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Malifaux Scenery


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I am not sure which material I should try to achieve. I am capable of building medieval houses and sci-fi stuff, but I do not get the style of Malifaux.

As far as I know there are several 3 different styles of housing.

1. Bayou

Mainly wood shacks, no bricks at all

2. Downtown, Malifaux Outskirts

Brick ? Wood ? No clue.

3. Mining, Badlands

Western Style, Frontier Towns, Mostly wood, some brick houses (Bank, "Sheriff", Mining Office)

I did some reserch on victorian houses and industrial age houses and now I am at a completely loss.

Is this the appearence of Malifaux?



or is it more along this style


or is it like these



I need help on this topic since I want to build a little town, approx 4-6 houses, and I really want to cathc the feel of Malifaux.

The only clues are""Based in an alternate Earth, Malifaux uses gothic, steampunk, victorian horror with..." and the fact that it's settled around 1700.

Cheers, Largo

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Yeah, "Victorian" isn't so much a style as a period with a lot of styles.



Malifaux's Architecture is probably all over the place anyway, due to the chaotic events of its backstory, so mixing these styles is probably "accurate."

Have you seen the youtube shots of their demo boards?


[/ame] (Awesome town/mine demo table1)


[/ame] (Awesome swamp Demo table 2)
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For some of the Malifaux Terrian, I see it as a combination of Multiple types of Architecture, For downtown, slums and such I see it as a lot like how London was during the industrial Revolution with a large range of Gothic and Victorian influences.

For an bunch of ideas, If you've seen the new Sherlock Holmes movie it has all kinds of great ideas.

or courtesy of google images:


While for ideas of the Badlands and mining towns these have quite a range of decent looking models (they are papercraft but they do show some decent ideas and designs)


And for the Bayou Range, Louisana has all kinds of archtecture that is made from scads of found wood. For ideas take a look at the Pirates of the Carribean movies when they were going to visit the voodoo woman.

And google images:


Edited by goblyn13
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for number 2 on your list I think your first and last 2 pics are what I would expect to see. think San Francisco in the late 1800's

if you were only doing a small number, then 'Wild West Style' would be acceptable for use in most situations unless you wanted a really run down shack.

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There appear to be lots of options for victorian architecture. Thanks to all the above for the great links. I guess I am going to build what I find to be scary. Victorian factories scare me because of their height, the small windows, and general "soul crushing" feel to them. Some victorian mansions are scary, particularly if they look like they have lots of rooms and towers one could get lost in. A set of row houses can also be scary, as you can set up lots of narrow streets and alley ways. My plan will be to start with some factory buildings, then some houses, and cap it off with a big mansion, once I get the technique right. Hopefully I can make it match my other buildings enough so that we can mix and mach.

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I wouldn't rule out using older styles yet, older than 1700. Every once in a while, I throw in a bit of gothic, medieval, or more ancient design to suggest the underlying archaeology of Malifaux.


This. The City itself is a riot of architectural styles. From the original City (gothic/medieval) that predates the first Earthside Breach to the decade-long building/reconstructing/modifying done by the first visitors in the 1700's, and now by the new residents with their Victoriana/western sensibilities. Downtown could show bits of style from any/all of these eras, in addition to repair work to existing structures. Downtown's going to look a bit more spruced up than other areas since it's the center of Malifaux as far as the Earthsiders go (and consequently they have spent the most time/effort in reconstructing/building there), but there are still buildings showing their age even there.

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Malifaux Mini's run about 32mm, there was a discussion long long ago about scale and Warmachine, which came down for O-scale is about 1/48 (here in the US, its a little different sizes in other countries) which is about 1/4-in to the foot, which is roughly 38mm.

HO is going to be much too small as its meant at about 1:87 scale so your figures would tower over the building.

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The Tamiya company makes military miniatures in 35mm scale. I got some of their brick walls and they look about right. From what I read on Wikipedia, "S" scale in model trains is pretty close, but hard to find. I am ordering some track for my soulstone mine soon and will report on its size when it gets in

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