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lord chompy bits questions


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so is or will this mini ever be released any other way? will a smaller version be released so it can be used in games of malifaux. yadda yadda yadda....im bidding on one right now and i dont see myself getting it for anything less than $250. and im not gonna pay that much.

yes nathan, i know you told me to buy it at gencon...but im a dumb idjit.


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Awesome! Can't wait to pick up the box set then. Not terribly thrilled about branching out into yet another faction already (Only had Viks until 2 weeks ago, now just starting on Arcanists [woo hoo Colette and Ramos]...and already interested in Hoffman), but I had way too much fun painting up my Nightmare version to not play with him at least at some point.

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Awesome! Can't wait to pick up the box set then. Not terribly thrilled about branching out into yet another faction already (Only had Viks until 2 weeks ago, now just starting on Arcanists [woo hoo Colette and Ramos]...and already interested in Hoffman), but I had way too much fun painting up my Nightmare version to not play with him at least at some point.

I have given up all resistance in terms of staying in faction, just too many cool concepts and crossover opportunities now.

As for LCB, very much looking forward to the box set, I have the Nightmare version but so far have resisted even opening him. Need a proper painter to do him justice.

@ Alemon, I would guess you are correct.

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