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Your mission, if you choose to accept it...


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(this is all *hypothetical*, just for fun...so nobody take this too seriously)

Production on Malifaux is nearing completion and everything is looking good. Nathan and Eric are just about to sign off on the product to go to the printers when they notice 1 big problem: They are 1 warband short!!!

Nathan and Eric have been burning the midnight oil for months and months in the late stages of development and are mentally exhausted, so they decide they want an outsider's creative perspective on this last warband. They decide to enlist YOU to come up with the concept for the last warband.

You have the liberty to come up with this warband for ANY of the 5 factions in the game. Your main job is to come up with the characters and fluff; who are these people and what is their role in Malifaux? You can also offer any unique gameplay mechanics you think might make sense for the characters (this may be difficult since we don't have much information on the rules yet, but its your chance to be creative).


I don't have my idea fleshed out yet, but its going to be a Guild warband, and its going to consist of the crew of the train that goes through the Breach between Earth and Malifaux (conductor, engineer, maybe some crew from the passenger cars, etc...)

Edited by thetang22
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No due date, just post whatever you can come up with whenever you can post it. This is just meant for fun, so take as much time as you need, although it would be nice to see something before the post gets buried beneath a bunch of newer posts.

I had been toying around with the idea of sky pirates - sort of like the ones from Stardust (the book and movie). I figure they have a lot of flavor to them, but I don't know if airships really fit into Malifaux...even if it is a Steampunk airship. A character based on Robert De Niro's portrayal of Cpt. Shakespeare would be great!

I just thought about the Malifaux-Earth train warband this morning and it seemed like there was a lot of potential there, so I think thats what I'll try and focus on.

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For me I've always fancied the idea of a travelling Carnival ..They turn up people die .. ...

kind of plays on the classic carnival ideals.,, The ringmaster , The Bearded lady, land go into the more bizarre with things like a conjoined twin brute, mutated animals and other beasties ...and evil midget Penguins.......real twisted psycho buggers.

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For me I've always fancied the idea of a travelling Carnival ..They turn up people die .. ...

kind of plays on the classic carnival ideals.,, The ringmaster , The Bearded lady, land go into the more bizarre with things like a conjoined twin brute, mutated animals and other beasties ...and evil midget Penguins.......real twisted psycho buggers.

Heh, also in Stardust ;)

That book/movie actually has a lot of great stuff in it that would translate well in the Wyrd world.

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What about another race of arcanists, who have allied with the other world, our world, because if 1 race/demention got there who says someone else didn't figure out to construct a breach, mabey some other type of technology made of synthesized lifeforms, living weaponry,armors, so on. I like the idea of an arachnid form(that would most likely make them nyphilim instead of archanists.) and an ridged matriarchal cast system.

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I like the idea of locomotive crew, but I think it could be something different for the start...

As I have no idea what is Malifaux, yet, I'm thinking of a warband of miners, because of their mineral soulstone, or whatever, with some engineers, as leaders, and little constructs, like in a movie Wild Wild West... I know it is a poser movie, but they have some great ideas that can be implemented in here...

Locomotive crew is a great idea, but not for start, imo...

Ps. Please don't mind for my rusty English, I haven't spoke or write it in years, and big

greets from Serbia....

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