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Unofficial Challenge: July Holiday Master Design Contest


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Hey all.

Considering the number of armchair designers that frequent this board I was thinking that it might be fun to have a contest to see who could design the best Holiday/Seasonal Themed Master.

With July coming up we'll start with a Summer/Any Holiday in July theme contest.

To enter all you have to do is write up a short description of your master, just like they do in the Malifaux book, and give stats for him, and up to three of his crew. Then you post it to this thread by July 16.

Judging will be done after the 16th by posted vote, unless the Wyrd staff wants to get involved or someone comes up with a better idea. To vote you post your top three picks for the best in each category: Balance, Originality, Creativity, and Fun.

The prize is bragging rights, again unless Wyrd wants to get involved.

Yes Christmas in July is fair game and I originally thought of doing it as an Uncle Sam/4th of July themed contest but made it broader to apply to more than just US sensibilities.

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Hey all, this idea is actually continuing another thread - "models you want to see," I think. Basic idea is a attorney for the M&SU that is a support/Wp caster whose voice & persuasion skills are the source of his power. Comments are welcome.

I based most of the info on existing spells... from various Masters. So, if they look familiar, you'll know why.

Master – F. Reed Ohm, Esq. (M&SU)

Reed sighed as he got off the train. He didn’t want to be here, he didn’t like this town. It looked wild, unruly and he thrived on order. That was why he went into law, to help organize the chaos, to bring down those who would pervert the system for their own gain. He sighed again, straight ahead a child sat beside a building, looking vacantly ahead, truly a child of Malifaux. “Reed, over here.” Reed looked up and saw his Uncle Ramos, “hello uncle, I made it here in once piece.” Ramos smiled, “so far, but come let’s throw you directly into the fire.” Reed forced his grin to stay in place as Ramos thrust a file into his hands and started chattering away about the case. “Hearing is in an hour, so you’ll have to speed read.”

At the hearing Reed couldn’t stop looking at the grotesque monstrosity waiting underneath a tree that seemed to repel direct sight. Fred, his client, told him that the “bailiff” was referred to as the executioner by everyone, including the Judge. Fred had also told him that if he was jailed for not paying his rent, the Guild would experiment on him. Although Reed didn’t believe him, something was clearly terrifying Fred. He would have to speak with him after the hearing.

“Mr. Fred, you have not met your rent for 6 months, how do you plead?” droned the Judge. “Excuse me your honor, but where is the landlord? asked Reed. “I am, son,” replied the Judge with a smile. Reed felt outrage and then something changed. His eyes started to water as he felt a pressure building within himself. “Counselor, anything to say?” The Judge was now laughing openly.

Hours later Reed thought back to the trial. He could barely remember what he said. All he could remember was how the Judge and the Executioner responded. Reed remembered the feeling of power as he demanded the Judge remove himself from the case. At first the Judge seemed angry, but as Reed continued the Judge looked embarrassed and then physically ill. The Executioner had started coming towards Reed, but once Reed directed his tirade at the obscenity, the lumbering idiot had actually retreated. At some point in time an eagle had flown by and shrieked an exclamation of approval to his argument. The Judge ended up releasing Fred from all debt. Reed was brought back to reality as a drink was shoved into his hand into his hand. “To Reed, honorary Steamfitter,” cried Fred. Fireworks were going off as Fred and his family celebrated freedom. Reed smiled, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.

Ramos also smiled at his good fortune. He had felt Reed use Malifaux’s energies this afternoon; different than his own powers, but still powerful in its own right. He would need to test Reed’s manner of energy manipulation – it seemed sonic in nature, but he wasn’t yet sure. Reed would need a tutor immediately; he was already a hero with the commoners in this part of town. They would die to protect him from Sonnia while he learned and as an officer of the court he would untouchable unless the Guild wanted a large scale riot on their hands.

