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Sabol vs Battlefoam

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If it's purely based off money, there are significantly cheaper options then buying "official" army transports. I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Metal Toolbox


Rare Earth Magnets



The only thing that keeps me from doing this is how easy it would be for me to put a mini too close to my computer and screwing something up...

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The only thing that keeps me from doing this is how easy it would be for me to put a mini too close to my computer and screwing something up...

These magnets are not that strong. Unless you still use floppies, I don't think you have anything to fear.

The problem with magnetized cases is of other nature, I fear. They are great if you go around your area in your car and need a way to transport minis quickly. If you want to get to an airplane or even a train, a metal toolbox not only becomes unwieldy, but minis inside may still slide and scratch each other as you carry them around (magnets are usually strong enough to keep the minis upside down (big guys would perhaps require several magnets to be sure), but not from sliding. Once we start speaking about modifying the box to prevent sliding (gluing in rails at the bottom, making walls etc), the amount of work needed starts to make one think about Battlefoam case. :D

I'd like to have something to carry 2 big crews (ultimately) and all the counters and unique terrain pieces (graveyard, hangman tree etc.) for the game. None of my friends plays the game now and even if I get them to play, I will have to transport the terrain needed to play with them for quite a while. Battlefoam case looks promising and I suppose it would be possible to order a custom tray for the terrain for them. Only the price and the shipment cost scare me a bit.

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I used to magnetize my 40k minis and put them in tool boxes (not rare earth magnets, just regular magnetic strips) and it was fine for normal movement (carrying around the house, etc) but for extensive travel (moving, sitting in the trunk of my car, etc) they just did not do very well. I destroyed a large part of my Warhammer Fantasy undead army that way.

For me, custom cut foam is the best. Although the other day I did pick up a couple of foam pieces that you cut yourself and two of them fit nicely in a shoe box. That's what I'm currently using for two of my Malifaux crews. At least until that Malifaux bag from Battle foam comes out.

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If you're looking for something big, then a friend of mine got the Feldherr backpack and it's awsome. Reinforced back, loads of pockets, holds loads, is very inconspicuous. I'm always worried my case looks like a laptop bag and may gather unwarranted attention while walking home through dark streets of Glasgow. It's a bit out of my price range unfortunately, but I have been dropping massive hints to my family for my birthday :D


Not sure about shipping to the US though.

I've not heard great things about battlefoam, a friend of mine has some and he says it's a bit rough on the ol' paintjob.

The Feldherr backpack is like a dream! xD But unfortunately very expensive... :(

I've seen battlefoam cases and I too had the impression that the foam is quite rough compared to other companies. Suppose it makes it more sturdy, but surely scratches the paint on the mini. I have KR multicase and found it is best value for the price.

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The only issue I have with battlefoam is the fact my FLGS can't order them, and the second is my fear that all the battlefoam trays are pre set holes, where the Sabol cases are the "rip out" cubes, which you can make custom sizes for your minis. that gives me extra padding and a more snug fit for my minis that have odd poses.

wil Sabol trays fit in Battlefoam cases?

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Actually, your LGS can order them in, and they just reduced their minimum order, though it's still not the cheapest.

The point about Battlefoam is that you give them your measurements of the figs and they fit them in. So no need to pluck anything out it's already done.

Sabol trays are too small for Battlefoam cases, though BF makes some trays to Sabols sizes.

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I use a pac 216 with 2 sheets of the Warmachine infantry foam for my Malifaux stuff. It holds about 100 models, and you can cut the divider between spaces for larger models.

I have always used sabol cases in the past, but I am really liking the battlefoam.

Have you seen this?

Skip to the 7:25 mark.


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I was about to say that I was all set with what I have, but I am such a sucker for logos and design, that I think Ill have to pick up one of those, and put all my avatars of war, and blood bowl stuff into my current 216 pack.

Is there a release date for those yet? Im assuming GenCon, but Im hopeful they would be sooner.

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The only issue I have with battlefoam is the fact my FLGS can't order them, and the second is my fear that all the battlefoam trays are pre set holes, where the Sabol cases are the "rip out" cubes, which you can make custom sizes for your minis. that gives me extra padding and a more snug fit for my minis that have odd poses.

wil Sabol trays fit in Battlefoam cases?

Heh. I always thought it is the other way around.

Many companies sell pluck foam, which fits poorly and has issues. Battlefoam is the first company which offers custom-cut foam made to fit your minis precisely. You fax/mail them a page with a trace of all your figures, and they cut a foam especially for you! I think they even have some software on their pages to simplify the process, with database of common models.

I understand a bag may have a default set of basic pre-cut foams, but I don't think it's a huge jump in price to replace those with custom-cut trays.

Personally I want at least 3 Battlefoam bags (one for Fantasy Orcs, one for 40K and one for current and future Malifaux minis and terrain pieces), but each of my armies has some models to finish or waiting in the boxes, so I always feel I should wait with ordering till I'm done. :D

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  • 3 months later...

