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I voted, did you!


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Hey all, wanted to share the excitement of getting out and voting today. Jump on the bandwagon and post a shout out that you did as well!

OH, and please keep the politics out of your posts, it's not that we aren't interested, but it'll keep the thread from degenerating into a cesspit that'll get locked. ;)

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I voted also, but here's the big thing I don't understand...why do people wear around those stickers like badges of honor? I was going to toss mine until a coworker grabbed it and then spent the rest of the day feeling super special because they had 2. I seriously don't look at people and think "wow, they're good people because they has a sticker"....I just don't get it.

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I voted also, but here's the big thing I don't understand...why do people wear around those stickers like badges of honor? I was going to toss mine until a coworker grabbed it and then spent the rest of the day feeling super special because they had 2. I seriously don't look at people and think "wow, they're good people because they has a sticker"....I just don't get it.

It's the gold star of citizenship, celebrate exercising your rights!!

And, it's good for free stuff! Starbuck's, Krispy Kreme, Ben & Jerry's.

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I voted also, but here's the big thing I don't understand...why do people wear around those stickers like badges of honor? I was going to toss mine until a coworker grabbed it and then spent the rest of the day feeling super special because they had 2. I seriously don't look at people and think "wow, they're good people because they has a sticker"....I just don't get it.

Its less about "I've got one" and more about "You don't?!" Seriously, any little extra bit of reminder to those too lazy or apathetic to get off their asses and express their opinion is a good thing.

I've promoted, donated, posted signs & stickers and everything else I could with my limited time & funds & I'm not going to stop promoting the vote until its over.

Besides, what kind of kid doesn't like stickers?

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#4 for me.

My wife and I did absentee ballots about 4 weeks ago. There is a paper trail and we were supposed to be in Key West today.

Unfortunately Daycare happened to the Key West trip. :(

I don't understand people who don't vote. It's what this country is based on after all.

(To you folks across the border or over the pond you all will get to vote as soon as RH opens up so you just have to wait a few more days.)

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I voted too! And also got my free Starbucks coffee!

And like TheBugKing said, I don't understand those who don't vote. How many countries get ot pick their leader like this? So many countries get no say, no choice, no vote.. it's just "Here's your leader, like it or lump it!" Voting is a privilege, use it!

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I voted, but didn't get a sticker. :( I must be invisible because I walked right past several local candidates on the way in and the sticker distribution personnel :rolleyes: on the way out. The best part was when I walked up to the registration table and with a huge grin, one volunteer asked if I'd like to vote. I laughed and the other volunteer said, "Naaah, he's here to get a tattoo." Who says those folks don't have a sense of humor?

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Congrats! First presidential election for you?

Oh you big flatterer you!

No, I should have clarified.

This is the first time I've been excited to vote in a LOOOONG time. The last time I can recall being excited to vote was when I was 18, and first could.

See, I'm old. Like dirt.

I've voted for quite a few presidents....and mostly I vote for the losers!!!

(not this time though!!)

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