“Professor, excuse me, but it is done.” Ramos jumped as a hand lightly touched his elbow. “Dammit, Rebecca, why do you do that!” Rebecca laughed at Ramos’ anger, but finished her report in the concise manner she was famous for. “The Judge and Executioner are dead and gone, all reports and documents from the case were destroyed, and Reed’s arrival in Malifaux never happened.” “It seems the Executioner went crazy and killed the Judge and then himself.” “Did the Judge contact the Witch Hunter’s?” “No,” now Rebecca frowned, “he seemed in a stupor when I got to his chambers, just sitting there and drooling – the Executioner was also dead to the world.” Ramos rolled his eyes at Rebecca’s attempt at humor but then became thoughtful; Reed’s power was far more potent than he had though originally. “Does he understand what he has become,” asked Rebecca? “Not yet, he thinks he has some kind of travel fatigue,” replied Ramos. “Will Malifaux break him?” Ramos looked closely at Rebecca, though she was excellent at cleaning up messy situations, she did have a soft spot for the common folk and seemed intrigued that Reed had the same weakness. Ramos had been looking for something to keep Rebecca in his employ, she was too talented to be allowed to pursue common vigilantism.

He smiled, he would use her curiosity, “Rebecca, how would you like a long term contract.” Reed looked over at his uncle. Ramos was talking with a woman who seemed to be standing in shadows that shouldn’t be there. Reed rubbed his forehead; he knew Ramos wanted to use him like a tool in this city’s intrigue. Ramos was even approaching him now, the woman in tow. Reed smiled as introductions were made, no, he would not be a puppet, he wouldn’t be anyone’s hired gun, he was his own master.


1.Immune to Influence

2.Hide behind the law: Harmless v. Guild

3.Last Breath Exhortation: Slow to Die + 3 to Ca for the Slow to Die action

4.Fuel for the Fire: Heal 1 Wd when a living or undead enemy model is killed w/i 6 inches of this model, if the model is an enemy M&SU member, also draw 2 cards. If a friendly M&SU member dies within 3 inches of this model heal 3 Wd & draw 1 card.

5.Clockwork Pistol (same as Victoria’s)


1.(0) Blackmail – target model within 12” performs a Wp → Wp Duel with this model. If the model loses, it may not play Control Cards in its next activation.

2.(0) Entrusted with Their Most Private Information – 1 friendly M&SU member within 6” receives Companion (Esq.)


1.Cb (tome) “This is our Independence Day!”: friendly units within 2 inches of damaged model gain +1 to damage to melee strikes.

2.Ca (tome, tome) Objection: After defender suffers at least 1 wound, this model may prevent 1 (1) action based on a general action point (not (0) or (+1) actions). Kudos to Chucklemonkey’s idea posted in another thread

3.Ca (tome/ram) Iron Willed Leader: After defender loses a Wp resist duel, any friendly target within 10 inches of the defender may be moved 2” toward defender or 4” away from defender.

4.Df (tome/ram) “I’m just more equal than you”: after this model is hit with a ranged or melee attack, target a friendly model with 4”. Target suffers from the result of the damage flip or effects of the Strike instead of this model

Spells – all voice focused since lawyers talk a lot

1.(1) Orate – (CC 14/Rst: -/Rg: 10) target model & 1 model per 2 tomes in the casting total within 3 inches of the target receive Melee Expert (1) or Ranged Expert (1) until the start of the closing phase.

2.(1) Manipulate: (CC 14/Rst: Wp/Rg 12) target model immediately makes a (1) Action or a Charge controlled by you. This spell may be cast once per activation. (same as Obey)

3.(1) Shame – (CC 14 tome/Rst: Wp/Rg: 12) target suffers 1 wound, loses (0) actions during its next activation, & is moved up to 2 inches away (back arc of 180 degrees) from caster.

4.(1) Virtuous Recitation – (CC 17 tome/Rst: Wp/Rg: gun 12) Dg 2/3 mushroom cloud/5 mushroom cloud. Friendly M&SU units hit by this spell heal 2 Wd instead of suffering damage.

5.(1) Inspire – (CC 15/Rst: -/Rg: aura 3) until the start of the closing phase, friendly M&SU members receive +2 to Df & +1 to Wp. Attackers hitting affected models with melee strikes must make also win a Wp duel to inflict damage (this Wp occurs before damage flips are made).


Bald Eagle (mechanical steampunk version) - totem


1.Companion (Reed)



4.Sign of Hope: friendly models within LoS of this model gain Slow to Die.