I own both Sabol Bags and just bought the Malifaux Battlefoam bag. Each style has it's own merits and drawbacks, but both are quality products.

For a long time all I would by is the pluck foam from Sabol. When it came out it was pretty revolutionary. Battlefoam came out with custom cut foam which while a bit pricey was also revolutionary. (anybody remember their original YouTube commercials with the guy throwing out "inferior pluck foam". Now both companies sell variations on the pluck foam which have their own merits, one being softer the other a bit firmer.

Cases and storage options really come down to a matter of personal preference. Some guys still swear by pistol cases, no matter how many time thieves steal them.

I did a write up with photos of the Malifaux Bag here.

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I picked up three of the Malifaux bags. Although jmp_mydog is dead on about the poor fit for the cards in the card sleeve, I was able to fit all of the laminated cards in the inside sleeve of the bag.

The foam is outstanding for both protection and efficiency of space. The two pre-cut foam trays can fit a total of 48 size 2 models, and 36 size 1 models. The pluck foam at the bottom can accommodate any model in the range. I had some initial difficulty with the Mature Nephilims, but after a quick demonstration from Romeo (I had the fortune of picking these up from the Battlefoam booth at GenCon), I was able to fit them in. One of the wings on each of my 2 Nephilims sticks a little outside of the foam, but I haven't seen any issue with rubbing or bending on them. Also, Romeo had an assembled LCB inside of the pluck foam to show that it would fit as well.

Aside from jmp_mydog's aforementioned difficulty with the card sleeves, there are only two negatives that I have found with the case:

First, the 1" cutouts can only accommodate size 1 models. With 36 in each case, and 48 two inch cutouts, you tend to run out of space for the larger models, while still having extra space for the smaller ones.

Second, and this is really just a matter of personal preference, but I would have liked some way to clip multiple bags together. When running demos, I will bring all of my Malifaux minis. My collection of models completely fills 2 cases. With the addition of the Book 2 models, this will necessitate another. Three cases are a bit bulky to carry around. But then again, this may not necessarily be an issue to most people.

All in all though, I would have to say that they are a great investment, and I would be hard pressed to recommend a different product.

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Second, and this is really just a matter of personal preference, but I would have liked some way to clip multiple bags together. When running demos, I will bring all of my Malifaux minis. My collection of models completely fills 2 cases. With the addition of the Book 2 models, this will necessitate another. Three cases are a bit bulky to carry around. But then again, this may not necessarily be an issue to most people.

I do believe these bags were intended for the average Malifaux player who didn't have a whole heap of models (not that there is anything wrong with that, of course.)

If you are filling two Malifaux bags already, you might want to invest in one of Battlefoams larger bags to accompany your current Malifaux bag. The 720 would easily accomodate every model Wyrd makes and you could still carry the Malifaux bag for pimp cred.

Of course, I'm one of those freaks that plans out his purchases a year in advance and buys the appropriate sized bag for every new army he gets. Of course the release of 8th edition fantasy kind of threw a wrench into my latest army, but I digress....

For what it's worth, the Malifaux bag fits my wife's Arcanist and Outcast models (about 40 ss of each) and my Pandora/Teddy/Dopple crew plus my wife's LOTR army (16 infantry models and 6 cavalry models) with plenty of room to spare.

The quality is what I expect of Battlefoam, and I am loving the smaller size. The one fault with Battlefoam is their trays are just a tad bit too large for easy carrying sometimes. The 720 can be downright awkward sometimes.

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If you are filling two Malifaux bags already, you might want to invest in one of Battlefoams larger bags to accompany your current Malifaux bag. The 720 would easily accomodate every model Wyrd makes and you could still carry the Malifaux bag for pimp cred.

I thought about that, or even one of their large, wheeled models (don't know the #), but it just seemed aesthetically wrong to put all the little guys and gals in anything other than the Malifaux bag. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a logo. :bounce:

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I need to further post on the awesomeness of the Battlefoam cases. I spoke with Romeo at the booth today regarding the difficulty of transporting multiple cases, and he gave me a portable luggage wheel. It is a lightweight, two wheel cart, complete with bungees to hold the bags in place. So I guess I am back to having no real complaints...


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I'm only just getting into Malifaux but I do have a Sabol Army Transport II and a Battlefoam/Battlefront Flames of War bag.

The Sabol foam is softer but as most of the FoW pieces are on bases that hasn't make a lot of difference to the paint jobs so far so I'll call that a draw.

The Sabol bag has a lot more space for gaming extras; tape measure, extra books, templates, dice, small bottle of water, etc. than the Battlefoam so that's a point to Sabol.

The Battlefoam bag has the embedded hard sides which makes it much better for taking on planes and generally not worrying about non-gaming people putting something heavy on top of the bag without realising. A point to Battlefoam.

That makes it a draw - damn!

