Hanged, Crooked Men and the Copycat Killer!

Oh and now with a book in hand the above combo would be 1st turn scoot up the table. Second turn pop (0) For My Family giving you +3 to Duel's totals and 2 +ve flips to damage. After that you (1) Uncontrolled Fire twice for 4 Second-Hand Pistol shots at for grand total of +1 to your Duel total. Not too bad for a 2SS model that drops corpse tokens and if your lucky the oppoent could have wounded him 1st turn so Frantic triggers. :0

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... Not too bad for a 2SS model that drops corpse tokens and if your lucky the oppoent could have wounded him 1st turn so Frantic triggers. :0

You could wait untill 3rd turn with doing this, also since he gets sacrificed after what you just descriped you'd have to kill him yourself to actually get the Corpse Counters. As I honestly doubt your opponent would do you that favor when he's bound to die anyway.

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