1.Magical Extension

Steamfitter - Minion (M&SU) – Minion - 4ss cost – basic trooper

1.Fireworks/Steamworks – ranged weapon

2.Wrench – melee weapon

Rebecca – Minion (M&SU) – 7ss – “I used to be a Malifaux child, but then I discovered I could fight back to those who have taken everything and are still not satisfied. You have a mess, I’ll clean it up. You need information, I’ll find it. Payment in soulstones only please.” Rebecca advertises as an “information specialist” and officially is open to hire by anyone. Rebecca is not known to many outside the Arcanist’s inner conclave. She is only known to get the job done without any complications. When seen around the local M&SU building, laborers always joke with one another about the files Rebecca always carries around and the little pouch of soulstone dust at her side. But when someone with an affinity for the forces that swirl around Malifaux come close, they shudder. Only Ramos may understand how Rebecca twists and perverts the inherent magical energies in Malifaux’s soulstones. But wisely, he has never pressed her to explain.

However, killing a target is not optimal, destroying a target is far more satisfactory. True satisfaction from a job well done comes through attaining information about a target and using it to break them. Recently Rebecca has found an employer who has his own talents and tells the story contained in her folders like no other. Although new to the city’s intrigue, both Rebecca and Reed have made it onto several assassination lists.


1. Scout

2. Gunfighter

3. Evasive 2

4. Armor 1

5. Magic Resistant 2 – due to her long exposure to soulstone dust


1. (1) Blowgun (Rg: 12/Cb: 6/Dg: 2/3/6) – May only be used at range once per turn and may take one of the following attributes for the dart after damage is hit:

a. “From R. with Love” – (requires tome trigger) critical strike (blowgun)

b. Soulstone Special (requires a tome & raven feather trigger) – do no damage, kill defender unless its controller discards 2 control cards or 2 soulstones. Only models with the Use Soulstones ability may discard soulstones.

2. (1) Bend shadows – Rebecca flings soulstone dust as the very reality of Malifaux seems to twist – Rebecca and any Linked/Companioned model gain soft cover until start closing phase.


1. (0) Inside Information – CC 10/Rst:-/Rg: C) – Rebecca anticipates the target’s actions, cancel 1 effect on this model. Cancel an additional effect per tome in the casting total.

2. (1) Your Weakest Link – CC 14 tome/Rst: Df/Rg: 10) – After studying the target for so long, Rebecca damages the target’s unique connection to Malifaux’s energies. Target receives slow and cannot be healed for the remainder of the game

Edited by Japache
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Nice Japache. I may end up making an actual entry thread for people to post their "final" version.

Remember you also need to write up the fluff background material too.

I kindo think of the game as being judged by five faction judges. Guild judges on game balance, Arcanists on Originality, Ressurectionists on Creativity, Neverborn on Theme, and Outcasts on Fun.

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As promised,

Viviane, Titan of Midsummer

On earth, Mouther Nature comes forms and names on malifaux it goes by Viviane, she is often seen on the outscirts of the city, standing beside her hunting dogs, watching and waiting, she has never attacked the city itself.

Until recently almost everyone belived her to be an urban myth since very few had seen her, she is often discribed as a women, of unnatural beauty, that appeares out a lake from nowhere, despite her enormous size, she stands top of the water held afloat by unknown magic's. a scyth is straped to her back, to an on looker she would appear to a strange carveing from a tree, still and lifeless.

Dispite this never under estermate her, she many of never attacked the city itself, but many pineer towns have felt her wrath, removing all trace of the town in it's entreity and leaveing one suriver to pass on the tale, although all known surivers have gone made out of fear and describe what hapoened as "Nature reclaming, what is writefully hers"

Viviane, Neverborn Master, 50MM base, chase 3


Scyth of the old world

Rg 3 :melee

Cb 7:crows


Blade of the old times

Rg 2 :melee

Cb 8 :masks


Wk/CG 5/8 Ht 4 WP 7

Ca 7:masks Df 1 Wd 12


Armour 2

Magical Restance 1

bulletproof 1

Regenerate 2

(+1) fast


Nature incarnate: As only as this model is in water or forest terrain piece, you may instead of walking you may place Viviane inside another forest or water terrain piece

Force of nature crews containing Viviane maymay hire Waidgeists at a reduced cost of -1 soulstone and there recive rare 3

Haunted forest : this models Blade of the old times strikes can target models anywhere within 1" of a forest terrain piece while it's base is touching the forest

Eldest Tree : Attacks against Viviane recive +3Cb, unless Viviane is inside a piece of forest terrain then attacks against Viviane recive :-fate

Weapon, Blade of the old times, Scyth of the old world magical


Cb (:crows:rams) decapitate

Cb (:masks:masks) Entangle After damaging a defender touching a forest terrain piece with a Blade of the old times strike, while this model remains touching the terrain piece, the defender recives slow and must end all movement touching the terrain piece.


