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Lord Chompy Bits


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So a friend introduced me to Malifaux and after seeing the LCB I was all for giving it a go. I received my order today and everything was pretty good expect for the LCB. Now I have been gaming and modeling for well over a decade now so this isn't the first miniature I have dealt with, but the front chest piece is very badly misaligned. From left the right the outside edge of the front chest barely touches the inside of the back chest and when you try to line it up on the front with the shoulders it has another 1/8-1/4 gap. I just wondered if it was just my cast or if others were this bad?

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I found the chest piece dosn't sit square in and wasn't intended to. I did a little sandind down of some edges and the whole thing slipped together with very little need for green stuff. Mostly under the forward arm joints, and a touch in the waist. Aside fom that everything matched up pretty snug.

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From left the right the outside edge of the front chest barely touches the inside of the back chest and when you try to line it up on the front with the shoulders it has another 1/8-1/4 gap. I just wondered if it was just my cast or if others were this bad?

I assembled the chest and back before greening it into the shoulder socket, let it dry, and greened it into the waist. There's a seam of green but it's not as bad as your situation sounds.

I think mine was kinda similar. I've been having my boyfriend help me put it together using greenstuff to fill in the gaps and hold it together.

The only real trouble I had on yours was the arms. The big arms socket neatly into the front, and the little arms socket perfectly into the back, so of course that is precisely NOT how the model is supposed to look. It's a bit disappointing but heads-up just so that doesn't catch anybody else by surprise.

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Mine came yesterday and I was looking it over last night, thinking the same thing. There are going to be some gaps that will have to be filled with greenstuff. I don't think they will be that bad though. I've had that problem with larger models from numerous companies, so I don't view it as that big of a deal.

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I had to green stuff my LCB too, but it wasn't that bad on mine. The chest plate had a couple gaps to fill in, but it still fit in without too much trouble. Not a model that can just be put together with no extra work, that's for sure. But I'm fairly pleased with it, overall. Looks great on the table when it's eating everything around it.

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I assembled my LCB last night with the same issues. For the chest, I cut off the nubs and centered the piece where it was supposed to sit. I also had to do some work on the nubs of the arms to get them to fit better. I then applied a fair amount of superglue to the seams to reinforce them and fill gaps. I plan to prime him today, so I will see how well it all worked. My big complaint with him is the size of his base. It just seems to be too small and I had to position him as far back as possible so that he won't fall forward. I think a specially cast 60mm base would have been a nice addition for the cost.

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My LCB, book and card are supposed to be here in the building from Fed Ex. Fex Ex tracking shows a delivery time of 11:13. But no package. Fed Ex show a signature, and there is no one by that name in the building.


So now I need to wait it out a bit to see if the dam package turns up or not. few Ex has two delivery times for my building, so I am hoping that it is just Fed Ex Shenanigans with their tracking software and that my package didn't get miss placed.

One I get my LCB, then I can decide if I want to flip it LOL...I saw one go for $255.....


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Mine had some pretty wretched gaps in it, too. Models this big and larger can have casting issues with getting everything to line up right, so if this is Wyrd's first really big model, it may simply be a matter if inexperience casting up such a huge thing. On the other hand, another local here got his and didn't have nearly the issues putting it together that I did, so who knows?

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Got mine assembled and started painted.

Is some spots you will have to green stuff on, which for a model this size is pretty standard really.

As to basing I used some rubble basing I had to put him up on some rocks so that it lifts the model up some and doesnt make the base look so small in comparision to him.

IMO from many years of assembling and painting models its not to bad a mini. An honestly with the recent prices on minis esp metal ones, its a deal for $60.

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Yeah, I have to agree with most of the other forum members on this one. For a large white metal model, this one isn't to bad. While it does have some gaps, they are same that you would see with any other large model. I got mine last night, its already assembled and the green stuff should be dry by now.

AS for baseing, I'm going with a graveyard theme on this one, that will match up with the teddies I'm going to run.

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Yeah, I had to do some simple filing on a couple of the cast-in pins in order to make everything fit up nice and snug. I like how it all fits together though. Will only require a small amount of green stuff in a few key areas. The thing that bothers me more than anything is that he won't stand up! He's balanced very forward. I think I'm going to have to find a base that is slanted a little in order to make sure he doesn't tip over all the time.

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The thing that bothers me more than anything is that he won't stand up! He's balanced very forward. I think I'm going to have to find a base that is slanted a little in order to make sure he doesn't tip over all the time.


we found that the metal is just soft enough with a little pushing, his toes and knees will give to allowing him to ballance

the trick is going to be finding a base you can put him on

I've been experimenting with using Vinyl wood putty "Filler" and it shapes up well and clings to most of the bases

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Oh good, I'm not the only one who is having these problems. His chest fit together pretty nicely. I did have to use green stuff to fill some gaps. The main problem I'm having is getting his top half to stay on. It didn't fit to well at the waist line. It's snapped off 3 times on me so far. It kept wanting to fall forward, so I had to bend the legs back a little bit so it wasn't leaning as far forward.

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To attach his top half to his lefts here is what I did

1) I took my dremel tool and drilled a hole up into his body dead center with the middle of his waste. I then glued a rod in there and put some grey stuff(PP green stuff) around the hole as well(this was tricky since his whole top half was assembled by this point). The trick is to really get a good thick brass rod secure into his body.

I then packed green stuff into the bottom of his torso and formed it around the brass rod. After it set I drilled a hole into his leg piece and put the rod through and glued. Worked well but was a bit of work.

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