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Leveticus Recruitment List


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Hey guys,

This is no kind of Tactica or anything nor is it a recommendation of which models to use with Leveticus. As it happens I have only just bought the Leveticus box set as a side-project from my Neverborn. Seemed like a logical step for trying out some of the cool constructs available in Malifaux.

Anyway I searched high and low for a similar list due to laziness and couldn't find anything so I went through both rulebooks and made a list of everything Leveticus can recruit into his gang. So I figured I might as well post it just on the off chance somebody else might need it..

Leveticus Recruitment List:


Peacekeeper : 9 ---------------------------------------Construct, Rare 1

Guardian: 7--------------------------------------------Construct, Rare 2

Hunter: 6 -----------------------------------------------Construct, Rare 2

Ryle – Guild Pawn : 8 -------------------------------Construct, Unique, (SF: Elite Division)

Watcher: 3 ---------------------------------------------Construct


Bete Noire: 9 ------------------------------------------Undead, Unique

Canine Remains: 2 ---------------------------------Graverobber, Insignificant, Undead

Crooked Man: 4 --------------------------------------Undead

Flesh Construct: 7----------------------------------Construct, Undead

Madame Sybelle: 6 ----------------------------------Belle, Undead, Unique

The Hanged: 8 ----------------------------------------Spirit, Undead, Rare 2

Necropunks: 3 ----------------------------------------Construct, Undead

Punk Zombies: 5 -------------------------------------Undead

Rotten Belles: 4 --------------------------------------Undead

Dead Rider: 10 ---------------------------------------Construct, Undead, Unique

Guild Autopsy: 3 ------------------------------------Undead

Rogue Necromancy: 10 ----------------------------Beast, Rare 1, Undead (SF: Horror)


Ice Gamin: 4 ------------------------------------------Construct

Ice Golem: 9 ------------------------------------------Construct, Rare 1

Joss: 9 --------------------------------------------------Construct, M&SU Member, Unique

Steampunk Arachnid Swarm: 9 ----------------- Construct

Steampunk Arachnid: 3 ----------------------------Construct, Insignificant

Steamborg Executioner: 10 -----------------------Construct, Rare 1

Large Steamborg Arachnid: 5 ---------------------Construct, Rare 2 (SF: M&SU Asset)

Mechanical Rider: 8 --------------------------------Construct, Unique

Soulstone Miner: 6 ----------------------------------Construct, Rare 2 (SF: M&SU Asset)


Bad Juju: 10 --------------------------------------------Construct, Unique

Hooded Rider: 8 -------------------------------------Construct, Unique

Teddy: 9 -------------------------------------------------Construct, Rare 1

Wicked Dolls: 3 ---------------------------------------Construct, Insignificant, (SF: Doll)


Hollow Waif: Summoned --------------------------Insignificant, Rare 2, Soulless, Undead

Killjoy: 11 ----------------------------------------------Mercenary, Undead, Neverborn, Unique

Alyce: 8 --------------------------------------------------Mercenary, Soulless, Unique

Desolation Engine: 12 ------------------------------Construct, Undead

Steampunk Abominations: 3 ----------------------Construct, Insignificant, Undead

Ashes and Dust: 13 ----------------------------------Construct, Undead, Unique

Ashen Core: (Placed) --------------------------------Construct, Undead, Unique

Dust Storm: (Placed) ---------------------------------Construct, Undead, Unique

Jack Daw: 9 ---------------------------------------------Mercenary, Spirit, Undead

The Stolen: 3 --------------------------------------------Insignificant, Soulless, Spirit, Unique



C. Hoffman: Master----------------------------------Construct, Master, Scavenger

Mechanical Attendant: 3 ---------------------------Construct, Totem (C. Hoffman)


Molly Squidpiddge: 9 -------------------------------Belle, Graverobber, Henchman 5, Undead (SF: Horror)

Necrotic Machine: 2 ---------------------------------Construct, Undead, Unique (Molly Squiddpidge)

Grave Spirit: 1 -----------------------------------------Insignificant, Spirit, Totem, Undead


Ramos: --------------------------------------------------Construct, Master, Scavenger

Ramos may hire any number of SF: M&SU Assets available from this list.

Brass Arachnid: 2 ------------------------------------Construct, Insignificant, Totem (Ramos)

Mobile Toolkit: 3 -------------------------------------Construct, Totem (Ramos/C.Hoffman)

Coryphee: 7 --------------------------------------------Construct, Rare 2, Showgirl

Coryphee Duet: (Placed) ---------------------------Construct, Showgirl


Collodi: 8 -----------------------------------------------Construct, Henchman 7, (SF: Doll)

Marionettes (Through Collodi Only): 2 --------------Construct, Rare 4, (SF: Doll)


Hamelin the Plagued: Master ----------------------Insignificant, Master, Soulless

You may not hire ANY constructs with this secondary master...

Nix, The Bull Terrier: 7 -------------------------------Insignificant, Soulless, Spirit, Unique

I listed the Soulstone cost and any characteristics that may help with building a list. As I say this list was just for my own quick reference. But if one other person can use it, it couldnt hurt to put it up here right?

Maybe one of the better and more experienced Levi players can help me with some sort of ratings for how good each one is?

EDIT: Made changes 19/09/10

Edited by Hesky
See footnote...
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cool dude it does help to see what you can have in one list, cus you always forget about something, it would be cool if this was made sticky for quick refrance, one thing, and this isnt a critiqu, what you have done is cool, but it would be cool to say what special forces group there in, i keep geting cought out wanting to put in molly and a ss miner and stuff, but good work dude

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Wow, seeing that list all put together is... wow. I knew there were more Constructs+Undead than living models in the game, but it's different from seeing the list there. I hadn't even been thinking about the fact that Levi has access to Henchmen from other factions for one thing.