(1) uproot

(CC: 10 :masks Rst- / Rg2)

replace one forest up 5" away this model immediatly moves it's Wk directy towards that terrain piece

(1) Retake

(CC: 16 :masks:masks Rst - / Rg 5)

Place a 4” diameter circle of woods terrain within 5" of Viviane

(0) Call of the hunt

(CC: 18 :masks:masks Rst - / Rg -)

sacrifice a forest terrain piece, summon a Waidgeists

Pack dog - Totem cost 1

Insignifcant, beast, totem (Viviane)


Rg 1 :melee

Cb * :masks


Wk/CG 3/5 Ht 1 WP 5

Ca 5:masks Df 5 Wd 3


Conmapion (Viviane)

Pack hunters : up to six pack dogs may be connected to Viviane at any one time

(-1) Slow

(+1) Nimble (may take an extra walk action)


weapon : bite * is equil to the number of pack dogs within 4'


(1) pack call : (CC: 15 :masks Rst- / Rg2) summon a Pack dog

(1) Magical Extension (CC: * Rst * / Rg *)

Neverdrax, neverborn minion cost 13

Beast, Nephilim, Dragon

Out of all of monsters of Mailfaux none is more fear than the Neverdrax, created by Marcus from the blood of the Nephilim and the native flora of Malifaux, now living in the wilds of mailfaux, it corrupts all that it touches, twisting it's creator to an unknown will.

Paired Claws

Rg 2 :melee

Cb 6 :masks


Flame Breath

Rg :blast:blast:blast :melee

Cb 8


Wk/CG 5/9 Ht 3 WP 6

Ca 5:masks Df 4 Wd 12


(+1) Melee expert

Armour 2

Black blood


One with the forest : attacks aganst Neverdrax recive :-fate

Walking Forest :aura 4 is treated as forest terrian

Haunted forest : this models Paired Claws strikes can target models anywhere within 1" of a forest terrain piece while it's base is touching the forest

Tainted Blood : When hired in crews with Marcus and or Myranda they the neverborn and nepilim characteristic's and Marcus also gains Neverdrax's Paired claws weapon

Weapon, Flame Breath is magical

When making Flame breath strikes place 3 50mm disks in a straght line from this model to the target model, any other model in these disks thats any uncheatable 1/2/4 damage flip


Cb (:masks:masks) Entangle After damaging a defender touching a forest terrain piece with a Paired claws strike, while this model remains touching the terrain piece, the defender recives slow and must end all movement touching the terrain piece

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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It was the first summer after the re-colonisation of Malifaux and after the initial fear this brought, a wave of optimism was sweeping through the human inhabitants of the city.

A summer celebration was planned, a festival for all those who had ventured through the breach. Everyone looked forward to the carefree weekend ahead, even the Guild seemed more relaxed in their ways than normal.

Little did they know that the great musician Jimmy E. Quinox - booked to headline the event - had diverted much of his great wealth and influence in mastering the dark arts of necromancy, and now all would gather to see his finest symphony...

Jimmy E.Quinox :thrasher:

Reserrectionist Master


4/6 2 6 7:crows 5 10

Totem : Undead Groupie

Minions : Great Unwashed

Young Hipsters

Coffin Roadies


Hard to Wound 1

Undead Master - Can hire undead from all factions for no additional cost.

Casting Expert (+1)

Wall of sound - When enemy models charge Jimmy they must pass a willpower 12 test, which can be cheated. If failed, model receives paralysed.



(:crows:crows)Bleeding Eardrums : Models damaged by a Screaming Riff attack receive slow.

Axe Base

Rg 1: (:melee)



Screaming Riff

Rg 10" :ranged




Medicinal Purposes? (1)

Ca 14/RST -/Rg 6

Flip a fate card. Target friendly model receives following benefit. Till start closing phase.

Red joker : [+] on Cb and Dg flips.

Severe : Model receives fast + Eat your fill ability

Moderate : Model receives fast

Weak : Model receives +2cb

Black joker : Model receives paralysed.

Solo (1)

As per Nicodems decay but

1/2/4:blast for DG on enemy models.

Summer of Love (2)


If cast and two great unwashed are within 12" of Jimmy AND 6" of each other, summon 1 Young Hipster to b2b (with one of the great unwashed).

Feel the love(1)


Friendly models receive Hard to wound 1 but become easily influenced.

