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What Tile sets do you want to see next?

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Yup, Industrial buildings, mining towns and train stations are high on my list! A underground terrain with caves, dungeons or even a mine itself would be very cool too.

I have my doubts if the card tiles are suitable to represent open terrain - bayou, marches, forests, mountains and rocky hills are probably best left represented by traditional tabletop terrain.

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I would like to see Malifaux origional architecture I picture it as a burtonesque Victorian/Gothic style windows maybe with some gargoyles and steam/gas fittings running up the sides with iron smokestacks instead of stone chimneys.

A train station would also be nice. It could have a water/clock tower with twisty arms and a 13th hour.

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[snip] Neverborn architecture, [snip]

Neverborn Architecture, (if they even build buildings anymore) would most prominently be represented by the City of Malifaux itself.

If the Neverborn are the remnants of the people who built that City, the Streets, Buildings, and Sewers of Malifaux terrain sets that are being released would be Neverborn Architecture.

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