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Psycho - Better pics I think


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Here's a couple of pics I shot this morning & cobbled into a montage for the Psycho entry. I wasn't happy with the pics in the entry gallery (that's what I get for shooting in front a black background!), so I figured I'd post them here now that the judges are all finished. These better show the "dingyness" of the tiles on the floor and shower, as well as show the open stab wounds clearer.


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Nice pics ! The ones from the contest where fine enought for me. A strange thing on this pics, the girl looks like a dool... It is maybe due to the painting of the eyes.

Something I wanted to ask you about this mini ; how did you do the blood on the wall ? Did you crash a small animal on it or play with your brush ??

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how did you do the blood on the wall ? Did you crash a small animal on it or play with your brush ??


Disclaimer: No small animals were hurt during the making of this diorama.

Actually, I butchered a stiff plastic bristled brush to about a 1/4 length, loaded it with a blood-like color, held it in front of the wall and then ran my finger from the bristles closest to the wall towards me. What winds up happening is the bristles "throw" the paint at the wall as they are released from your fingertip. It's a bit messy (don't leave any wips close by), but it looks pretty cool.

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I can imagine the relatives visiting and having a nosy at what you've been workng on ...........

Loading a brush with the blood and blowing a short hard blast of air produces great spatter aswell and has the added benefit on a vertical surface that it produces runs of colour... The one thing I think that throws this one for me and this is being really anal ..Is she's in te shower but she's dry ??? and she hasn't picked up much splatter on her skin and hair if you know what I mean.. easy to overcook blood but a little drip and streak here and teres would go a long way..

still love it.. so many great interpretations of theme this round though.great stuff I'm rooting for ya.

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The one thing I think that throws this one for me and this is being really anal ..Is she's in te shower but she's dry ??? and she hasn't picked up much splatter on her skin and hair if you know what I mean.. easy to overcook blood but a little drip and streak here and teres would go a long way..

I would have loved to have covered her in a gloss coat & sprayed some blood on her, but I was terrifed that I would screw her up when I applied the effects.

I'll have to try the loaded brush thing btw...I have to admit I used your article (at least I think it was yours - read it a while ago) for the blood spray on the shower wall.

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I would have loved to have covered her in a gloss coat & sprayed some blood on her, but I was terrifed that I would screw her up when I applied the effects.

I'll have to try the loaded brush thing btw...I have to admit I used your article (at least I think it was yours - read it a while ago) for the blood spray on the shower wall.

I know what you mean there is defiitely an element of bravery .. yours isn't the only one and I on't like it any less....:inlove:

Yeah The Killjoy article .. That was me..glad somebody found it useful... all ood fun.

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