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Most common points played...


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Curious what level most people are playing at these days and why. I have played games ranging from whatever a box can field all the way up to a recent brawl @ 50ss. I like them all though I think 30-35ss is the min I would like to play as you finally start getting some toys on the table. I have also noticed that the bigger the games, the longer they take, though, we are still learning a lot of the rules in our group still.

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We've mostly been playing 25ss, although I've managed to convince one of my mates to go from 25 to 30 to 35ss last night.

Was good to be able to take a couple of the heavier hitters, but it did take longer, although this is with a bit of disscussion and checking of rules. So as we get more experienced it shouldn't take as long.

I can see myself liking 35ss, you've just got a bit more room in the list to play around with things.

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I personally like 30.

It's more than the box and you aren't bringing everything to the table.

I like challenging myself with less options on the table.

I never clamed to be normal...

I can definitely see that. Much the same reason I like WM at 500 (err 35) points - it's a much "purer" game. When you don't have to make difficult choices on listbuilding, it kinda becomes a non-factor.

Not that I think listbuilding should be the be-all end-all by any means, but I do think that the guy that spends time tweaking and refining his list to make everything click at the lowest points value possible should be rewarded for it.

Challenging yourself to "do more with less" is definitely one of the things that makes people into better players.

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Yeah I think with experienced people 35 points is the best spot. For Tourneys I still am hovering around 30 just because its still a relatively new game.

Since the game is new, this will probably be a trend with most players for a while.

I personally like 30.

It's more than the box and you aren't bringing everything to the table.

I like challenging myself with less options on the table.

I never clamed to be normal...

I completely agree with your line of thinking on this. 1000 points was always my favorite value for 40k.

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