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Creepy tree terrain help.


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Yes, the Citadel trees are fantastic. Not too expensive and the trees look really dark and brooding. You can creepify them with dungeon creepers from Antenociti's Workshop (link:

http://www.barrule.com/Workshop/scratch%20builders%20paradise/leaves,%20feuilles,%20blatter,%20fogli.html ) and with the following stuff:

*Mix Cotton Wool (the stuff ladies use for removing makeup from their pretty faces) with PVA glue, water and some flock. This becomes a mucky paste. Drape this over the branches and it will dry rockhard. Then paint it dark green with some grey in it and you're done :)

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I have a rather extensive write up here on tree construction. The trunks are quite durable and still flexible.


A word of warning though. The wire armature will not support a tree that is about 2 1/2' high. The tree will break at the joints. (Learned this the hard way. The Gencon Demo Table tree kept on breaking. I'm going to replace it with a different construction that is slightly smaller)

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Ooooh, that's a good idea. Time to warm up the soldering iron.

Do yourself a favor and get a butane torch that is used for plumbing. A soldering iron heats too slowly so the heat spreads and will defeat earlier joins. A torch will spot heat an area really quickly. You will also spend about 1/50th of the time soldering this way.

It does present a considerable increase in risk however so if you are uncomfortable please just use the iron.

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Ahh cool cool!

A good trick, if you have to solder a join right next to another solder join is to keep a damp paper towel handy. Just when you get the solder to flow take the paper towel and quench the already completed solder join. It will keep things from falling apart. And allow you to get some really tight joins done without building a jig to hold everything.

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for a variant you can do using pipecleaners and step by step for the twisting.

I imagine you could us paper-mache technique for the bark rather than than baking clay.

Or I was thinking about some kind of plaster/gauze bandage technique where you use some watered down plaster, soak the gauze in it, and wrap/apply the gauze around the tree.

Messy but you might get some interesting results.


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I use floral wire and celluclay (instant paper mache). Basically you build your fram out of the thicker floral wire and use the thinner to make the individual branches. Once you have the frame built mix use the celluclay and cover the entire thing let it dry for 24 hours or so and let it dry. Apoxysculpt is great it you want to add faces or whatnot, but the texture of the paper mache looks like believable bark. Paint it and then use scenic cement to attach this stuff that looks like those spider webs you get at halloween. Liberally spray that with scenic cement and sprinkle coarse turf to make the leaves.

Here's a link to the display bases I did for my Circle armies http://www.twilightemporium.net/gallery/warmachinehordes/

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