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Gremlin Tactics for the New and the Frustrated


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Also, I'll have to have a good read through this thread since I'm not sure what the pig boomerang tactic is. :P

The pig boomerang is nothing more then using your skeeters to cast Sooey to position your pig squadrons for the stampede on their activation, then activating the pigs and having them stampede into your opponenents crew, then using a Hog Whisperer (or skeeter or Somer) to cast sooey and bring them back so you can line up the stampede again next turn.

And don't forget to have your Warpigs Eat Anything whenever you can to keep those corpse counters from piling up.

Good advice (and often forgotten) but usually difficult to utilize since Pigs are normally Stampeding.

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I made my first Malifaux-games with gremlins against

Pandora and Marcus and played this crew:

- Somer Teeth

- Hog Whisperer

- Warpig

- Piglet

- 2 Gremlins (two more gremlins via Git y'er bro)


25 Soulstones (5 Cache)

I lost all (three) games and think now that a Somer crew

needs more gremlins. Much more.

For the next games I plan to play with this crew:

- Somer Teeth

- 2 Mosquitos

- 8 Gremlins (four more gremlins via Git y'er bro)


25 Soulstones (5 Cache)

Could this work?

Greetings from Cologne,


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Well I would say that against Pandora, Gremlins are going to have a very hard time because of there universally low WP. Against Marcus you really shouldn't be having to many issues.

Some issues with your first list; 5 SS cache is pretty high for Som'er (I usually only have 2 SS in the Cache if any at all). By taking that large a cache you didn't have enough for at least 1 skeeter. The skeeters are important when going Pig Heavy (like you did) they facilitate the Pig boomerang which will be vital to staying out of Pandora's range while still being able to attack. They also allow direct damage from Pull my finger. I would say to add in 2 and run with only 1 SS in the cache.

The second list can work but is going to rely heavily on the Gremlin gunline. Focused attacks are going to be your best friend along with (the often ignored) Deliverance (to get around the Harmless ability).

My recomendations against Pandora, kill the woes then go after Pandora. Also bring more skeeters for when you go after Pandora and spam the hell out of Pull my finger, since it is a pulse it gets around her Expose Fear nonsense.

Edited by Omenbringer
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Whats funny is on the second Warpig I painted I placed a feathered Musketeer style hat, however, in the begining it was a tough decision between that and the viking helmet I had lying around.

I'd love to see a pic of that model. (Did you put the hat on the rider, or on the pig itself?)

Come to think of it, that Musketeer hat thing would probably go great with Ophelia's crew, assuming you plan to use her when she comes out.

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Attila, Omenbringer is right about the cache thing. Almost no one I know who plays Gremlins bothers with a big cache.

If you do go for a lot of Gremlins, go bananas with it. The more the better (along with maybe a couple of mosquitoes).

When I do the swarm 'o Gemlins (which is often, as you've probably already figured) I usually go with 12 Gremlins and a cache of 1ss. I keep 1 or 2 back with Som'er for Git Yer Bro, and the rest run up and do a lot of Y'all Watch This, with Dumb Luck whenever possible. They blow themselves up doint this, of course, but that's why I take so many and keep summoning more.

It's not guaranteed to win, of course, but I tend to do better with this Gremlin crew than I ever did with a more 'traditional' one.

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I'd love to see a pic of that model. (Did you put the hat on the rider, or on the pig itself?)

Come to think of it, that Musketeer hat thing would probably go great with Ophelia's crew, assuming you plan to use her when she comes out.

I cant believe I haven't posted Pictures of that pig. Damn move messed up my routine. As soon as I dig out the digital camera I'll snap some photos and post it up.

Yes I put the musketeer hat on the gremlin, though now that you mention it the next warpig might just have a hoplite helmet on (and a mid launch gremlin).

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thanks for your tipps! So I try the second list with two more gremlins:

- Somer Teeth

- 2 Mosquitos (one more backup)

- 10 Gremlins (two more backup)


25 Soulstones (1 Cache)

What strategies / schemes are the best (easiest to achieve) for this crew?

Greetings from Cologne,


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Omenbringer, I await the pics. (All for Oink and Oink for All!)

Atilla, I've found things like Treasure Hunt and Reconnoiter fairly easy with a swarm crew like that, provided you can keep at least some of your little blighters away from your opponent's models. Slaughter is probably the most difficult with the Gremlins (as it usually is). Assassinate is easier than you might think, if you can manage to concentrate fire on the target. (Don't be afraid to sacrifice Gremlins, especially if they're wounded. Just keep at least 1 or 2 to summon more.)

For schemes, Thwart is a favorite. Hold Out is often a good one, too. Bodyguard is a maybe, depending on how you play and what Strategy you get. The folks I play with usually go ahead and Announce their Schemes, as well. (I guess we're not that sneaky that way.)

