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Rotten Belle


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So I know I probably should have saved this girl for the Rotten Harvest, but here she is now. One of the first Wyrd minis I purchase a few years ago - the time just felt right to paint her now. Hope you enjoy!

And if anyone's interested (pardon the pimping)...http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2537&item=200389200640


Edited by Brushmistress
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@ Peterdita - Yellow Grey milliput for the carpet. :-) She's not the one I initially wanted to upload in the Rotten Harvest gallery - still keeping that one secret. :P:

@ Angus Khan - the flesh was painted using GW Foundation paints - base of 90/10 Tallarn Flesh/Chardon Granite with just a smidge of Orkhide Shade to finish it off. Then I brought up the base color using 50/50 Skull White (Citadel Color)/Iyaden Darksun in multiple layers.

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The technique is superb, which is usual with what I've seen of your work, but what I am really digging here is the color choice. All of the colors are distinct from one another but work together VERY well. I found the choice of warm tones for a zombie hooker to be unusual, but the execution is wonderful. It really works. That quite a lovely mini, Brushmistress.

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I hate to be a bum, but ...

The skin tone is brilliant. YET, I don't think it's appropriate for this model :(

The eyes are very lifelike... and yet again, I don't think it works for the theme of the model.

The dress is very vibrant, and doesn't fit the theme either.

I'm not usually one to be so negative about paint jobs, especially when considering your obvious skills and GREAT sense of detail (and good taste in paint!). However, in this case, I would agree with you that this wasn't the one to enter for the contest!

Let me say though, I LOVE the theme and coloration of the base work. That alone is brilliant and worth commendation.


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To check if I wasn't just being a complete paint-snob/@$, I looked at your painted mini gallery... and I just now realized that you're the one who painted my favorite interpretation of Forgeworld's Keeper of Secrets! So take that as a sign that I don't just hate you for painting really well!!!


No worries about the criticism. ;) I wanted a feeling of the vibrant life she one enjoyed, but clearly was no longer a part of. Sometimes models speak to people, sometimes they don't.

Thanks for checking out my website gallery & for the compliments re: the Keeper of Secrets - one of my favorite pieces I've done, but I'd never paint her again! Too many pieces to that model. :crazy:

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Nothing to say that hasn't already been said. Your painting ability is as near to perfection as it gets. My skill is no where near yours but I have some idea the PITA orange can be and to pull that off in orange is crazy. True the skin is less "undead" than some might paint but holly cr@p, the skin and in particular the face is the best part of the whole thing.

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