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Johan - Renegade Steamfitter


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DONE DONE DONE DONE!!!!! That's it! That's all! There DONE! Now if my rule book, cards, and such would just ship so i could play... my order status is still showing "Processed" i guess they got slammed with orders (i ordered right before Gencon) is why it has not shipped out yet but i am TOTALLY ready to play now that there all painted!




and the group shots:




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Thanks guys!

Well Peterdita i DO leave the house... but i have been told i paint like a mad man so i think i fit in great here :D. But I am a firefighter and so I can't be bothered to work more than one day out of three and on my off days i paint during my two year old's nap time.

As to the paints I use, I use all P3 paints now I just like the way the wet blend better. And I make all my bases from scratch.

All I did on these guys was use some green stuff flattened out and made the cobble stones with the side of a card to make the little squares then dry brushed it and such, added talus, static grass and underrrush or flowers. As to the clockwork style base on Hans i have a how-to that can be found on my website here: http://lorddangermouse.com/id38.html

For my water bases, like Leveticus and his glowy green water, i used the say basic steps as my Pirates for Warmachine and that how-to can be found here: http://coolminiornot.com/go.php/go/articlephp/aid/777? and http://coolminiornot.com/article/aid/778


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Amazing, just amazing, I love how, while most of them have very separate color schemes, there are subtle ties that pull them all together - the purple on Swordmaster Vicktoria, Taelor, and Misaki, and the blue on Bounty Hunter Viktoria, Bishop, and Taelor. Heck, even Johan's pants, Hans' cloak, and Taelors hair kinda tie together. Overall, a wonderful looking crew.

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