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Ramos WIP


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Hey I thought i would post my Ramos WIP crew to see if anyone has any pointers or ideas for my army before i get to far, I am now having issues with my matalics making them seem dark. Any advice on that would be vary helpful. And yeas the gears are legos.









Thanks for looking

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I am loving everything except Ramos' face. It may need a little clean up. The way I would paint the flesh areas is to paint your flesh base coat then wash with a brown or red color. Even a yellow wash would be better than leaving the black in the recesses.

Everything else is fantastic. I have the same bases less the gears and cogs you added.

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Yeah I am still working on the human characters in this list, Thats how i normaly do skin with the dark to light using a redish brown like i did for my vik army but I have yet to hit Ramos with any attenttention.

Just a note, I painted all of this in one night and it is still a WIP I am taking a break from them though.

I never tried washing with a yellow color i need to try that.

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