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Disney Buys Marvel Comics

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Not the usual Mini fare but figure plenty folks will have words about it.

Disney to buy Marvel comics for $4B

LOS ANGELES — The Walt Disney Co. said Monday it is buying Marvel Entertainment Inc. for $4 billion in cash and stock, bringing such characters as Iron Man and Spider-Man into the family of Mickey Mouse and WALL-E.

Under the deal, Disney will acquire ownership of 5,000 Marvel characters. Many of them, including the Fantastic Four and the X-Men, were co-created by the comic book legend Stan Lee.


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Bad news for Universal Studios in Orlando. So much for the Spiderman ride and Hulk rollercoaster

Yep, good bye Marvel Island of Adventures. Me and the Wife went there twice. It was always more fun and cheaper then Disney. I know they have other attractions and two theme parks but I think Marvel was a big draw for Universal. But they are suppose to be getting Harry Potter next year so they might do okay.

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The wprst part was the sort of statement the CEO made regarding the intent of the Marvel brand. After all the succes with Hannah Montana and Jonas Brothers etc. capturing the 9-14 year old girl market they went after Marvel to do the same thing with the 9-14 year old boy market.

Shame. Can't imagine that's good for the direction the movies and stuff were going. The licenses for movies like Magneto, Wolverine 2 (why?!?!?), Iron Man 2, Cap A, and Thor I think are already out there and won't be up to Disney to control.

Not one mention about the actual comic industry itself. Guess theres no money left in the books anymore so they're not at all concerned with them yet.

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