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Witchhunters (Sonnia Criid's crew) WIP


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Hey guys! I just got my first Malifaux box order in today, and I've started prepping my minis. Unfortunately I couldn't quite figure out how to reduce the space requirements of the photos enough to upload them directly here, but on the brightside I got them posted at deviantart! So far I'm just trying to show the base-work I've done using greenstuff; and any comments or criticisms or critiques are most welcome, as this is the first time for me going all-out with any miniatures. I consider my experience limited as I'm pretty much learning as I go on a budget. Anyway- here are the URLs for the pics: http://shawn-reed.deviantart.com/#/d2yr42s and http://shawn-reed.deviantart.com/#/d2yr4gv

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