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Gen Con 2009 Miniature Hobby Events


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Hey people!

It's that time of year again. Time to get everything organized and

ready for Gen Con 2009. Event submission starts this week and we, as

always, are going to need your help keeping it all going smoothly.

Our volunteer staff and I organize all the MHE or Miniatures Hobby

Events for Gen Con Indy. That includes the hobby classes, Paint &

Take, Demonstration tables, Speed Paint Arena and a lot more.

If you'd like to join us in our general paint-laden insanity, I want

to hear from you. We're always looking for a a few good people to help

us out. Even if you don't paint, or you only have a couple of hours,

we need your help to keep these great events going.

If there's a class you've been wanting to teach, something you feel

needs sharing with the rest of the miniatures community, I'll

introduce you to our classroom wrangler who will help you with

everything you need to teach a class at Gen Con, whether or not you've

ever given a class before.

Our instructors and volunteers can earn free badges and offsetting of

hotel costs. You will be paid the majority of ticket proceeds to

offset your time and materials. We'll help guide you through the

submission process, assist with making sure you get supplies, handouts

ready, and help with setup and clean up, as well as handling ticket

paperwork and security during classes and for your stored class materials.

For all those of you who have been with us before, I'm letting you

know that things will be run pretty much the same except for one major

change, which is that Sue Wachowski is stepping back and I'm taking

over the reins.

- Noel Meyer

Gen Con MHE Coordinator


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Hah, Eric thinks that somehow he is going to end up getting out of the Wyrd booth this year for more than bathroom breaks. Ermm...nope.

Good luck with the reigns Noel.

Bathroom Breaks are for pansies! Oh wait... <grin>

I hope you guys are bringing some stools or something to sit on while still being elevated. Nothing like standing on concrete for 4 days to make your feet love you! :D

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