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So Who's going to Gencon?

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I'm going again this year. Though I probably won't get into a lot of gaming outside of doing demos in the dealer hall. I will be involved in the MHE (miniature hobby events), both taking and giving painting classes. And hopefully things will work out that I get to meet more Wyrd folks again this year!

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Unfortuantely, I can't make it this year; and I was really looking foward to it, too.

I really had a good time meeting my 'wyrd' friends. That possibly was the most enjoyable out of all of it. I wish I would have hung out a bit more with them though.

Same here. Meeting several people from Wyrd (too many to list) was definitely a high point. Really liked having lunch with Duende, you and your brother at that place across the street. Too bad you couldn't make it to the pub with us, though (ah....girly drinks and smelly cheese - what fun).

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Well, Publisher's Clearing House keeps telling me they're going to be knocking on my door reeeeal soon, so if that happens, I'll be there! But if not, I won't be able to make it. :( I really wish I could since (like Vike said) the best part was getting to meet all the other Wyrdos.. maybe next year. *hoping*

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I'll be there, but chained to the wyrd booth like normal...but this year I'll be PLAYING in the wyrd booth, that's right, we'll be there doing a little demo'n of the wyrd game. Now trust me that it's far from finished, but give us another couple months and we'll at least have the ability to move the minis around the board :D

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I'll be there. Kinda have to or Miniature Hobby Events would spiral down into chaos. Well, okay, I like to think that, but I know I have great volunteers who really do most of the work! Anyone looking for volunteer/helping out opportunities, please let me know! We could still use a heck of a bunch of help at Paint & Take...even if it's just for a few hours. Yes, you too, can teach washes and drybrushing to total strangers and walk away with swag!

Meanwhile, don't forget Wyrd Speed Painting! Should be lots of fun!

Edited by PaintMinion
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We could still use a heck of a bunch of help at Paint & Take...even if it's just for a few hours. Yes, you too, can teach washes and drybrushing to total strangers and walk away with swag!

I've worked a few hours of this the last couple of Gen Cons and it was a lot of fun. New/casual painters can be so excited about stuff that it helps you feel more enthusiastic too. And I really did only work a few hours each year (four or six total over four days, IIRC), so Sue really means it when she says anything you can do is welcome and appreciated.

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I should be there...Uberdark & Duzzdan what part of Indiana are you from? I'm from South Bend.

kokomo area. we're only a few hours away from each other

edit: just got hired for some painting jobs for a guy from indy called tom mason. he is doing some minis and wants them painted so i might actually be near there. i think we are near the wyrd booth if i remember the guy saying something about that....

Edited by Uberdark
i am cool
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I will be there, chained to a table at FFG. Not sure what, yet. I don't expect to do a lot of gaming. I'd really like to hit some painting classes, but I have to work while they're being held.

Drinking, however...

It's GenCon, and you're in the industry. Drinking is pretty much guaranteed.

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No, I'm at GenCon, and an alcoholic, so drinking is pretty much guaranteed. Being in the industry is why I drink at home. ;)

I still think we should find a way to grab a space and hold an after-hours Wyrd Drunken Speed Painting Contest.

Just not the night of the White Wolf party. They have an open bar.

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