I wish Battlefoam had better accessory storage or Sabol had a hard case insert/version.

Not necessarily conclusive but that's what I've found so far using the two bags for FoW.

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Some friends here have had trouble with Battlefoam's customer service.

As I posted in another thread the lawsuit against Outrider Hobbies is why I will NEVER purchase anything from Battlefoam. Here are relevant quotes from the Judge's opinion:

Parenthetically, the court suggests that prior to refiling this complaint in another forum, Battle Foam and its counsel might give serious consideration to the legal claims they are advancing, as well as the factual allegations leveled against Wade to ensure that they are supported by legal authority and an evidentiary basis (e.g., allegations that Wade “intentionally directed [his] tortious activities toward New Hampshire,” Complaint at para. 6; that Wade and Outrider Hobbies, “using Battle Foam’s misappropriated trade secrets, have introduced products of inferior quality to the marketplace under the FOAM CORPS mark that consumers believe to be Battle Foam products,” id. at para. 23; that Wade “surreptitiously obtained access to and/or information from Battle Foam’s industrial facility and misappropriated trade secrets . . . which are the subject of Battle Foam’s ‘410 patent application,” id. at para 21; etc.). As currently developed, the record in this case contains some suggestion that Battle Foam’s evidence of consumer confusion regarding the parties’ respective marks may be suspect. And, there is a reasonable basis to question why this suit was filed in this forum. At a minimum, a bit of sober reflection by Battle Foam and its counsel would seem to be in order.

Emphasis mine.

It is, of course, possible that the fifth round pick of the Florida Marlins in the 2000 draft is both a fan of Diablo bats and a collector in the war gaming miniature market who is familiar with Battle Foam’s products. It is also possible that the baseball player who provided the testimonial for Diablo bats and the confused customer who contacted Battle Foam simply share the same name. A third possibility is decidedly less savory and, hopefully, is not the case here.


Read more:

Emphasis mine.

I use Sabol trays and bags and have been fine with them. The hard sides of the Battlefoam bags look nice if I ever flew with my miniatures.

Let me point out that I am an attorney and judges do not typically use the kind of language the judge used here in a simple dismissed for lack of jurisdiction ruling. The judge was sending a message, the reference to Rule 11(B) sanctions was a clear indication of this.

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Some friends here have had trouble with Battlefoam's customer service.

As I posted in another thread the lawsuit against Outrider Hobbies is why I will NEVER purchase anything from Battlefoam. Here are relevant quotes from the Judge's opinion:

Emphasis mine.

Read more: http://www.livingdice.com/4759/battle-foam-v-outrider-hobbies-trademark-case-the-judge-ruled-and-the-case-is-over/#ixzz0w8kx3Aoo

Emphasis mine.

I use Sabol trays and bags and have been fine with them. The hard sides of the Battlefoam bags look nice if I ever flew with my miniatures.

Interesting, but it doesn't really have anything to do with the quality of the products and should probably be left out of discussion about the product.

It this thread was about legal practices or business ethics that might be more relevant.

It'd be nice to keep threads focused on topic rather than become a bash-fest like on other sites.

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Interesting, but it doesn't really have anything to do with the quality of the products and should probably be left out of discussion about the product.

It this thread was about legal practices or business ethics that might be more relevant.

It'd be nice to keep threads focused on topic rather than become a bash-fest like on other sites.

Earlier in the thread someone had reservations about the company and was shouted down. I posted this merely for color commentary for that person.

Plus, when deciding between two similar products, I believe business ethics and practices are a valid consideration.

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Wait, gave you? Ha ha ha.

Yeah, no charge. Like I said, I was very impressed with them.

Some friends here have had trouble with Battlefoam's customer service.

As I posted in another thread the lawsuit against Outrider Hobbies is why I will NEVER purchase anything from Battlefoam. Here are relevant quotes from the Judge's opinion:

While I appreciate your opinion on the matter, in my case, Romeo and Battlefoam have been nothing but friendly, helpful and accommodating. I don't know, nor do I care to know all of the intimate details of their legal issue. I care about the quality of the product, and it is a very good quality.

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Yeah, no charge. Like I said, I was very impressed with them.

While I appreciate your opinion on the matter, in my case, Romeo and Battlefoam have been nothing but friendly, helpful and accommodating. I don't know, nor do I care to know all of the intimate details of their legal issue. I care about the quality of the product, and it is a very good quality.

Now I have to hate you. nothing personal, I just hate people who get more free stuff than me. :-P

I've got to agree. I personally have never had an issue with them, either in person or through email. They've always responded to questions within 24 hours, and have always been friendly and polite. They replaced a foam tray that had caught and ripped on the zipper free of charge, they told me how I could get some more trays for my Malifaux bag (I'm using that bag as a tourney bag, so I need some trays to swap out factions), and they put up with stupid questions. I don't know about the legal issues, but the company has never been anything less than wonderful to me personally.

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