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Kirai + bete workable?


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so i like bete's set of abilities but for rezzers i play Kirai so im wondering if anyone has had any luck with these two together since bete only comes in when a living or undead model dies or is saced.

Now i know she would be good to bring when up aginst a rezzer or maybe a guild just because they have a decent number of living and undead models but i'm thinking more vs the other factions.

I was thinking if u brought the grave spirit you could evolve it into a gaki or Onryo and bring Bete in off it since its an undead spirit as are the hanged and jack daw so my list without much thought would be sumthing like this


grave spirit 1

hanged 8

hanged 8

bete 9

datsue 7

seishin 2

which is 35 but doesn't leave any extra soul stones and i don't know how i feel about only one seishin

anyone else tried this or sumthing like it?

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Hmm have you thought about taking either a canine remain which you could kill to get a Seishin and Bete Noir in play? Or possibly even some Stolen. They have really good synergy with Kirai and Hanged and they generate a rat when they are removed which would give Bete something to summon off.

These days I rarely go to battle without having 3 seishin, also have you considered Jack Daw instead of Bete, I'm absolutely loving him with Kirai. With Kirai's abilities it's very easy to put him exactly in the right position to assassinate any model in the game (he stops them cheating as they are 6" away, but not Ikiryo as he's attacking from 7" away.)

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i was building off what i had so since i never realy used a canine didn't include them in my thought proccess.

I do have and use jack daw and he works great with her i think. just trying to branch out a little in my crew and bete looks realy interesting

ill have to look up the stolen i didnt think about them at all

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ill have to look up the stolen i didnt think about them at all

after using Jack Daw to eat their hand Spin them into place and blow them to give someone insignificant, Wp -2 till the end of the turn and get a Rat which can die to give a Seishin.

Or if they are between you and the enemy, Kirai can eat it for 2 Wds, 2 Cards, Fast, a -2 Wp pulse and a Rat (Just have to make sure you beat a Wp->13 duel with Kirai so you don't get Paralysed).

Or run into the enemy and if they kill he will pop for a Rat a chance to Paralyse them, Wp -2 Pulse, and a Seishin.

and of course you can get a Seishin if the rat dies.

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Relentless is a British Energy Drink from the people that brought you Coca-Cola. It comes in a huge can and the taste is much less sickly than Red Bull. It also the can looks amazingly cool having anatomical sketches a really cool type face. Inferno was it's second flavour and has a bitter orange flavour and a poem by Byron on the back

"But I have lived, and have not lived in vain;

My mind may lose its force, my blood its fire;

And my frame perish even in conquering pain;

But there is that within me which shall tire

Torture and Time, and breathe when I expire;

Something unearthly, which they deem not of,

Like the remember'd tone of a mute lyre,

Shall on their soften'd spirits sink, and move

In hearts all rocky now the late remorse of love"


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Relentless is a British Energy Drink from the people that brought you Coca-Cola. It comes in a huge can and the taste is much less sickly than Red Bull. It also the can looks amazingly cool having anatomical sketches a really cool type face. Inferno was it's second flavour and has a bitter orange flavour and a poem by Byron on the back

"But I have lived, and have not lived in vain;

My mind may lose its force, my blood its fire;

And my frame perish even in conquering pain;

But there is that within me which shall tire

Torture and Time, and breathe when I expire;

Something unearthly, which they deem not of,

Like the remember'd tone of a mute lyre,

Shall on their soften'd spirits sink, and move

In hearts all rocky now the late remorse of love"


Wonder if its a repack of Full Throttle, the coke product here in the states, also came in orange for a bit and blue agave.

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