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Best Arcanist Build to beat alpha strike Guild


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I notice a lot of Guild Ortega Alpha strike teams, even in my own group. I am wondering if other Arcanist players have had much success vs this, what with?

I have Marcus and Raspy, and all models and two+ of most except don't have Ramos, arachnids/swarms, steamborg, and Ramos totem. Only outcast is Gunslinger.

I was thinking Raspy bricking up and moving slowly while casting white out and rolling with 3-ARM 6 Molemen that would be harder to shoot and when hit hard to damage other than 1pt. That's just 9ss out of a 35ss list the rest I would choose would add some speed (cerberus?), range (slinger,ice golum?), and maybe thats it and save the ss......what do you think?

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You could use Rasputina with efficient use of Ice Pillars you could get in an Ice gamin or two which will definitely increase your chances of winning. Raputina is a killing machine with Essencse/Overpower so just let em fly and then if you get unlucky you can have your Essence cast Ice Pillars in front of you for protection.

You can also rock Marcus with Molemen and Silurid. In 30SS I go with 4x Silurid and 3 Molemen, your Silurid are your keys to victory so don't rush them forward, let your Molemen get into place! Marcus is also a killing machine use him wisely because if he dies it is likely nothing in your army will touch Perdita's Df 8.

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Well what I like to do in my Rasputina lists is "cage" Rasputina with Ice Gamin so that she cannot be negated of her strong ranged attack exactly from units like Silurid who are meant to run up and tie up ranged units.

Oh yeah, and Raspy can't take Silurid Marcus only can because he's a beast master.

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Being pretty slow, she needs stuff that can survive long enough to let her let rip with December Curse mid-game. Ice Gamin are essential for this, they're tough and "bite of winter" makes decembers curse even more powerful. I've killed bishop and taelor in one round with two CoD's before! Ice Golem is useful for this too, although he tends to attract a lot of attention or is simply ignored by fast enemies (he's so slow!). His ranged attack can take people by surprise with a nearby Gamin with BoW up. If the ortegas concentrate on killing him then it means your Gamin can get into position relatively unhindered. Also the Essence of Power is essential for Raspy, honestly that free (+) makes all the difference, especially with the -3CA from "arcing" spell through things with Frozen Heart.

So, build wise I'd go for at least 3 Gamin, an essence of power and max out on soulstones (mostly for defensive purposes, but also for that big hit when you NEED to get a good twist.) which is 15ss. The rest I'd fill up with a Golem or Joss, not both though. Joss is MENTAL with "Touch of December" and something with "Bite of Winter" active nearby. Not to mention he can get to ARM5 which will annoy the ortegas no end. He'll probably beast whatever he makes it into contact with in a turn or at most two. Hoarcats are good, but after you're down to one base they're not so useful. Sabretooth's and rattlers are great for their speed which I'd imagine would be very handy against the ortegas. It'll die horribly but should buy you time to move your Gamin in position. In bigger games Killjoy could also destroy the ortegas day!

Tactics wise, first few turns I'd brick up with "white out" and "ice pillars" covering you. When the ortegas are close enough, let rip with your rattler/sabertooth to tie up nino or perdita and start blasting away with CoD. Try to get raspy in a postion where she doesn't have to move so you can fire out 3 of these babies a turn. If you've taken Joss or a Golem try to hold them back for the second wave, you don't want raspy sitting all alone!

Of course it all depends on which strategy you flipped.

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Anyone tried Raspy with Silurids and...a Golem or something?

Also, if you are having trouble against Guild there is probably not enough terrain on the board.

Pretty much anything that is Arachnid or Leaps should be able to get a solid first strike in on Guild crews.

Silurids are neverborn beasts, only Marcus and neverborn can use them.

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