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Outcasts - Book 2 (model spoilers)


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Nutcase168 asked me to put together this thread about Outcasts after reading my brief description over on the Neverborn board.

Just to say, I’m a Neverborn player, through and through, so I am not quite as good at figuring out the uses of models for other factions. I’ll do my best, though. Most of the stuff in the Outcast section is either Freikorps or Hamelin-oriented.

Hamelin the Plagued – Ah, our friend from the first book comes back as a master, and like all Outcast Masters, he plays funky. There’s a lot to him, so I apologize if this sounds all bizarre. But here we are. He’s still a Bully, and as long as he’s got one of The Stolen near him when he dies (he can summon one a turn), he comes back to life, though with diminished ability to cast spells. He’s limited in the models he can hire (Soulless, Insignificant and HT 1), but he can hire them from any faction, and he gets rid of the Insignificant ability on all the models out there. His card drawing is weird. He doesn’t draw at the beginning of the turn after turn one. Instead, he draws whenever his opponent plays a Control Card, and he can draw from the top of the deck or top of the discard pile. Oh, and he creates Rats when things around him die. I hate rats. His weapon does a lot of damage, but can hurt him if he flips weak. His ranged attack can psudo-obey you if it gets Severe damage. He’s got a few abilities to sacrifice friendly models around him, which is all good since he’s going to have so many rats.

Obedient Wretch – Here’s Hamelin’s companion, doing normal companion-ey stuff. She can also help mitigate Hamelin’s problem with control cards a little. A few other abilities too, most triggering upon her death.

Ashes and Dust – Here’s another 13 soulstone monstrosity, both construct and undead. Whenever he kills something in melee (which he’s pretty good at), it leaves no counters behind and instead summons a Steampunk Abomination in its place. You know, in case you wanted one. Charging at it is dangerous unless you’re sure to do some damage to it. When it dies, it just turns into two models called the Ashen Core that acts as a boost for Leveticus’ toys (Desolation Engines and Steampunk Abominations) and the Dust Storm (that sits still and can combine with an Ashen Core to recreate the Ashes and Dust). Overall, he’s not that hard to kill, but he’s primarily there to boost all your other stuff and prey on weaklings around him to get more models on the board for you.

Ashen Core – You can’t get this guy unless the Ashes and Dust die, and then he’s a big boost for your Steampunk Abominations and Desolation Engines).

Dust Storm – Same with the Ashen Core, but it primarily exists to recombine with the Ashen Core and make a new Ashes and Dust. Overall, looks like a lot of fun.

Desperate Mercenary – This guy is very cheap for his power (2 stones), but if he lives past turn two, you have to start ditching soulstones to keep him around. Great for getting an early rush on your opponent, and when it dies, it heals an ally near it. Not bad.

Malifaux Rat – You can buy them, or you can let Hamelin and the Rat Catcher make some. Or both. Why not? They are Slow, but Instinctual. Despite their being Slow, they have the ability to zip around the board, pushing into contact with other rats nearby. They don’t do a lot of damage individually, but if your opponent’s not careful, soon you’ll have a bunch of them out there to deal with, and their damage will start to add up.

Nix, the Bull Terrier – Hamelin’s dog gets his own model now, and he’s really good. He can only join Hamelin (either version) in a gang. A Spirit with six wounds is already solid, but he heals whenever someone else near him loses a Duel. So if he attacks and you get hit, he heals. If he Defends and you miss him, he heals. A tough sucker to put down. He’s also magic resistant in case people want to kill him with spells. He can give a blanket (-) to duels within 3” of him if you’re not Soulless, which is just wrong. Also, his damage progression is backwards. Weak damage does more for him at 4/3/2, and he can increase it to 6/3/0 if he wants to as a (0) action. If he accidentally does Severe damage, there’s a trigger that will summon a Rat instead.

Rat Catcher – He’s only sticking around with The Plagued too. Not much in the way of damage, though with Severe he can Paralyze you, he’s more around to summon rats when things around him die. He’s also got a fun ability that can kill any number of Malifaux Rats within 6”. So attack with all your rats, then have the Rat Catcher go and kill them all, summoning a whole new crew of rats, and attack with them all again. Yeah. Having been on the receiving end of that, I can tell you it sucks. He, Nix, Rats and Hamelin are going to give you Blight Counters each time they hit you, which will increase the damage you take when you’re hit and there are several spells that do 1 damage per blight counter on you.

