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PS3 or XBox 360


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I'm debating which game system I should get. I've been a fan of the Playstation ever since the first one came out, but now that I can actually afford a PS3, they stopped making the ones that allow you to play PS1 and PS2 games on them. Since I already have a PS2, I'm going to wind up using two different consoles. So I was just wondering if maybe I should look into getting an XBox 360.

However, I don't really know anything about the system. I do know they offer a lot of the same games, but how is the console itself? Does it have drawbacks? Are there problems with it? Are the controllers comfortable to use? Is it worth buying?

Or should I just stick with the PS3?

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The two biggest drawbacks to the PS3 are:

Lack of PS3-only games worth playing (there are only a few, as of now - though I'm sure more will come out in the next couple of years, like MGS and GT5).

Higher price point (though I guess it is low if you want the Blu-Ray player).

Also, their online service is no where near as developed as XBL, if you care about playing games online.

Downsides to the 360:

No built-in HD DVD player.

To play games online requires a subscription fee.

I think the 360 controllers are pretty comfortable - I have both a 360 and a Wii. I'm holding off on a PS3 until they come down in price (and hopefully the fans cry loud enough to get them to put PS1 and 2 support back in).


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I have a XBOX 360.

I highly recommend the system, here is a few reasons:

'XBOX live' community. (where you can play online, download tons of stuff (including movies, games, music, etc.) can be hooked to your computer.

The 'XBOX only games' Mass Effect, Halo series, Gears of War, and many others are exclusive XBOX only games, but are well worth it.

The controller...is absolutely fantastic. Best controller ever in console play...I've some Play Station fanatic friends that say that too. Plus, the new wireless ones are even better. Very comfortable, and very sturdy. I know that PS2 one cramps my hands up.

In fact, a few of my friends actually went to X-box 360 as opposed to PS3, and they cannot believe the increase in quality of online games, community and that sort of thing. One of my buddys actually THANKED me for convincing him to switch.

Some Drawbacks:

The online Xbox live feature isn't free. About 50 bucks a year just to be connected. Downloadable content also has a fee. (but for the quality of the stuff, i understand why they have to charge)

The Dreaded RED RING OF DEATH. Many Xbox 360 owners suffered from (me included) a hardware glitch which was caused by the graphics unit overheating. It basically renders the Xbox useless. BUT, on the positive side, Microsoft has stepped up to the plate and fixes the problem for free. It's an inconvenience but at least they remedy it. All new units now have the glitch removed so the problem should be a thing of the past.

It's Microsoft. Love them or hate them, It's Bill Gates' company. I have no beef with them, I think they put out a fantastic product, and I think we've gotten our moneys worth.

The PS3 has got a blu ray disk player built in. And the graphics unit is better than what XBOX offers. The price is a bit higher, but from what I can tell, its a solid machine. But, to be honest, I selected the Xbox 360 for the games, and have not been disapointed.

Lots of the old Xbox games are not 'up-converted' to play on the new system. I was led to believe they all were, but sadly, that's not true. On the plus side, its easy to find out which ones are up-verted and its a good source of cheap, yet solidly fun games.

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I have a PS3. It plays all of my old PS2 and PS1 games without a snag. They just recently discontinued the models that are backwards compatible; I am fairly certain you could still find one new. Also, if you like to tinker with computers, the PS3 is sold as a computer in Europe to circumvent tax laws meaning that it will take any hard drive with the right physical characteristics and will also run Linux. Wireless bluetooth controllers are awesome, mine last for days before needing recharging. Sony is starting to get things organized for the online section. Disadvantage: The Japanese get most of the cool stuff first, but you should be used to that. On the other hand, you can access the online stores for other countries if you establish an account and can get demos of foreign stuff. Their is no region encoding on the PS3.

These guys will give you the capabilities of both machines.


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We've got a PS3 here at the house and the kids seem to like the hell out of it and I've played it a bit and enjoy it as well, but to be honest, I'm not the big computer or console gamer I was ten years ago and right now, could care less one way or another.


Guys at work rave about the PS3 though that's for sure. I also hear them bitching a ton about game delays as well.

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so keep playing with your PS2 as the gaming is basicaly the same ^^

seriously, i have a Wii and it's a real revolution in the way to play . but that's right : not the same games as on HD entertainment video systems.

I'm not an hard core gamer but I'm playing video game since Atari "pong" (78 if i remember).

played with Intlivision (not sur the name was the same in USA, it was made by Mattel), Nintendo Nes, Super Nes, Genesis, Game boy, Playstation, PS2, nintendo DS (4 at home!!) and now the Wii. I never have so much fun than with the Wii and DS...

But if I had to buy a PS3 or Xbox360, it will be PS3.. Because all the old ps games will work on.

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Yup, we had Intelivision here here too....It was Ataris only real competitor at first.