Possibly thinking of replacing a spell or just adding another 1. Melodic Harmony as obey. Not sure if he would then have too many spells though? I have ideas for his totem and minions but will wait to see if this thread takes off and edit them in if required.


Totem for Jimmy

Undead Groupie

SS Cost: 2

Insignificant, Totem, Undead

Companion (Jimmy E Quinox)

Voice cuts Glass. (:ranged)



Un-natural sycophancy (1)


If cast, raise Jimmy's Cb, Wp & Df by 1 until start closing phase.

Please sign here (1)

As per Rotten Belle's undress.

Encore (1)

Magical Extension

Edited by Chucklemonkey
Adding of Totem
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Where the swamps give way to beaches, the ocean calls those parched by their prolonged stay in Malifaux’s unforgiving climate. Rumors have it that on these beaches, away from the prying eyes of the Guild, there are communes where life is a massive party, where glistening, golden-bodied men flex their muscles for fawning women in scanty bathing suits. The food is never ending, warm sun beats down by day and bonfires rage in the night. What the tales do not tell is that these refuges are the domain of Helios, Neverborn master of the sun and fire, and his minions have their own idea of what makes a good party.


Neverborn Master

Cache 3

Bearing a golden tan and rippling muscles, Helios leads parties of all description on the beaches of Malifaux. The promise of an endless summer bash, however, comes at a price: the Neverborn who dance around the bonfires and frolic in the waves burn those they touch with the heat of summer, and pick the charred flesh from the seared bones of their victims.

Wk/Ch Ht WP... CA... DF .......WD

5/8...... 2.. 5.. 7 (:masks).. 4 (:masks) 10


Hot Body

Rg 1: (:melee)




Rg 12" (:ranged)




Long Days: If not in melee range of an enemy model, Helios may use his Melee Expert action to make a ranged attack instead.


Summer Thaw: Models within 12” lose Frozen Heart

Weapon: Sunbeam: Damage flips against undead targets receive (:+fate)


(+1) Melee Expert

(0) Surf’s Up: Friendly Neverborn models beginning their activation within 6” may move across water terrain without penalty.

(0) Muscle Beach: :pulse 12" Enemy female models in LOS perform WP -> WP with this model or lose 2 Def until Start Closing Phase. Male models, constructs, and beasts are unaffected.

(1) Dispel Shadows: Models within 12” do not benefit from cover.


Cb(:masks, :masks) Machismo: When damaging defender with a Hot Body strike, target gains Paralyzed.

Df(:rams, :masks) Hot Headed: After receiving melee damage, make a Hot Body strike against the attacker. After receiving ranged damage, make a Sunbeam strike against the attacker. If the attacker is a friendly model, and this trigger is available, it must be used.


Sap Strength (1)

CC 12(:masks)/RST Wp/Rg 12

Target model receives Slow.

Flash Fire (1)

CC 14/RST Def/Rg 12

Dg 2/4/5

Lure (1)

CC 12(:masks, :crows)/RST Wp/Rg 12

Push target model its Wk toward this model. If the push ends with the target in this model’s melee range, it makes a melee attack against the target.

Members Only (All)

CC 16(:masks, :masks)/RST -/Rg 8 :aura

Enemy models beginning their activation outside the aura may not enter it. Enemy models beginning their activation inside the aura may not end any move effect closer to Helios than when they began it.

Malifaux Seagull

Neverborn Minion (Totem-Helios)

Cost 2

Above the beaches of Malifaux fly seabirds seeking unwary fish or rotten meat. They also seek those who might serve as prey for their master, the sun-god Helios.

Wk/Ch ...Ht WP... CA ......DF WD

10/10 ... 1... 4 ...5 (:masks) ... 7.... 3


Sharp Beak

Rg 1: (:melee)



Dive Bomber

Rg 6" (:ranged)




Dirty Bird- Models hit by a Dive Bomber strike receive Slow. Models damaged by a Dive Bomber strike instead receive Paralyzed.


Flock- Helios may link to more than one Seagull at a time. He may purchase up to two seagulls at start of game.


(All) Garbage Picker

CC16(:masks, :tomes)/RST -/Rg C

Friendly Master within 6” gains one soul stone. This may not bring the friendly side’s soulstone pool above the limit for the type of match.


Birds of a Feather (2)

CC 14(:masks,:tomes )/RST -/Rg C

Summon Malifaux Seagull, linked to Helios.

