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Kel's Malifaux Painting Blog


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's some updates on what I've gotten done lately (not as much as I'd hoped).

Convict Gunman (shading flesh. Right now he's looking okay, but still sort of washed out):


Flesh Constructs (tried a couple differenty styles of undead flesh. Used what I used on the Belles, but different colors and consistencies):





Sonnia (for sonnia and her crew I've been messing with shading the browns):











Sebastian (blocked all the colors on him just to see how they work together. Going with an orderly's smock):


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Looking good Kel!

More progress that I have put up recently. But that's largely due to the fact that I have a cold and there was this other project that needed my attention. Well it's done for now so maybe I will be able to lay some paint down tonight as well.

Hey Goblyn! Time to step up man!

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  • 1 month later...

Hehe, long time, no updates. Work and life and work on that pesky Malifaux thing have eaten up all my painting time. I do want to jump back in, but thought I'd poll the peanut gallery. I'm torn on basing these guys. Aside from LJ and her Crew who are already on Wyrd's swanky cemetery base inserts I wanted to do something more in line with the feel than just brown dirt and static grass.

My options are:

1. Desert. Lighter colors with the gravel, bleached out static grass or tall grasses.

2. Cobbles. Something in line with the City. I have plenty of textured wallpaper I've used for my Steamjack Arena table (3' x 3', right in line with Malifaux) and thought that would work nicely. This is the wallpaper without paint. I thought I had a pic of the table finished, or a Steamjack based with it, but can't find any online, guess I'll have to look later. I'd thought about buying some cobble bases, but I have all this wallpaper lying around already...


3. Planking. I'm sure some of the walkways in Malifaux are covered over in wood planking. Likewise the Pioneer Towns outside the City's walls as well as near the Great Swamp. Sample from my WM Pirates. Crap photo, but you get the idea.



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I would go with all three... I basically have...

I have made my own plank bases for my Ortegas... I am using Dragonforge's Cobblestone for some of my Arcanists and Otcasts... I have used Dragonforge's Broken Wasteland bases to represent lava, desert and ice for my Nephalim, my BeastMaster and beasts, and for Rasputina's group, respectively...

I really like the textured wallpaper... Great idea!!!

Glad to see that you have some activity... ;) I have been trying to get an update to mine but have had technical difficulties with my laptop... Time to call Dell again... Hopefully tonight...

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  • 3 months later...

3 months since an update. RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE!

So I've been working at a fairly lackluster pace on my Malifaux minis (all my minis, truth be told). This pesky miniatures game I was working on seemed to eat up most of my free time, and after it was finished my mind sorta went mushy. Then I started up with my 40k Orks again since I love painting them and really wanted to get some of my skills back up to speed.

I'll have a few things mostly painted, or at least the base colors blocked so they don't look like total crud when I let y'all beat me at Indy. Pix incoming soon.

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Oh lookee here...what's this? Pix? And what's that they're standing on (which will get more play than my mini pix)?

ARRGH! Desk lamp too close, colors washed out, kryptonite!!

Should be more putrid flesh and bruising than shows.


Likewise, although these guys may get a redo.


For some reason I find the black rubber apron/gloves more intimidating...



No, not Trigun.



Cue the Deliverance Banjoes.



Who's this guy then?


Edited by Keltheos
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