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Sonnia Criid...What makes her tick?

Epic Jimbo

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I've finally convinced my dear friend to give Malifaux a shot. As a starting boxset he chose The Witch Hunters. After a couple of games he really started to get into Sonnia's playstyle and he's really doing quite well. He has a question as to what Guild models would make a nice addition to his boxset. Any suggestions from you Guild players? =]

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I've finally convinced my dear friend to give Malifaux a shot. As a starting boxset he chose The Witch Hunters. After a couple of games he really started to get into Sonnia's playstyle and he's really doing quite well. He has a question as to what Guild models would make a nice addition to his boxset. Any suggestions from you Guild players? =]

Well, a lot of people are going to say Nino no matter what, he's got some nice ranged support. The Witchlings aren't half bad in melee, so I tend to like to bring a bit of range. The Convict is a nice choice because he can potentially do both. It all depends on what comes up, though. Sometimes I bring the Executioner, sometimes the Peacekeeper, and whatnot.

Check some of the Sonnia threads out, they talk about making her work, which will also talk about models. Since you'll be playing against him, you'll also learn some useful tips on stopping her just by learning her yourself.

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Honestly, she's very solid with anything in the first book.

My personal choice when I need something else for her is the executioner. He's solid for putting a little damage on a terror tot quickly and then knowing with Loves The Job that he's safe last another round or two while likely killing both tots.

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As a long-time Sonnia player, I'd also recommend the Convict Gunslinger. Nino or the Executioner is also a solid choice, just keep in mind that your mileage may vary with the big Ex. I've had several games where he didn't do anything but soak up damage; the times I've been able to screen him and get him in close he is absolutely brutal.

Nino is awesome, but it really comes down to your play-style. I've used combinations of all of them, and I tend to use the Convict more often than not. I certainly wouldn't call Santiago 100% better, and saying he's only two more points is like me saying Nekima is only seven more; you have to draw a line somewhere. I'm a firm believer in the Convict, he's solid for his points and fits in well with a Sonnia crew, giving her more ranged options and also some card control.

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I am a Firm! Advocate for my favorite combination of my two favorite shooters, Santiago, and Mr. Hopkins, both have 10" range, making a very large bubble of bullets for the enemy to go through. Both have Rapid Fire which makes both of them Very Deadly when out of melee, and Both of them have something that gives them Dead Serious boosts to damage and combat, The only reason I'm more partial to Mr. Hopkins is because he still does a lot of damage in melee and he can really mess someone up with that Bear Trap of his. But if you can afford the Soulstones or if it's a big game, I'd take both. My only complaint is that Santiago shrivels up when people get too close to him :\

Also! One more thing that I've learned through the past few games with Sonnia. Hard to Kill is your Best Friend! If your enemies are "Hard to Kill" that's just a blinking neon sign that says "Violation of Magic in 3.. 2.. " lol since it doesn't have the ranged symbol you can cast it straight into melee to strip a soldier from the enemies lines and add one to your own. And from the way my Witchling Stalkers keep exploding I tend to need them. Also, when a witchling is at one Wd left, use violation of magic on them! it's a full heal for for free! lol not to mention if they're in melee, they explode causing damage and you can summon him Out of melee, preferably in cover if you need to. So yeah... Violation of Magic, Hard to Kill, and Witchling Stalkers are super fun!

Edited by gunpowder saint
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My only complaint is that Santiago shrivels up when people get too close to him :\

And this is why the Convict, for 2 stones less, is an excellent option. He is paired, shoots as far, has rapid fire, can do some card control, has trigger happy, and can use his pistols in melee.

Santiago certainly has his strengths, but the Convict is a more balanced model.

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Nino or the Executioner is also a solid choice, just keep in mind that your mileage may vary with the big Ex. I've had several games where he didn't do anything but soak up damage; the times I've been able to screen him and get him in close he is absolutely brutal.

Wulfen has a good point here, but i usually prefer that. Usually i take the Executioner with Perditia mainly to lure everyone else out of cover. Then, while everyone is freakin out that "mr. bigclaws" is coming, nino and the gang stand back and open fire. I know it's kind of an expensive waste, but it's worked for me more often than not. =]

I'm not sure if that's useful to you, cause i've never played with or agains Soniia so i don't know how her crew does with ranged combat. I hope it helps though

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And this is why the Convict, for 2 stones less, is an excellent option. He is paired, shoots as far, has rapid fire, can do some card control, has trigger happy, and can use his pistols in melee.

Santiago certainly has his strengths, but the Convict is a more balanced model.

Yep, this is my thinking too. I do like Santiago, but he is more effective with Perdita.

And the Executioner, well, sometimes he's just fun to put on the table. He's a big fat target, but he looks cool. :)

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There are a few threads you can search for with play tricks for Sonnia. To sum them up:

1. you need more than the 4 soul stones she comes with. Preferably 6-8 soul stones depending on your local meta.

2. read the rules and faq carefully on her abilities and spells. The blast spell she has comes in quite handy against clumps of enemies that don't have damage reduction against blasts.

3. When adding models to your crew you will find easy to play options with adding some ranged support to her box. If you are looking for a challenge then add the executioner. A difficult play as the others have said but worth it vs certain match ups when you need a cheap big guy.

4. violation of magic used on an engaged witchling stalker will trigger an explosion followed by a brand new witchling stalker.

5. All ways use your 0 action point effects if you can afford it. They can really hinder a magic happy opponent.

6. Witchling stalkers are excellent for grabbing objectives with their ability to ignore movement penalties from terrain and their added defense against magic.

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One I would advocate for ANY Guild player is an Austringer, not two but just one. Having the one forces your opponent to work to take him out, sit him behind LOS blocking terrain and you almost have free reign to peck the eyes out of anyone who comes into range. Also distract is a VERY good situational tool, especially if you have just discarded some high cards that you need. Sonnia also works well with Death Marshals as when they get down to 1 wound popping Violation of magic at them gives you a fully healed Witchling and the Death Marshal gets his slow to die action.

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