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Painting the Dreamer & LCB journal


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It's been two and a half weeks from the end of Gen Con, just wondering if Eric's going to pick this thread back up? I wasn't able to make it to Gen Con, so didn't see any of the work he did on it there.

It would be nice to have something like this more often from the company painters.

Also, seeing as there is about 6-10 new minis each month it would be great if we could get to see a weekly green.:worship:

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Well, I haven't touched him since Gencon, but I did finally get my photography setup...set up today, so I'm taking photos again (I moved my office, so it was one of the last things to get back in order).

Here he is with both legs done!


And this photo shows the first 4-5 layers of base color on his arm and shoulder, which is obviously missing quite a few layers of highlights!


Now I just hope I get back behind the brush soon!!

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I would say in total it's about 12-15 layers to get the blend smooth going from black to blue-black to tan to white. It takes time, which is why I never seem to have enough to make much progress on him! :(

Thanks for that. That will give me a good guideline when trying to work out if I've thinned the paint too much/not enough.

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