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I'd just like to say "thank you" to the denizens of this site. It is quite enjoyable here, and being a moderator here is much akin to Andy Griffith pacing around Mayberry, just chatting with the locals. (Guess who is Goober!!)

Thats not to say I am badmouthing my 'other' home away from home...but moderating over there is starting to drain me....While I do enjoy some of the political debate, wild controversy, and peep hatred, it is nice to come over here and just relax, soak up the atmosphere and talk about my passion of boobies, miniatures, and minatures with boobies.

Thank you all.

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Well said, Jim (especially the parts about boobies). As I said in my post not too long ago ("It's been just over a year now"), this website is the one place where I have always felt welcome. There is a sense of community here that I haven't seen or felt anywhere else.

And I want to make it clear that I'm not bashing other online forums or communities; I'm speaking strictly for myself.

Sorry to hear that things are kind of taking a toll on you at your 'other' home.

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:welcome: to Nightgoblin!

This thread animated me...

That would explain your avatar! ;)

But I agree with Vike, the unnamed "other site"....to make an analogy... is like an overcrowded nightclub, while coming here is more like gathering in somebody's living room to gab and chat and show off our stuff.

@ Badprimate PhD. - "a bunch of seedy looking sad sacks"? Nah, we just have the crazy guy in the corner muttering constantly to himself about boobies.


Group hug!! :grouphug:

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Ill have to re-itterate Vikes feelings of the place, its so laid back and great fun, I love coming to this site too.

Can I just plug something whilst Im here too?

Most of you know that Im part of an ebay group too but some may not. We have a similar community and believe it or not, its even more laid back than this place! Youll find many of your friends from this site on it too, Its UK based so any of you UK Wyrdos get logged on! Its Wargames and Miniatures Paradise!!!. Exclimation marks and everything.

I was actually a member there first before here. I was shown this site by Matty from the ebay group and ever since then we have been converting many of the ebay group to Wyrd. Just lately though, there has been a reverse and Wyrd members have been coming to the group! Its great.

The most prominent members (the chatter boxes) are me (callumrice or vickih_82), Darklord, Eldintux, Highbulp Billy, Lizcam (craigc), Matty1001, Nigel (talonicus) Ive probably missed a few but if you know any of these guys and gals get on our site! Its a laugh. Vike joined about a month ago too, think we scared him off though, hes been unnervingly quiet!

Anyways, thats all the plugging done for the day. Check it out!

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Yeah, I've sort of given up a bit on cmon, just too much going on about nothing mostly anymore, although fun for a bit, and I read a thread or two now and then, here is really my only mini forum anymore. Now I do have a few aquarium forums, but that's a whole different community! :D

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I quite enjoy it here. Like most small, tight-knit communities it's easy to feel a sense of belonging. The Privateer forum used to be that way back in '03. With success came hordes (pun intended) of new people and the myriad of new problems right along with them.

While I wish Nathan all of the success he can handle, sometimes wild success isn't all it cracks up to be.

Cheers all!

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Yeah the PP forums were an awesome place to be in the early days. But the bigger they grew the more of what made them special seemed to erode away. They now really hold little resemblance to what they were. I guess thats why I don't spend all that much time there anymore. I still hit the PP painting forums regularly, but don't post as much as I used to. I think I still post my newest PP paint jobs there out of habit more then anything. I think I like having the pictures all organized there in one place, as it has been awhile since I got much constrictive, or detailed feedback there.

I love Wyrd, and wish for it to have big success, but I also know that as the community grows it will change. It is just the way of things.

You know Dan I have always hoped the Brushthralls would start there own little community on your site. In know you guys have about 100 things going on though.

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I'd just like to say "thank you" to the denizens of this site. It is quite enjoyable here, and being a moderator here is much akin to Andy Griffith pacing around Mayberry, just chatting with the locals. (Guess who is Goober!!).
Does that make me Otis?

Some of us who've been there a while remember when the unnamed site was much more like this is now.

In fact, I remember whan this sight was more like that than it is now.

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i thoroughly like both sites..... although i can undedrstand how you guys can feel with idiots on cmon.....but once you filter out those ones......i.e. uberdark,undave, and especially supervike...... its not that bad.....btw we are also starting up a new contest their that is being made by members and for members..... i loved iron painter so much here i wanted to see that comraderie their as well.

anyhow the couch is always cozy here and i thank thee much.

rock on all


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I hope you all know I wasn't 'dissin CMoN....its just a different animal altogether. My moderator work over there is a bit more challenging at times. Mind you I'm not complaining, just pointing out the difference.

I think Duende's analogy is right on...CMoN is the loud nightclub, this one seems more like the intimate party, where we all get lubed up, turn the lights down low........WHOA! sorry, started to slip away a bit!

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I didn't think you were dissing CMoN or anything. I have seen the stuff going on over there and I have no doubt that it can be (and probably has been) a bit frustrating dealing with some of it. I think you've shown remarkable patience and even-handedness with all of it.

Wyrd will undoubtedly change as it grows; however, I hope it's for the best and that no matter what we always maintain the sense of close community.

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Oh and speaking of Vike moderating that other site and boobies, a big thanks to him for ridding us of a certain banner add. I was glad to see that one come down. I'm sure it was his love of boobies that made us not want to have to see them in such a disturbing situation. :laugh:

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