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Remake of Clash of the Titans

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I remember well going to see the movie in '81. I believe it was the second film i had seen in a theater, first being Empire Strikes Back.

I own the DVD and still watch it anytime it shows up on cable. One of my all time favorites, and Burgess Meredith is so fun to listen to.

That said, I think this looks cool. I did see the Stygian Witches in the trailer and couldn't miss Medusa. Ralph Fines as Hades and Liam Neeson as Zeus? Wow, very nice.

Agreed it will be a far departure from the original, but it seems you have to hack and slash stuff up these days to be a success at the box office, cater to the young crowd.

I expect a fun movie, but nothing can take the place of the original.

Edited by Vezinas Ghost
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I'm really not a fan of the way that Hollywood reuses names for no reason these days. I would be happier if they did their "remakes" and remade the name, too.

Anyway. Great movie, Clash of the Titans! The last movie that Ray Harryhausen choose to make, if I remember correctly. Probably the last great stop-motion movie.

The "remake" looks interesting (I guess that it's a remake because both movies have giant scorpions?), but I wish that they used a different name.

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yay /..... lookingforward to this with a little trepidation .. as all have said in my top 5 all time favourite films and a remake is good in my eyes I won't try to compare the two but will just crack open the popcorn and enjoy.....

plus having the youn lad here means I have an excuse to buy the toys that ll no doubt follow... yay

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