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My Showgirls wip


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Great job Matt.

How'd you do the stockings? Gryphone Sepia wash?

Also, what colors did you use for Collette's dress?

Yes. it was a wash but it was devlan or badab but more than likely devlan. I'm sorry I dont remember correctly but it was a vallejo hot orange and a blood red with a red wash. I really should start writing down what I use.

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cool - good idea - where did you get them from?

just googled and I think it came up on amazon or something. I remember it took a week to find them. It was a private seller and half of them were broken because she thought that she could put them in an envelope with bubblewrap. I msg'd her about it but not to be worried because I knew how to use glue.

AH here it is http://www.etsy.com/listing/52981863/set-of-4-miniature-vintage-70s-red-dove

Edited by mattraptor
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Only criticism for the new batch of models is the doves. The wire really stands out, would recommend next time either buying some GW flying bases or using a thin clear plastic rod (you can usually find them at model train stores). Other then that you have done a good job representing the girls.

I totally agree and what I'm looking in to right now is trying to pull off a magical effect to mask the wires. Kind of like they just materialized and flew up from the ground or swooped over a fence.

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