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So hello! New here obviously, otherwise I would not be writing this post. Ehehe. Anyway the name is Clay, you can call me that or Stomp or Stompie or Stomphoof. I recognize all of the above names.

I got ahold of the Malifaux rulebook last night, and have been reading it and I have to say I am very interested in the world and the game!

I did however have one basic question: Which of the following crews would you suggest for a new player?

Sonia Crid and her Witchlings?

Pandora and her Woes?

Lilith and her Nephilim?

The reasons behind each of em is basically this: I like the individual fluff, and the concept behind each group.

So now that I asked YOU all a question I will talk a bit about myself. I just turned 28 (yesterday, May 13th!) and the book was a gift from my wife to me. I game, heavily: PC, Console, Tapletop, Boardgame, Magic the Gathering, and I have played for a while Warmachine/Hordes (but the point escalation drove me away).

I live in Orlando Florida as well (And would not mind a demo of the game sometime *hint hint*)

If you have any other questions feel free to ask!

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Welcome to the game! Lots of fun awaits...

I would go with Lilith. If you end up going Neverborn, they're nice to have. They're powerful and fast. There are tricks you can do with them, but they're not necessary.

I think they're better for beginners than the other two.

Good luck finding someone around there to demo. I know there are a few!

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Welcome to the game! Lots of fun awaits...

I would go with Lilith. If you end up going Neverborn, they're nice to have. They're powerful and fast. There are tricks you can do with them, but they're not necessary.

I think they're better for beginners than the other two.

Good luck finding someone around there to demo. I know there are a few!

Thanks for the welcome! I decided to give this game a shot because it seems like small scale gaming. Having only like 5-10 models on the board sounds alot more fun to me, as each model has a bigger purpose and is more important.

I will have to see how everyone else weighs in on the "which starter to get" question but I will mark down a vote for Lilith so to speak!

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What exactly are "Henchmen" and how would I find them?

Henchmen are those who have taken up the banner of Malifaux to help new players get into the game. Basically, they are people who have volunteered to run games/demos/etc. of Malifaux to help introduce others to the game.

They are required to have at least 2 crews, so they should also be able to run a game with you before any sort of investment is needed.

Hopefully they'll see you posting on here, and you can try a post looking for one, but check out your local game stores. They might know who they are or when Malifaux happens at their stores.

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