Magical Extension (1)

CC */RST */Rg *

This spell may be cast only once per activation. Cast one of the connected Master’s (1) spells. During this casting, the model may use a soulstone to change its starting total.


Neverborn Minion (Unique)

Cost 9

Basking in the sun is the immense creature known as Doldrum. Nearly immobile, anything forcing him to his feet and action becomes the focus of a wrath most terrible, the creature’s primary desire to make the distraction go away so he can get back to doing nothing.

Wk/Ch Ht WP CA....... DF.... WD

4/- ..... 3... 6.. 6 (:masks) 5 (:masks) 12


Brush Off

Rg 2: (:melee)

Cb:6 (:masks)



Armor 2

Hard to Wound 2

Hard to Kill

Immune to Influence

Shambling- Ignores terrain penalties while Walking

Slow to Die


(-1) Slow

(+1) Casting Expert

(1) Siesta- This model makes a healing flip.


Cb(:masks) Lethargy: When damaging defender with a Brush Off strike, target gains Slow.

Cb(:masks, :rams) Get Lost: When damaging defender with a Brush Off strike, push target 1” per wound inflicted, ignoring intervening models and terrain.

Def(:masks, :rams) Too Lazy to Feel Pain: When damaged by attacker, make a damage prevention flip.


Sargasso (1)

CC 14(:masks:masks)/RST Wp/Rg 12 (Aura)

Enemy models within the aura receive Slow.

Heat and Humidity (1)

CC 15(:masks:masks)/RST Wp/Rg 12

Target model gains Paralyze.

Bathing Beauty

Neverborn Minion

Cost 4

Many a hardened mercenary or weary miner has found the beautiful women that comprise the majority of partygoers irresistible. Letting their guard down, they begin dancing and frolicking with the scandalously clad women. Too late do they realize these beauties also find them irresistible- irresistibly delicious.

Wk/Ch Ht WP ... CA.... DF WD

4/6...... 2.. 5... 4 (:masks) .. 4... 6


Fluffy Pillow

Rg 1: (:melee)



The Hose

Rg 10: (:ranged)




Companion: Helios

Easily Influenced


Wet T-Shirt: +4(:crows) Ca when casting Lure.


(0) Bikini Beach: Enemy male models in LOS are at -1 Wp until Start of Closing Phase. This ability is cumulative with other Bathing Beauties using Bikini Beach.


Cb(:masks) Pillow Fight: When damaging defender with a Fluffy Pillow strike, target gains (negative damage flip) to all tests until Start Closing Phase.

Cb(:crows) Slippery When Wet: When damaging defender with a The Hose strike, target gains Slow.

Df(:masks) Pouty Sulk: After receiving strike damage or spell damage, attacker’s activation ends.


Airheaded Giggle (1)

CC 12(:masks)/RST -/Rg C

Caster gains Harmless.

Lure (1)

CC 12(:masks :crows)/RST Wp/Rg 12

Push target model its Wk toward this model. If the push ends with the target in this model’s melee range, it makes a melee attack against the target.

Edited by Satyrwyld
Trying to space out statblocks properly
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Apparently July 1st is "International Joke Day" So I decided to come up with a Stand-up Comic.

"Having been around for quite sometime, Woodley Langston has been Malifaux's lone Stand-up Comedian. Because of that, regardless of how terrible his jokes are, no one has the heart to give him the hook, mainly because there is no one better then him around. As he travels from bar to bar he has gained a following of both people who laugh at even the worst of his jokes and those that want to throw him off the stage. Investigations have been done to see exactly how he, a mediocre comedian with only a handful of good jokes, can gain such a following, but no one has figured it out just yet."

Woodley Langston 30mm

Outcast Master, SS Cache - 0

Wk/Cg - 4/5 Ht - 2 Wp - 8 Ca - 7:rams/:tomes Df - 3 Wd - 10


Mic Stand

Rg - :melee 2

Cb - 4

Dg - 1/2/3


Rg - :ranged 10

Cb - 5:tomes

Dg - 1/1+Slow/3+Paralyzed


Unapproachable: This model can not be the target of Charge actions unless the model passes a WP->14 duel.

Dual Focused: When this model uses it's Ca add either suit to the total, but not both.

"One Last Joke": When randomly deciding last turn of the game. You may choose to automatically pass and play the next turn. This may only be done once.

