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Malifaux Tattoo

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Magickal memories is bang on the mark. Having several large (ish) tattoos myself a lot of people still look on in disgust etc. Tattoo`s don`t have to be personal. Mine aren`t not yet anyway.

I have a GW Khorne logo designed for a tattoo at some point as I like the image and thats all I need it for.

Its a cracking tattoo design for a malifaux one and it looks like it went pretty well. Though it should be BIGGER!!! hahaha

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I love it :) personally i love bright tattoos and refuse to get a black and white one. I have the fma homunculus symbol on my right for arm, im just lucky that if i ever stop loving fma its also the symbol of oroborus the eternal serpent and the first medevil homonculus symbol is in the middle The wyrd logo,executioner,steamborg or peacekeeper would make fantastic tattoos i want a steampunk robot for my next one.


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Currently, I sit at 6. Two on each forearm & 1 on each shin. The Octopus on my right shin is about 10 - 11 inches long, and the mountain scene on my left shin is 5.5" in diameter. They are all "Black & Gray" tattoos.

A local tattoo shop is doing discounted tats for a charity this weekend. I was going to get the Malifaux Voodoo Doll [minus the blood pool] from the first page in the rulebook (I LOVE that art), but it was too big & complex for the event. So, I'm getting something I've wanted for a while, instead; the word "MOM," but the O is a pink ribbon (Mom's a 2 time breast cancer survivor & inspiration).

The artist was kinda stoked about the idea of inking that voodoo doll at some point, though.


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Well, I have one. Awaiting for number two artwork to be finished and then I will have two.

My in laws were quite disappointed in me. (? Yeah I know.)

To each his own. I like mine, do not mind if you do not. I didn't do it to make you happy, but I sure didn't do it to make you mad either, I did it because I wanted to.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

@ Epic Jimbo, pics would be awsome.

I just got my back started a couple of weeks ago, actually I got it started about a year ago but the guy was mental so we had to ask him to leave....so he left..the country! Hahaha!

Anyway, someone else took the reins. It's a big massive tree taking in my whole back (and I'm a big guy) with loads of skulls and a couple of dryads thrown in for good measure (wooden boobies!). I wanted to fit in a gibbet or hanged man but unfortunately it wouldn't have worked very well due to the nature of the design. I'll post pics up when it's more than just an outline. The plan is to eventually blend it into my arms (one tribal/skulls/eyeballs arm w/ cryx logo for good measure, one HR Giger arm w/facehugger for good measure) and bring it onto my chest.

I've also god Greebo from discworld on one leg and Pumpkinhead (from the film "Pumpkinhead) on my other leg. Space is saved for a portrait of Denegrhra and the McM Voodoo doll - bad guy/gal leg!

The crows tattoo was the first one I ever did on an actual living thing, the plan is to do the other 3 suits and some smokey gubbins around them.

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So I totally know I am a little late to the party on the comments but seriously it is bitchin'. I hope that you love it!

And for all those who don't like it or don't understand, take a breath and chill. In this world we need to do what makes up happy and obviously this made him happy. Let Beans just have his happiness.

Raine Out.

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  • 4 months later...
And I'm out of this topic.. I'm sorry but I just don't understand how people can brand themselves with logos that mean nothing to them.

And i can't understand how people can criticize a tattoo someone else put on their body. Body art is body art. Who cares what it is? Tattoos and piercings are just ways to add to the body what it is lacking. I, for one, love them. And I think its a pretty cool looking tat :D

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