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Looking towards a pan-faction army style.


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As miniatures gamers, I think we tend to identify and stick with one team or faction. We have Guild players, Neverborn players, etc; even diehards who own multiple crews will, I think, primarily identify with one force over another--I know I did when I started.

However, I've lately been pondering the merits of pan-factionism, i.e. playing everything. Since in Malifaux, we generate terrain, mission, and schemes first, and only then do we build crews, being unpredictable with one's list could (in addition to being fun) it could net you an advantage.

Guild players can't optimize against Arcanists if they don't know that you'll be fielding Ramos. Marcus can't optimize against a beast list if he's not sure you're taking beasts, etc.

Has anyone else tried this, or am I the only one stupid/crazy enough to consider it? :D

I've branched out into a 2nd faction last weekend, and hope to add a crew per month until I get something from every faction.

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I currently own all the releases. I guess that makes me a sucker!

But, I do have a bias slant towards the Neverborn. I just like playing the bad guys.

Lol, but have you ever switched crews on the fly, either for kicks, or to throw off an opponent? Or do you generally tell the other guy what you're bringing to the table? :)

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Lol, but have you ever switched crews on the fly, either for kicks, or to throw off an opponent? Or do you generally tell the other guy what you're bringing to the table? :)

Not yet.

Actually, what I usually do is ask my opponent what they'd like to face.

Perhaps one day I'll just break out a random crew to surprise myself as well as my opponent.

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At what point would you decide what you are playing, after you know what your opponent is playing. If I played against people that did not decide what to bring till after they knew what I had, I would find that in poor taste. On the other hand I would find it very interesting if faction/master selection was random for both players.

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At what point would you decide what you are playing?

If & when I seriously start to change my crew from game to game, I would tell my opponent that I was building a list after terrain, mission, and schemes had been determined, and that he should act accordingly.

As an aside, I appreciate the way a clever player could possibly deduce what faction an opponent is taking by the schemes announced.

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If & when I seriously start to change my crew from game to game, I would tell my opponent that I was building a list after terrain, mission, and schemes had been determined, and that he should act accordingly.

Technically, while the order in the book supports you, you'll need to have a faction picked out before you get to Schemes. ;)

Schemes are announced after crews are chosen.

I have crews for every faction, and even if another crew doesn't personally float my boat, I make sure to know how to play it. Can't be a good Henchman without being able to give other players advice, after all. And, like you said, you can't know how to get the most out of your models until you know what the other guy can do/is afraid of.

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Technically, while the order in the book supports you, you'll need to have a faction picked out before you get to Schemes. ;)

Not necessarily, at least, if I'm understanding correctly.

True, if you select Kidnap as your scheme, you have to choose Neverborn. And if you announce something like Army of the Dead, well, you've just announced your faction.

However, nothing's stopping you from picking Bodyguard or Breakthrough in the hopes that your opponent will reveal what he's playing...:)

In other words, you don't choose your faction before scheme, but sometimes your scheme will choose the faction.

Edited by Brasidas
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We're saying the same thing, almost.

Schemes are announced, if announcing them, before the first initiative flip of the game. Strategies have been flipped, schemes have been chosen secretly, crews have been hired, and models have been deployed on the table.

Whether I announce Kidnap or not, my opponent will already know I'm playing Neverborn because I'll have the models on the table.

If you've chosen a faction-only schemes, you have to have taken a crew from that faction (or have wasted a choice, I guess). You can choose a faction-neutral scheme. Either way, the schemes are chosen before crews are hired. You won't know what you're opponent is bringing until the models hit the table, and by then, it's too late to change anything.

Scheme* announcement is the very last thing before the actual game begins.

Edited by AoM
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