Loyal Following: When hit by an attack, you may choose to redirect the damage to a "Loyal Fan" within 2" of him.

Weapon, One-Liner: This attack my choose to target Wp instead of Cb. Damage flips against models with a Wp of 4 or less recieve a :+fate


Casting Expert (+1)

(0) Break for Laughter: Summon 1 Loyal Fan with 1 wound in base to base with this model.

(0) Sound Check: Casting Flips receive :+fate to the duel until the Start Closing Phase.


Cb(:rams:tomes) Transition Joke[One-Liner]: After successfully damaging an opponent with this weapon, cast a (1) spell targeting that model. The spell gets a :+fate to the cast.

Ca(:rams:tomes:tomes) Standing Ovation[big Finale]: Loyal Fans summoned from this spell gain Fast until the Start Closing Phase.


(1) Knock, Knock

(CC: 14:rams/Rst: Df/Rg::melee2) 1/2/3 Models damaged by this spell receive a :-fate to all duals until there next activation.

(1) Anecdote

(CC: 16:tomes/Rst: Wp/Rg:12) Model takes 2 wounds and receives Slow.

(2) A Good Joke

(CC: 10:rams:tomes/Rst: -/Rg::pulse4) Friendly models make a Healing Flip.

(3) Big Finale

(CC: 18:rams:tomes/Rst: Wp/Rg::pulse12) 3/4/7 If any model is killed by this spell summon 1 Loyal Fan in base to base to that model.

"The influence of Woodley has spread to the citizens of Malifaux greatly. These poor souls actually think he is funny, funny enough to were they follow around and even have formed a fan club. They have elevated this once poor individual into a godlike status giving up there hard-earned cash...and even Soulstones they have swiped from the mines to Woodley."

Loyal Fan - Totem 30mm

Insignificant, Totem (Woodley Langston) Cost-2

Wk/Cg - 3/5 Ht - 1 Wp - 4 Ca - 4 Df - 4 Wd - 3


Bad Joke

Rg - :ranged5

Cb - 3

Dg - 1/1/2


Companion (Woodley Langston)

Bad Retelling: Magical Extention spells this model casts is at a :-fate when casting

Loyal Fan Club: Any number of Loyal Fans may be connected to Woodley at one time. But you may only ever hire at most 3 Loyal Fans.


(1) Magical Extention

(CC: */Rst: */Rg: *) This spell may only be cast once per activation. Cast one of the connected Master's (1) spells. During this casting, this model may use a Soulstone to change its starting total.

"The ever-greedy stage manager, Darius is only in it for the money, and only Woodley seems to make enough to support them both with plenty left over. Using all the tools of the trade, he personally keeps anyone trying to de-throne his bread-winner from being the only one around. Even going as far as killing off those prospects."

Darius, Stage Manager. 30mm

Minion, Unique, Cost - 8

Wk/Cg - 5/7 Ht - 2 Wp - 6 Ca - 6 Df - 5 Wd - 8


"The Hook"

Rg - :melee2

Cb - 6:tomes

Dg - 2/4/5


Back-Stage Pass: Instead of Deploying this model but before you deploy other models. Secretly chose a terrain Element on your side of the board. Starting on turn 2 you may place Darius on that terrain element when he would activate.


Hard to Kill

Stubborn: This model receives +2 Wp in duels where it is the defender.


(2) Flurry

(2) Givin' Them "The Hook": Make a "The Hook" Strike with Rg 5.


Cb(:rams:tomes) Decapitate: When Damaging a defender with a "The Hook" Strike, Kill Defender unless its controller discards 2 Control Cards or Soulstones. Only Models with Use Soulstones ability may discard Soulstones.


(1) Deal with Rabble

(CC: 12/Rst:-/Rg::pulse6) Remove any :aura Effect in play

(1) Rehearsal

(CC: 15:rams/Rst:-/Rg::aura6) Other Friendly Models Focus actions cost 1 less

"To every great comedian there is always a critic. To Woodley's dislike he has started a following of highly annoying individual's banding together to stop his sudden rise to the top or for that matter, anyone else that gets in there way."

Heckler 30mm

Minion, Cost - 4

Wk/Cg - 4/6 Ht - 2 Wp - 4 Ca - 3 Df - 6 Wd - 4


Broken Bottle

Rg - :melee1

Cb - 5

Dg - 1/2/4

Rotten Fruit

Rg - :ranged6

Cb - 4

Dg - 0/1/2


General Disdain: This model isn't considered friendly to any model. This model cannot be made to take actions outside of it's activation.


