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anyone use the big guy in a game w/ neverborne yet? i've yet to see many people get to the point value that he wouldn't feel grossly overpriced for (max i've played is maybe 30ss, would wanna wait for 35ish i think).

i'd love to see him and lilith side by side on the board. could make for a tough decision as far as the focus fire priority.

also... he has neverborne in his ranks.. does that mean we wouldn't need to pay the +1ss for him? i know it's a longshot, but hafta ask.

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He is a beast, that's definite.

In larger scale games, I could see a Tot summoning him for a lot of pain.

With a Mature Nephilim, Carry one Tot 6" out.

Next activation activate a Tot. First action, (1) Sprint 10" further out then WHAMMO! Bring in the Killer of Joy.

And he's still an Outcast faction model, so he'd cost the extra stone to hire him.

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Killjoy is a Mercenary who requires you to sacrifice a guy to get him on the table. That is all you should concern yourself with as far as how much he costs.

Being a Neverborn, this affects things such as Black Blood (being the cause of such damage, and not taking it back. This does not affect his cost. Look to Johan and M&SU members for such a tricksy relationship.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A slightly different question. In a faction generally filled with capable melee threats, does Killjoy bring enough extra to the table to warrant a 12 soul stone cost (+ whatever you sacrifice)?

I haven't bought him yet, 'cause the answer for me looks like "no", but I'm willing to keep an open mind if someone has direct play experience to the contrary. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I've found that Killjoy is best used with Nicodem (plenty of sac targets) or Leveticus (sac a Hollow Waif). He's a MONSTER on the table and he just wrecks pretty much anything he touches even Borg's and Masters.

I used a list with Leveticus that was Rusty Alyce, Killjoy and Bad Juju, went ok, but I found that Killjoy did all of the killing and Bad Juju was just an ok tank at best in the list that was decent at killing swarms with Landslide lol.

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I want to use him with gremlins.

Mosquito flies and casts souey on a piglet, moving it 10"

Piglet activates and moves twice, 12"

Piglet sacrifices itself to killjoy, another 6"

28" in all

On a 3x3 you could be 8" from your opponent's board edge, assuming you started right at your own board edge.

Of course, I think of everything in terms of gremlins. I need to stop that.

Edited by Justin
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