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The Elusive FAQ?!


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Hopefully very, VERY shortly.

We've been busting our hump on it and want to make sure its clear and concise for all of you.

All the questions have been very helpful to us in getting this done right for you folks, and we appreciate all the feedback you've given us.

Here's to Malifaux 2010!!

So should we all stop asking questions and stop pointing out holes to get the FAQ out sooner?

(I am kidding. Don't hurt me. =oD )

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I keep seeing quoted errata now, I'm assuming from the FAQ; surely it would be easier on everyone to just publish whatever errata has been finalized, so that rules marshals don't have to keep quoting from it every day?

Also, it's a bit dodgy telling you gaming group "yeah issue X has been clarified on a thread on the Malifaux forum somewhere" rather then presenting them with a print-out of official errata. Case in point, I had to explain the changes in the Mindless Zombies rules and Nicodem's Zombie Control to a couple of people on Monday. Luckily they took my word for it, but I felt severely lacking in evidence. :P

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I keep seeing quoted errata now, I'm assuming from the FAQ; surely it would be easier on everyone to just publish whatever errata has been finalized, so that rules marshals don't have to keep quoting from it every day?

What do you think we're doing?

Also, it's a bit dodgy telling you gaming group "yeah issue X has been clarified on a thread on the Malifaux forum somewhere" rather then presenting them with a print-out of official errata. Case in point, I had to explain the changes in the Mindless Zombies rules and Nicodem's Zombie Control to a couple of people on Monday. Luckily they took my word for it, but I felt severely lacking in evidence. :P

Sounds like you have good trusting friends there.

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Now stop asking questions so that they can concentrate on answering them!

I'm more of the mind to ask as many questions as possible now, lest they not end up in the FAQ.

I'd rather wait for a fully comprehensive FAQ that doesn't need to be changed than have to look and see what has changed every week.

And, yeah, I know you're probably being sarcastic. I'm just saying...fire away while you can.

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That's the plan. Can't say it won't need updating at some point, so keep asking the questions, but the intention is be as comprehensive as possible.

Oh, I understand it will need some updating at some point.

But the more you get with the first go, the better. You know there are people out there who will take one look and never bother checking again. And then they'll explain how things work to their friends, who have never been on the site...and then I end up playing them at some convention. And they keep calling a judge over every time I have to explain a rule to them that they should have known, and get mad at me when they're wrong. And then...

Well, long story short, this is why I always have duct tape in my trunk.

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Much love to the Marshalls for putting it together.

Having said that, I think the only game-deciding ruling we've had is Rasputina's Freeze Over not being ignored by "ignore terrain" effects.

Apart from that its been pretty cruisy in like, a dozen games.

The FAQ and Errata should be up by the end of the weekend (S@@NER if you play your cards right).

May I take this opportunity to remark on what a sauve, handsome and fast-working body of men the Marshalls are.

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Can this be cheated or added to with soul stones? ;)

From the (S@@ner than later) FAQ:

Q: When exactly can I Cheat Fate?

A: You are allowed to Cheat Fate under the following circumstances:

· All Duels (when a neutral or positive flip)

· The Damage Flip (when a neutral or positive flip)

· When a specific rule allows


The FAQ and Errata should be up by the end of the weekend (S@@NER if you play your cards right).

...doesn't meet any of the above. ;)

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