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Do you have a hidden super power?


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Actually I have a very unique one. I can take any piece of cable, no matter how straight it is, and turn it into a GIANT mess. At work it has now been referred to as a "Cable Bomb" It will entangle everything in the area and get caught on the smoothest surface.

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I have a hidden superpower.

I immediately parse anything I read and pick out the problems with it.

Up until recently I always kept it to myself too.

I have a similar ability to Kel's as well.

If something is going to break it will when I pick it up. A machine could be hanging on by a thread for years untill I try to use it and then BAM pieces.

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I know Keltheos does...it's called "Destroy computers with a touch" and it's really quite inconvenient.

not quite sure if I'm venting...making fun of him...or starting a fun topic...probably all 3 :D

Kel just needs to quit looking up obscene amounts of porn on the work computers and it would solve a lot of problems.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My super power is to not catch any sever illness reguardless of where I am and what I do, I eat a half eaten sandwitch ofwhich the co-consumer had the nastiest bug and come out unscathed, however when everyone else is fine I have to come down with somthing trivial once a year. Which is fine in my book, I'll just spend th other 363-364 days of the year strutting around saying "ok I'll be over here having fun not being sick." But seriously I never get sick with anything worse than the common cold and never more than once a year. It's freaky.

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That's just not fair. My superpower is to fall victim to any germs that just so happen to be floating past. Do you fancy swapping superpowers? Pretty please? You don't know what you're missing if you don't because with my power you get to look like Rudolf the red nosed raindeer several times a year, how cool is that!

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My superpower or supercurse is that I'm like Elijah Price from Unbreakable. Since 2000 I've had my left leg run over by a car (sevre muscle damage), a motorcycle accident (same left leg) that, and I quote from the nurse at the hospital "That's the worst case of road rash I've seen in my 12 years working here"! While me and my wife were working in our garden in 2003, she was using a hoe and got it caught on a tree root, she pulled to hard and wacked me in the head causing a deep laceration with 5 stitches. And in 2005 & 2006 I had surgeries on my right knee and ankle from stepping in a chipmunk hole! I guess you can call me "MAJOR BADLUCK"!!!

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I'm pretty good about avoiding sickness and germs....maybe thats my superpower. I haven't vomited in almost 15 years!

This topic reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Elaine starts dating a guy that is homeless and trying to hide the fact. However, she's thinking he's got a wife and thats why he's being so secretive. Jerry suggests that maybe he's being secretive because he's a superhero and doesn't want to give away his alter-ego. Once Jerry finds out about the guy being homeless, he says the guy is 'immune to credit" and that he's called the "Got-no-Green Lantern" :)

such a good show!

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I'm pretty good about avoiding sickness and germs....maybe thats my superpower. I haven't vomited in almost 15 years!

This topic reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Elaine starts dating a guy that is homeless and trying to hide the fact. However, she's thinking he's got a wife and thats why he's being so secretive. Jerry suggests that maybe he's being secretive because he's a superhero and doesn't want to give away his alter-ego. Once Jerry finds out about the guy being homeless, he says the guy is 'immune to credit" and that he's called the "Got-no-Green Lantern" :)

such a good show!

That was a good one....but I thought for sure you'd be reminded of the one where Jerry breaks his 'hasn't thrown up' for years streak. All because of the black and white cookie!

Look to the cookie!

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Oh yeah, another great. I gotta have a Chocolate Babka! I definitely haven't forgotten about that episode. I just didn't want to bring blatant attention to it to make it look like I was just copying it. (Even though that episode is what made my own record come to my attention)

"George, can you believe it?! I'm vomiting on June 14th again!"

***I don't remember if that was the exact date or not.

edit - did some research - it was June 29th

Edited by thetang22
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I can cause small physical objects to completely, utterly and permanently disappear. Well, by 'permanently' I mean the item will avoid any and all attempts at location, detection, divination, scrying, paging, transponder, radar, sonar or homing beacon until one or more of the following conditions are met: (A) the owner of the object gives up all hope of ever finding it, (B) the need for the object has diminished to insignificance, © the object has been replaced by a more expensive version that cannot be returned, refunded or exchanged.

I've done this to gaming materials, dice, miniatures, books, keys, access cards, hand tools, power tools and small appliances, especially when moving between homes or apartments are involved. If the objects ever reappear, they are usually right out in the open, as if nothing at all had happened.

This power spans any distance by phone, e-mail or snail mail, and it works especially well on certain types of clothing. Yes, when your socks disappear in the dryer, that's my fault. Sorry! Oddly enough, I've noticed lately that it also works on forum threads. Watch...this one will fall apart very soon because I have already caused your interest in it to disappear. :D

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I have a better than average sense of smell. This sadly isn't much of a super power. You rarely hear things like 'smells like a bloodhound' the way you do 'sees like an eagle' or 'hears like a bat'. Probably because the advantage of sniffing out gas leaks and early fires is countered with choking on perfume and BO in public all the time.

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