The Stolen – This is the guy that Hamelin keeps summoning. Good to have them around. They’re Harmless and when someone kills one, in addition to summoning a Malifaux Rat, they also cause a WP duel in the person who killed them or they become Paralyzed. And, of course, Hamelin can replace them if he’s being killed.

I’ll have to come back to the Freikorps in a bit.

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Von Schill – Here’s the Freikorps Leader, a Henchman. I have to confess I only saw the Freikorps played once during the beta testing, so I’m not quite clear on what they all work like. I’ll try to mention the important stuff (I think). He’s a Henchman, so he’ll lead your Freikorps. He has an okay melee attack (though it ignores armor) but a pretty solid gun at RNG 12, 3/4/5. He’s got Freikorps Armor which, evidently, is pretty good stuff. All of the Freikorps have it. Has Armor and Magic Resistance, and ignores damage from Pulses, Auras and AOEs. He’s Slow to Die and Ruthless, and gains bonuses to WP when he’s the defender. He’s good against Undead (doing extra damage to them) and all Freikorps close to him also gain Slow to Die. He is Nimble and Instinctual, and has a slew of (0)’s to choose from. He can sacrifice all Scarp and Corpse tokens around him, clearing them out so your enemy can’t use them. He has two triggers on his gun and two on his knife, but no spells.

Freikorpsmann – A cheap basic trooper for your Freikorps. He’s got Stubborn too like his boss, and wears the Armor. He gets Flurry and just some basic attacks. Nothing too great, but nothing bad either. A trigger on each.

Freikorps Librarian – Here’s your Freikorps spell caster. He has a short ranged gun. He increases your hand size just by existing. Every turn he can ditch a control card before acting, and then his casts gain that suit as their trigger. That’s nice as he’s got two triggers on spellcasting. Each will still require you to flip the right suit, but that’s okay. He’s tougher to take if your hiring him as a Mercenary. His spells focus around buffing your defenses or hindering your opponent by removing suits from their card for the turn.

Freikorps Specialist – Yeah, he’s got a flame thrower. I think that’s awesome. Weak-willed folks think twice before hitting him in melee. Probably for good reason – whenever this guy dies, he does damage to everyone around him, friend or foe. He can go all out and use all his ammo at once for a pretty hefty hit, but then he can’t use his gun anymore.

Freikorps Trapper – He’s a gravedigger. Hunter, Ruthless, Scout. He can give other models Scout too, in case they need it. His rifle does better damage against Beasts and Constructs, and it fires a hefty 16” away. Every time he hits with it, he can trigger a 3” push to move into cover or something. He can ditch corpse counters to heal wounds, and he deploys after everyone else, anywhere on the board not within 12” of an enemy or objective.

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Hamelin certainly did wake up.. I'd expected him to resemble his book1 playstyle more, but I think this sounds really cool, and very tricky to play and play against.

Also Freikorps - yet another soul stone user with Slow to Die x_x !! They sound very elite overall, I'm not sure I like that, but will wait and see.

Thanks for the write-up :)

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Hamelin certainly did wake up.. I'd expected him to resemble his book1 playstyle more, but I think this sounds really cool, and very tricky to play and play against.

Also Freikorps - yet another soul stone user with Slow to Die x_x !! They sound very elite overall, I'm not sure I like that, but will wait and see.

Thanks for the write-up :)

Yeah, Hamelin is a very interesting Master, far different than I expected from him. He still has some of the tricky Obey-style stuff, but that is certainly back-seat to everything else he does now.

For the Freikorps, they're kinda elite, but still not too pricey.

Von Schill is 9, Freikorpsmann is 4, Librarian is 7, Specialist is 5, and Trapper is 6. The Specialist is Rare 1, and Von Schill is Unique, but that's it.

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Damn, I love the sound of these outcasts. I'm definetely going to expand beyond the gremlins into Hamelin and Levi atleast (probably Viks too).

The mercenaries sound like an ideal Killjoy delivery system, and I love the new levi beatstick.

Hamelin sounds like all kinds of cool, I like how he gets to draw if your opponent cheats fate. And of course the rat swarm will be much feared (and maligned).

Happy, Happy.....Joy, Joy

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I will definitely be making a Hamelin the plagued army. Gw's Skaven keep calling to me, despite the fact that I've sworn never to go back to their games. Hamelin should help satisfy whatever part of my brain is obsessed with filthy rats.

Edited by HandsomeDan
Gremlins have their own thread already.
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