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Modular Malifaux Terrain Tiles


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I finished my third and last canal piece (the one with the curved side walls). I also need a round raised section in the middle, so after trying a couple of ideas that didn't work, I came up with this:-


I hope it's obvious how that is put together, but if not just ask.

I forgot to take photos, but there are 4 magnets buried under the surface on the right. The idea is that players will activate bridges (max 2 at a time), so I made a bridge with a corresponding magnet. I will make another later.

Here is what the three canal sections look like joined together, with the bridge attached (in one of four possible positions):-


Just Envirotex Lite to apply to the new section and it is done.

Here is another look at them, with the dock added for fun:-


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Thanks guys :)

One of the problems of making 12" square terrain tiles where ground level sits 2" above the table is getting ground level exactly the same between all the pieces. There is only so much I can do with measuring, as even the thickness of the drying glue affects the dimensions of the finished piece. I need a way to keep these canal sections level with one another.

So, I borrowed a leaf from WWG/ Wyrd's book and invented SholtoClips:-


They are made of plasticard, 1.5mm thickness I think. They are 1" x 1.5". That is a step texture on each one, to help them blend in.

Here they are all set up. The hands are from Sholto's Little Helper #3 :):-


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well it looks fantastic.

I have a bunch of that WW stuff and started making it all up but then I realized the pre-measure problem. If all the tiles are a certain length then it is too easy to know how far apart you are. Since I mostly play Perdita that would be nice for me but I think it creates an unfair advantage.

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That's true, but only so long as you and your opponent are (literally) squaring up. Once you introduce height and/ or diagonals the 6" grid stops being a factor. I have played several games on this table, using Perdita, Ophelia and other ranged crews and I have honestly never been able to use the layout of the table to judge distance perfectly, just because models never line up exactly on the grid. Stupid models :P

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If all the tiles are a certain length then it is too easy to know how far apart you are. Since I mostly play Perdita that would be nice for me but I think it creates an unfair advantage.

Truth of the matter is for longtime wargamers most can judge distances pretty darned accurately by eyeball anyway. If anything it will help the less experienced players and possibly bring them up to where the more "seasoned" players are.

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SO Sholto, how do you deal with LOS. In the one game we have played with this type of scenery we ended up falling back on True LOS rather than the abstracted system in the book. Otherwise I think we would have got really wierd results.

EG in the following situation. You have a Ht2 model on a Ht2 piece of terrain. making it Ht4 for LOS. The wall at the end is therefore Ht3. The target is Ht1. Under the RAW the models can see each other. But it's blatantly obvious looking at the situation that they haven't got a hope of seeing each other.


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