My buddy had a Colecovision...which was light years ahead of both Intellivision and Atari graphically and otherwise....Colecovision became Nintendo shortly after that.

To be honest, I don't understand the rationale about buying a new gaming system only because it will play the old games. Don't you still have the old system to play those on?

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To be honest, I don't understand the rationale about buying a new gaming system only because it will play the old games. Don't you still have the old system to play those on?

of course yes but with a PS3 i could play PS, PS2 AND (of course) PS3 games. How can you play PS3 games on a PS;2?? ^=^

an other hand :X box is cheaper

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Man, anyone ever think back to the original nintendo and the first time they put in their Legend of Zelda 1, and just thought it was the best game ever and that ever was going to be? I miss those days.

The last system I had was a PS1 back in college which I used to relax after long days of school work, Tekken 3, just beating up people for fun...that's as advanced as I ever got :(

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Man, anyone ever think back to the original nintendo and the first time they put in their Legend of Zelda 1, and just thought it was the best game ever and that ever was going to be? I miss those days.

Yeah, those were definitely some good times back then and I do kind of miss them.

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Man, anyone ever think back to the original nintendo and the first time they put in their Legend of Zelda 1, and just thought it was the best game ever and that ever was going to be? I miss those days.

Get yourself a Nintendo DS if you don't have one yet. "The Legend Of Zelda : Phantom Hourglass" has so much in commun with the first version on the NES, plus so much more (the boomerang is a blast ;)).

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Man, anyone ever think back to the original nintendo and the first time they put in their Legend of Zelda 1, and just thought it was the best game ever and that ever was going to be? I miss those days.

The last system I had was a PS1 back in college which I used to relax after long days of school work, Tekken 3, just beating up people for fun...that's as advanced as I ever got :(

Yeah, Zelda was great fun...Too many games rely on fantastic graphics and gimmicks, and miss some of that old time fun-factor.

I'm an old fogie, video game speaking wize.....I remember quite vividly playing pong on our home tv...

I also remember the 'crash' when folks just lost interest in them (of course that had more to do with Atari greenlighting games that were terrible)

So, I literally grew up with them. I became interested in PC Gaming for a stretch, but after going through 3-4 different computers to always keep up with the latest and greatest, I've migrated back to the 'game systems'.

IMHO...PS3 and Xbox 360 rival (and quite often pass) the PC gaming experience...And they are relatively cheap compared to a new system every 3 or so years....

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You still end up doing a new system every few years anyhow, though you might manage five at most from them.

Me, I worked in the gaming industry for years, first with Sega of America and then Domark Games which got bought/redone/whatever into Eidos. To be honest it burned me out on enjoying games, consoles and computers for a long time.

That said, when my kids got the Gamecube and they had that thing that goes under it to play the hand held games, I got all sorts of excited because I could once again play Zelda, Super Mario 2 & 3, Metroid, Bionic Commando .. etc. I love all those side scrollers and it kills some of my friends to see a hot game on the PS3 and I'll walk past it to play something 'ancient'.

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or if you really want to play all the nintendo games, turbo grafx 16, neo geo, and sega genesis games you can play them on the wii. perfect ports over to the wii. just get online (which is free) and then download games onto your wii hard drive. which is pretty cheap as is. i LOVE my wii and nothing beats it. at the end of the day i dont feel like playing shooter games, but some old school mario or golden axe, altered beast and all the zelda games.

honestly if you can afford both buy the wii and the xbox360 both great systems.

but if its only one i still say the wii. take the extra money left over and buy some awesome games for the wii. for example: super mario galaxy. quite possibly one of the best games i have played in 15 years. right up there with final fantasy 7 and zelda link to the past.

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Pick them up off of Amazon, they do more than books these days and frankly I pick up half of what I want through them these days. No problems as of yet. Pay with a credit card so that if things do go sour, you can challenge it, though with a reputable seller I wouldn't think it would be an issue.


Or, failing that, buy one direct from EBGames.com.

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Thanks for the info and link, FF. Might have to go that route since I can't find a store within 50 miles of me that carries Wii. Just something else that sucks about living in a small town in Nebraska.

On the topic of whether to get a PS3 or XBox 360, I've decided to go with the XBox. Many of the games that I really like are available on both and the 360 costs a bit less. After checking out some 360's, think I'll get the Premium edition since it seems to be a bit better than the Arcade edition.

Thanks for all of the input, everyone.

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Yea go xbox, I love mine, had it since it's release date.

I was red ringed (O'er) once, but I took insurance with the store I got it from and got it changed within a day.

And defo go with the one with the HD on, (sounds like you are) I got the lower one (as it was an xmas present from Laura, and was to expensive getting the higher one) but i'm seriously looking at getting a HD for it as my memory card is full and I keep having to delete save to play new games.

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