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Sister of Obscenity

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Sister of Obscenity

another great model from the game of Spinespur

Made by the diseased minds over at http://www.comfychairgames.com/

warning site has some mature content.

I mean come on, nun wielding cattle prods and wearing gas masks. This game is almost as kool as wyrd. I say almost because I know I could never get this game as out there as this one will get.

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yeah I get what your saying. I also know the guy who does this has a real job and the main guy who was helping him with it got a real job working for privateer press.

It is extremely slow by semi amusing game. I don't think I would own as much of it as I do if it was a more regular release simply because I would feel like I have fallen to far behind.

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yeah I get what your saying. I also know the guy who does this has a real job and the main guy who was helping him with it got a real job working for privateer press.

So does pretty much most of the small/medium (read: save for couple) miniature company owners ;)

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So does pretty much most of the small/medium (read: save for couple) miniature company owners ;)

Morf doesn't really count, though, because he is actually a superhero and most superheroes also have a second job. Morf's second job just happens to be making an awesome pulp superhero game.

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