Weapon, Rotten Fruit: Poison 2


(0) Badger: :aura6 Cast actions receive :-fate to flips until the Start Closing Phase.

(0) Tirade: Activate up to 3 other Hecklers within 6" of this model.

"Like every good entertainer, Woodley brought the schematics for his tour bus, which he uses to get from bar to bar, even if the distance is walkable. Darius, upon seeing the bus, decided to take some creative measures to protect both Woodley and himself. Also hiring a crazy driver, this is not only a great transport option for people, but a great defensive tool as well."

Tour Bus - 50mm

Minion, Construct , Rare 1, Cost-10

Wk/Cg - 6/10 Ht - 3 Wp - 6 Ca - 3 Df - 3 Wd - 10



Rg - :melee1

Cb - 5

Dg - 3/4/6

Hidden Weapons

Rg - :ranged10

Cb - 4

Dg - 1/3/5


Hard to Wound 2

Immune to Influence

Armor 1

Terrifying -> 13

Weapon, Hidden Weapons: This model hits all targets when firing into Melee.


(2) Run Over: Push this model up to its charge toward a model. This model may interrupt the push to make a Bumper Strike which receives a :+fate to the attack. If there is any movement left after this attack, it gains Pass Through for the remainder of the Push.

(1) Transport: Push this model up to 6". Up to 3 models in base to base with this model may move with the push. All other models must end in base to base with this model.

And there ya have it, that's it from me ^^

Edited by MadArcanist
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Djaingo, sheath for the blade

Outcast -Graverobber Master Mercenary Souless

30mm ssCache-2

Wk/Cg- 5/8 Ht- 2 Wp- 7*

Ca- 5 Df- 7* Wd- 10


Rg 2:melee

Cb 7*

Dg 2/4/7


-Bulletproof (2)

-Chorus of steel- After this model succesfully resists an enemy spell, gain one soulstone.

-The song of the dead- If this model is killed , discard 2 soulstones to burry and fully heal this model. During the following closing phase replace a model with a daisho with Djaingo and this model suffers 5 wd.


-(0)The metal I am- discard 1 soulstone, this model may focus strike for (1) for the turn.

- (+1)I bring you the edge- discard 1 soulstone or 2 controll cards, this model may imediatly charge an enemy model.


-Cb(:crows:rams)Sever your head- When damaging defender damage flips recieve:+fate:+fate. Draw 1 controll card if defender is killed.

-Cb(:rams:masks)I cut so deep-Muramasa strikes recieve +2 dmg

-Df(:masks:crows)moves you make-After attacker misses with a ranged attack push this model 4".After attacker misses with a melee attack make 1 muramasa strike.


-(0)I am the blade (cc: 10/Rst:-/Rg:C)If a (:crows) was used to cast this model recieves +1:crowsWp,If a (:masks) was used to cast this model recieves +1:masksDf,If a (:rams) was used to cast this model recieves +1:ramsCB, this spell remains until cast again.

-(1)I am the dream of the brave (cc: 14/Rst:-/Rg; :aura6)Models daisho strikes may use this models Cb/Df triggers and are effected by "i am the blade".(replace instances of muramasa with daisho for other models)

-(0)I am the promise unmade (cc: 18/Rst:-/Rg:6)Sacrifice 2 corpse counters to summon 1 clan member within 6".


Outcast - Insignificant Neverborn Totem(Djaingo)

30mm sscost-4

Wk/Cg- 4/6 Ht- 1 Wp- 5

Ca- 4(:masks) Df- 5 Wd- 4


Rg 1

Cb 4*

Dg 1/2/4


-Shackled- Summon this model to a friendly Djaingo during the closing phase it is killed.

-Physical aberration -this model doesnt generate any corpse counters when it is killed.

-Reaving- After a living or undead model is killed within 6" this model gains 1 blood counter.


-(0)Blood for oil-

(cc: 10/Rst:-/Rg; :aura4)discard 1 blood counter, this model suffers 1 wd. Friendly melee strikes recieve +2 dmg.

-(1)Blessing of Muramasa

(cc::masks:masks 12/Rst:-/Rg:6)Friendly model recieves one of the benefets of "i am the sword". this spell may only be cast once per turn and lasts until the closing phase.

Edited by dakrulz55
adding totem
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