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Omenbringer, I await the pics. (All for Oink and Oink for All!)

Atilla, I've found things like Treasure Hunt and Reconnoiter fairly easy with a swarm crew like that, provided you can keep at least some of your little blighters away from your opponent's models. Slaughter is probably the most difficult with the Gremlins (as it usually is). Assassinate is easier than you might think, if you can manage to concentrate fire on the target. (Don't be afraid to sacrifice Gremlins, especially if they're wounded. Just keep at least 1 or 2 to summon more.)

For schemes, Thwart is a favorite. Hold Out is often a good one, too. Bodyguard is a maybe, depending on how you play and what Strategy you get. The folks I play with usually go ahead and Announce their Schemes, as well. (I guess we're not that sneaky that way.)

Definately concur with the above and would add that the recomendation for Assasinate is how I generally use my Bayou Gremlins. Focus fired Gremlin gunlines can produce remarkable damage (to both enemy and friendly so be sure to keep some of those low cards in your hand for cheating friendly damage).
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  • 1 month later...

This thread has been very helpful! So is the general consensus around here to use a gremlin heavy army over a pig heavy army? I am still working on building a 25ss and 30ss list and working out which swarm is better for which scenario.

Also, I have couple more question. When pigs are stampeding. Do they have to do multiple Terror checks against the model they are attacking? I know that stampeding pigs don't fall back, but what happens when they fail a Terror duel? Or do they even have to do the duel in the first place!?

Thanks for your help and I can't wait to see what lists people start using with the new stuff that is coming out!

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This thread has been very helpful! So is the general consensus around here to use a gremlin heavy army over a pig heavy army? I am still working on building a 25ss and 30ss list and working out which swarm is better for which scenario.

I prefer a more balanced Gremlin list than most around here and rely heavily on Som'er producing more of whatever I need at the moment, whether that be piglets or gremlins. My Gremlin play style really depends on each squad (for lack of a better term) doing only what they are good and mutually supporting each other.

As for the new stuff, it does add quite a bit to the gremlin game, though I still believe Ophelia is a bit to good for her cost.

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The new book also makes running pigs more appealing. Stuffed pigs and a Pigapult will be just hilarious to run. Got the Kin box and just won a Britney hog whisper from my league, so the Gremlins have to be fluffed out and done up right. A little break from my other Crew who got me first in my league.


Of course I will be running my Gremlins more for fun and giggles, and they look to be the most entertaining Crew to run.

Edited by Murphy'sLawyer
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Does anyone use Deliverance with their gremlins? Any strategies that consistently work? First game I played with gremlins I used Som'er to get rid of my opponent's control cards, then charge a bayou gremlin with terrifying into a group of mercenaries. It seems like a good idea, especially with a swarm of terrifying gremlins instead of a single one.

Also, does anyone ever use (1) drain souls with Som'er? I feel like there's a lot there: two cards and a soulstone for each gremlin sacrificed for up two three. Of course their the -1 WP, but gremlins were hosed anyway.

I was demolished by a Victoria Sword mistress I let get into a group of gremlins just perfectly spaced from each other, but I have the feeling there's something in these two strategies.

Edited by alemon
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Slop hauler is not to be underestimated. Although he looks initially a tad unexciting, the ability to reduce any model's defense to 4 is going to fix giant holes in the crew.

Namely, what the HELL do you do about Lilith up in your face, wrecking your shit.

My marriage proposal still stands, you know.

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Does anyone use Deliverance with their gremlins? Any strategies that consistently work? First game I played with gremlins I used Som'er to get rid of my opponent's control cards, then charge a bayou gremlin with terrifying into a group of mercenaries. It seems like a good idea, especially with a swarm of terrifying gremlins instead of a single one.

Also, does anyone ever use (1) drain souls with Som'er? I feel like there's a lot there: two cards and a soulstone for each gremlin sacrificed for up two three. Of course their the -1 WP, but gremlins were hosed anyway.

I was demolished by a Victoria Sword mistress I let get into a group of gremlins just perfectly spaced from each other, but I have the feeling there's something in these two strategies.

Both of those are totally valid strategies.

Only points of concern:

-when trying to deliverance the hell out of mercs, beware of Taylor

-when sacrificing gremlins for soul stones always leave yourself enough to keep the git yer bro engine going

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Slop hauler is not to be underestimated. Although he looks initially a tad unexciting, the ability to reduce any model's defense to 4 is going to fix giant holes in the crew.

Namely, what the HELL do you do about Lilith up in your face, wrecking your shit.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I had played just my 3rd game last night and ran up against Perdita. There seemed there was nothing in my arsenal to deal with that massive Df:8 other than to try for Stuffed Piglet/Mosquito pulse damage. I was getting close to giving up my Gremlins as a bad job before I ever really got into them! I will definitely have to try this out!!!

Thanks again!

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