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Gav makes: Slop Hauler


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So, the Slop Hauler is one of the Gremlins new miniatures in Rising Powers.

Coming in at 5 Soulstones and a competent Area Of Effect healing, many gremlins crews will be featuring this little guy!

with Neveratas Malifaux Tournament in November, i knew i needed this guy in my crew, so here's how i converted mine!

i started with the Gremlin with the banjo; the lack of cloak allowing easy access to his legs and open pose easier to alter :)


from here, we remove his legs at the knees (the haulers have their trousers rolled up; i would too in that swill!) and his hat :)


next we find a thin piece of brass rod. this will be the wooden shaft the buckets hang from.

Find something slightly thinner than required; we'll be using greenstuff to bulk it out! i'm using 0.4mm brass wire :)

we place it between his shoulders to check size ; it's good to leave extra as this allows us to hold it while we sculpt!


I've also drilled out his legs and inserted brass rod so that they are the same length as his legs. stand him next to another gremlin to check!


next we cover this rod in greenstuff. cover the brass rod and then roll it out on a damp, flat surface to get a smooth effect


from here, take a damp sculpting tool and drag it gently but firmly along the length. if your tool starts to stick, moisten it and continue the cut.

don't worry about keeping it straight; it's a wood grain effect!


keep rotating the rod until we have a full shaft;


place this somewhere to dry; the key to sculpting is knowing when to leave things alone!

Next we're going to work on those legs. slap a sausage of greenstuff about the right thickness onto the side of the brass rod


use your sculpting tool to wrap the greenstuff around the brass rod.


then take a damp, flat edge of the tool and smooth out the greenstuff.

We then use the blade edge to cut the shape of a foot in the GS on the base.


once again with the blade, poke the toes into the greenstuff


and use the tip to poke in he toenail areas. for hardcore sculptors, let it dry and add a small ball of greenstuff into this hole to sculpt toenails ;)


do both legs and set the little guy aside to dry; too often i've squished nice sculpting with my impatience!

next we're going to work on those trouser legs. Add a sausage of greenstuff to where the metal meets the greenstuff.


use a wet tool to wrap this around the leg, cut off any excess and try to smooth out the join


use the blade of your sculpting tool to tidy up the edges (try to keep them the same size!) and poke a few folds into this sausage


now then, the wooden shaft should be dry and we can test fit it, bending the arms to get a natural pose


i've snipped off the end (the illustration has a flat edge!) and filed a couple of notches into the wood. this will give the buckets somewhere to hang.

we can see i've bulked up where his head was missing from the hat removal. it's a bit thinner than the rest of his head for a reason!

This piece of plastic in view is the width of the inside of the buckets. several manufacturers make buckets and barrels, but not sure which ones are in scale, so going to sculpt my own!


i've placed some greenstuff on the plastic and wrapped it around, smoothing it off with my sculpting tool.


using a knife, trim the edges to get a nice (fairly) even edge around the open top


next use the slightly fatter edge of the sculpting tool to mark the planks on the bucket


back to the point, create the grain as we did earlier with the shaft


put this aside to dry and we'll return to the goblin.

i've placed some more thin wire across the shaft, running in those notches. i've bent it by hand and balanced it to check; try to bend it on the shaft and something will break! :)


once the bucket was completely dry, i carefully slid it off of the plastic rod to compare with the hanging wire


a dab of glue onto the wire and the bucket stays in place nicely. it's not glued here yet...


you can either put pva glue or resin into the buckets for liquid slop, but i'm going for gribbly bits!

make a tube of greenstuff that tapers to a point


carefully place this into the bucket and lean it against the side for instant tentacle!


i've added a couple and also a square of greenstuff to paint as bacon later :D


for a traditional tentacle, add balls of greenstuff along a tentacle; greenstuff that hasn't set makes them stick more reliably, but requires careful poking!


carefully squish the balls into flat discs, still slightly proud of the tentacle.


then with something sharp, poke dots into the middle of these discs for proper suckers!


here, i've added a ball of greenstuff, flattened into a long oval (tucked into the bucket)


by placing a thin sculpting tool at 90 degrees we can make a fish skeleton!


and simply poke holes to make the eye / mouth for a rotting fish head!


coming back to the slop hauler while his bucket detail drys, we make him a nice helmet of greenstuff


taking a damp tool, make a line running all the way around his head


from here, poke a straight + into the top of the hat. then mark off the compass points


and add further ones for proper sewn hat effect!

next take your sculpting tool and add vertical lines to the unmarked area; this will look like a folded up hat


next, once everything is dry, glue everything together for a passable slop hauler proxy until Wyrd release theirs!


sorry for the poor pics; my camera doesn't do close ups :(

thanks for reading, be sure to show us yours ! :D

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Thanks all! the buckets aren't as good as they could be, but it's only a stop-gap until January (i think?) :)

Nice job, but normal Tournament rules do not allow for models that have not yet been released by the company. Will they let you field this conversion without the actual model being released yet?

it's always worth chatting to your Tournament Organiser ; more often than not a pretty conversion gives leeway :lol:

however, Neverata had a positive nightmare over proxys and basically came up with

the total value of unreleased proxy models that your force will include may not exceed 10ss.

so this lil guy should be fine :)

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Impressive! Are you a professional sculptor? Not Gav Thorpe by chance, are you?

But really good job you did there. It might even come out closer to the artwork than the wyrd-version will (no offence to wyrd - variation is always welcome!)

How long did it take to sculpt yours?

Edited by Daniele
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thanks Baron! i'll be picking up the official minis once they're out f'sure :)

IP issues aside (the gremlin is the Barons' sculpt!) casting isn't an option; sculpting a figure for casting requires some different techniques and this lil guy would be crushed in the mould :lol:

i really can recommend people trying the conversion; only by trying do you learn techniques and improve :)

plus there are Buckets Available to save some hassle!

Daniele; he took a couple of hours a session (it's always good to let these things dry!) for 3 or 4 sessions... The hardest part was stopping to photo and then doing the writeup :lol:

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well, i don't have a malifaux group near but Tournaments are great excuses for cross-country drives so it becomes an issue :rolleyes:

plus it's another excuse fora nice conversion; you can't mistake 'im for anything else :D

i used to be really good for documenting conversions and that slipped a bit, especially after the Zoraida Fiasco :( but hopefully i can get back into the habit :)

paint is drying now, pics soon-ish :lol:

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