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Angus Khan's Malifaux Blog

Angus Khan

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Hey all,

As my pile of Wyrd minis continues to grow, I decided I would post my progress as I go about getting all my crews assembled and painted.

The first up is my Ramos crew. I had him 'painted' for GenCon, but I was in such a hurry that the minis and the bases weren't really as good as I would like them. As a result, I am going to completely redo the bases and add some more layers of highlights to the minis.

My plan is to sculpt the bases from scratch, so hopefully it won't take me too long! :D

I'll post some pics when I start doing the bases. (Which are right now sitting on my desk, quite empty.)

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Here is what I have done in the last few days:

I sculpted these while watching some old Spaghetti Westerns out of ProCreate. No real pattern or anything, just started sculpting. All in all, I'm pretty pleased with the results. (Much better than my last attempt)


Here is a close up of the base with the portion of sidewalk. I was modeling these them after the Victorian bases, can you tell? :D


Here is the group of steamspiders awaiting bases...which also happen to need some more work done on them. (OK, a lot of work - a few highlights and some washes, plus I need to jewel the eyes)


I still have three more 30mm bases to do, and then two 40mm ones... once those are all finished I'll start worrying about touching up the paintjobs on Ramos, Joss and all my steamspiders. Swarm armies are fun, but sure are a pain to base and paint...

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looks good, that's a nice swarm of spiders, is there going to be a Steamborg base? :D

Of course! You don't think Ramos would leave home without his Borg Buddy, do you? I was going to buy a Borg at GenCon, but they sold out way quicker than I expected. I'm planning on placing an order through the webstore soon, though! :D

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Spiders! I like the borg and all but I think Joss is a much better must kill threat.

Especially since the spiders are the real threat of the list. :D

Couldn't agree more, why do you think I have so many spiders? The only reason I want a Borg is for those special occasions when I want to enjoy watching him munching on the opposition. (Plus I like the sculpt. ;) )

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Got some more work done today, three more 30mm and the first of the 40mm. I am really pleased how these are turning out, especially since I haven't done much sculpting in the past. :D


Only one more 40mm to do, a 50mm for the Borg, and then on to the painting!

Edited by Angus Khan
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First of all...I love both your brother's work. Although Genghis is my personal fave, Kubla did well also.

The bases look fantastic! How is Pro create different from green stuff? How'd you get such a smooth look? I recently tried to make my own bases as well, and was less than thrilled with my results. Any tips?

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Thems fighting words!

Guess I'll have to step up.

@Vikey: Procreate is another 2 part polymer epoxy putty. It has a different hardness then greenstuff but it very similar to work with.

As for the smoothness you need to work the putty with a wet tool till it begins to set up. You can actually polish the surface that way.

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Luke, the bases are looking really good... I might have to place an order...

I would be delighted to do some on commission, just let me know. :D

@Jestor: I use a "spoon tool" to smooth out the putty and remove finger prints. As The Bug King said, make sure your tool is well lubricated. (I use spit, but water works well too) Here's a pic of the tool:


@Supervike: As The Bug King mentioned, ProCreate is similar to GS, but with a slightly different consistency. (I think its a little stickier, and dries a little harder) For the smooth look, I first shape the putty into roughly the shape I want with my fingers. Then, I smooth out everything, removing all fingerprints. After I sculpt the details, I shape and polish the surface with a "spoon tool," (See above) until I am happy with it. (this can sometimes take a little while, but the results are well worth the patience to sit and do it.) As far as any tips go, the biggest tip I can give is take your time, make every action deliberate and if you don't totally like something, keep messing with it until you do. (Sometimes this will mean starting over.) In other words, be patient with the putty and don't rush it! If that means you need to let one piece dry before moving on to the next, do so.


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