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Werecat's Malifaux painting blog!


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That'r right, ladies and gentlemen. I'm doing to cool kid thing, and starting a Malifaux painting blog! The excitement for this game has definitely taken hold, and it seems to be all I want to play these days. So along with that, comes a just as strong desire to paint! And you all (hopefully) get to benifit!

First up is my trio of punk zombies. These were originally my least favorite models in the Resurectionist line, but as I painted them, they really grew on me.




Next up will be a slightly converted Flesh construct. He's just waiting for his coat of sealant to dry, then I'll get some pics up. Primed and ready to go is McMourning, Sebastion, and the Convict Gunslinger. That'll give me a fully painted 30 point crew. Maybe with a painted crew, I'll be able to win some games! :)

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Thanks guys :)

I am pretty rpoud of the skin on the zombies. it's a really random concoction of highlight, wash, highlight, wash. Pretty happy with how it looks!

Alright, here's the next batch. Now, this is really my first serious try at painting eyes. I didn't have quite small enough of a brush, so it wasn't a great result, ha ha.

First up is one of two Flesh Constructs. This one, I replaced the hook with a flail from the GW Flagellant box set.


Next, good ol' sebastion. This model has so much character, and I'm a bit disapointed that I wasn't able to bring that character out as much as I would have liked. He worked out ok though.


3rd, McMourning. I'm REALLY happy with him as a whole. The one thing that really didn't turn out was his eyes. But, after a few repaints and retrys, I just had to call it good before I started obscuring details.


And finally, the man himself, the convict gunslinger. This guy turned out PERFECT. His eyes went great. Overall, he just makes me happy :)


Well, that was definitely a productive weekend :)

Next on the table will probably be the Necropunks, and maybe the second construct. I figure I might as well get all the McMourning themed stuff done first, then I can move on to other Masters.

Let me know what you think!

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Seriously Grim, you need to mosey on down! There's actually no tournament on Saturday, so we're just free gaming. You should make come if you can! That way you can stay for more than 2-3 hours, and the drive is actually justified ;)

Oh, and get the gunslinger. Now. Seriously love him.

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  • 11 months later...

It lives.... IT LIVES!

Sorry to dig this thread up, but I figured it was better than starting a whole new thread, ha ha.

So yeah, Malifaux play has been picking up with rising powers, so my painting has swung back to the ol' crew. Here's some pictures of the stuff I've painted since last update.

Easily my most used model, the one, the only, Bette Noir


The Necropunks:




Edited by Werecat
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  • 2 weeks later...
Very cool. All of your stuff looks awesome. Just curious, what colors did you use on Mcmournings apron?

Thanks man!

It's been awhile since I painted him, but I'm pretty sure it was a base of P3 'jack bone, with 2-3 coats of Devlan mud over the top. Then I just flicked on some Baal red for the blood spatters.

It was either that, or P3 beast hide with one coat of Devlan Mud, ha ha.

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