I noticed you missed some Rare ratings, Dead Rider is Unique, I think Rouge Necromancy is Rare 1... I'm sure there are more.

Also it has been ruled that Masters teaming with Leveticus in Brawls are allowed to bring their own totems, by extention I would assume this applies to Henchmen as well, so you should add those Totems to the list... don't have a book in front of me but I know the Arcanists have at least 3 Construct totems and I think the new Resser totem is undead.

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Also it has been ruled that Masters teaming with Leveticus in Brawls are allowed to bring their own totems, ...


Are you sure that it wasn't just ruled that masters are allowed to -connect- a totem?

Random example: I still don't think that, say Leveticus teamed up with Hoffman, you'd be able to bring the Drill Sergeant.

Please give a reference on that one.

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Also it has been ruled that Masters teaming with Leveticus in Brawls are allowed to bring their own totems, by extention I would assume this applies to Henchmen as well, so you should add those Totems to the list... don't have a book in front of me but I know the Arcanists have at least 3 Construct totems and I think the new Resser totem is undead.

That might make this sort of list a bit confusing. I like this list in the sense that it's a broad list of all the models Levi has at his disposal. It's easy to navigate and helps players understand just who Levi is legally aloud to bring.

Besides, Levi works with who, Hoffman and Ramos. Two totems. :vb_tongue

My opinion, of course.

EDIT: SPA's are Insignificant, btw. Addition to the list.

Edited by Blank
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That might make this sort of list a bit confusing. I like this list in the sense that it's a broad list of all the models Levi has at his disposal. It's easy to navigate and helps players understand just who Levi is legally aloud to bring.

Besides, Levi works with who, Hoffman and Ramos. Two totems. :vb_tongue

My opinion, of course.

EDIT: SPA's are Insignificant, btw. Addition to the list.

dont forget hamlin, list is viable if you want a gazillion dogs and the stolen (aside from the auto include nix and rusty)

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Coryphee can only be hired by Arcanist masters so should be moved to the second part of the list :)

Since you included Waifs and the Duet you might also want to include Dust Storm and Ashen Core on the list?

There's also the Grave Spirit which can be a totem for any Henchman or Master you bring along during a Brawl (since it's not master specific).

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Coryphee can only be hired by Arcanist masters so should be moved to the second part of the list :)

Since you included Waifs and the Duet you might also want to include Dust Storm and Ashen Core on the list?

There's also the Grave Spirit which can be a totem for any Henchman or Master you bring along during a Brawl (since it's not master specific).

Changes done.. Well spotted....

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so I played a game with Levi today with a 25SS list including,


2 Steampunks


and 2 Wicked Dolls

and I must say, those wicked dolls are amazing, they do what your steam punks can't, which is move fast, and not be insignificant. Now the coolest thing is Murderous. The Punk Zombie slice and dieced me with a 13:masks and killed both but I'm looking forward to using them more.

Also I might pick up Collodi ya know?

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and I must say, those wicked dolls are amazing, they do what your steam punks can't, which is move fast, and not be insignificant.

I think.. dont quote me as I dont have the rulebook handy. But you need 3 wicked dolls in order to remove insignificant.. Can someone confirm?

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you do need 3.

question on them, if you have 2 next to each othere so they give each other poison, then you get the trigger for poison 2 do you only get the bigest poison or do you get them added up

im thinking collodi might be a nice adition to levi, you would have to make a specialised list, but he would give you really good speed, and when you get wear you want to be you fill them with stones, or even fill three and leav one quick to pull the otheres and collodi, also puppet's soul helps if your going for the outcast scheam to have more ss

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So is this a good list? For 35SS? Take note that I've only played Levi about three times so far so I'm still a noob. Also I kind of suck at making army lists lol


Collodi - 8

4x Marionettes - 8

3x Wicked Dolls - 9

2x Steam Punk Abominations - 6

Total Soulstone Cost: 31SS, 3 Soulstone Cashe

any other suggestions would be awesome, I hate Zorida so I never play her so I might be far off lol

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this is just my preferance, but i would take out the 2 spa's, and put in alyce leavinn 2 ss, if you want more durign the game you can kill dolls for them.

it is a very specialised list, so if your just starting i would go for a more standerd alyce, 4 spas, killjoy sort of list. but it does have power, in my opinion your wicked dolls are never going to survive at 2 wd, and when one dies you become insig again. so i would just go for one or two for the poison buff, and let there melee attack make more.

if you start with three your oponant will definatly kill one if you start on 2 and then make number 3 your oponent will probably be a bit tyed up. the basic idea would be use collodi and marionets to to sort of alpha strike your oponant. use puppet show and breath life to make all your dolls fast and a few of them melee experts, and use doll friends on a wicked doll so he can activate simultaniusly, activate one marrionet next to pull all the otheres to latter, then either, move the wiked doll up next and get your othere three marrionets to make 3 or 4 strikes each with posion 1 or do the marionets first to get you oponant down to 1 or 2 wd's then move the wiked up and kill them with that for a new wicked doll, all the time try to decimate there army with levi and alyce and make spa's that way.

no good at multiple location captur but amazing at slaughter, claim jump, contain power and diliver a message, and with the whole dolls within 12" lose insignificant, and you have 4 dolls simultaniasly activate after collodi has made them fast, you can be good at the two evidence ones

Edited by izikial
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From playing around a little I have discovered that without the hag and other dolls around you really dont get the most out of Wicked Dolls. My favourite combination at the moment for a 30ss is still. But then I am still fairly new to Leveticus...




4 SPA's

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