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New Pre-painted game from Privateer Press


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The move of PP to produce a pre-painted miniatures game in order to "diversify" seems desperate. I've been working in the gaming store industry for almost 9 years and have seen quite a few companies come and go. PP has been a constant disappointment, from Iron Kingdoms fizzling to WarMachine spinning it's dull wheels. Rackham filing for bankrupcy, Reaper offering pre-painted minis and now this shot in the dark is a huge reflection on the general state of the hobby. We are a dying breed (literally-most of my players for miniatures games are 30+, several topping 60). And sadly, like it or not, the random booster packs of models/cards greatly outsells miniatures (at least in this area). People enjoy the thrill of the hunt, not necessarily the game itself.

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I'm actually working on this project and I can assure each and everyone one of you this does not mean the end to PP selling metal figures as you know it..in fact they will sell even more metal figures..I've even been assigned more sculpts for metal miniatures so there should be no panic from anyone.

This is just another direction and venture for Privateer Press to broaden their horizons.

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Diversification is a big concept which gaming companies are finally learning. When you produce one type of game, and that game is selling, everything is awesome. When that type of game inevitably loses popularity, gaming companies that only sell that kind of game lose money and eventually go out of business. If a company has multiple product lines, games that might disappear off of store shelves can stay much longer than they might otherwise, as sales slack can be picked up by more popular games.

CMGs seem like an utterly foreign concept here, because we're the hardcore hobbyists, and prepainted figures go against everything that attracted (many of) us to the hobby.

Game publication is an expensive business, and metal minis even more so. It costs a lot to produce product, and the market is small. And few games can sustain their popularity over long periods of time. GW has managed it, but even they are slowly phasing out metal figures.

Hard as it may be to accept, the market is much larger for games which are playable right out of the box than it is for games like Warmachine or Warhammer, and the number of people willing to continue paying larger and larger amounts for this hobby is always shrinking.

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As for collectibility... it really really appeals to a lot of people. It's a different type of game with a different type of market. The people who love it look at how much time and money we spend on painting minis and think we're insane. Certainly, the money I've spent in paint and styrene and brass rod and brushes is comparable to what a collector spends on a CCG/CMG.

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(Also, I'd like to point out that they just launched a paint line, and will soon be adding brushes and such to the line. Hardly the actions of a company about to stop making the figures they intend you to use those items on.)

Rackham did that too not too long ago... :rolleyes:

I'm not saying PP will abandon unpainted minis, but I'm just expressing worries about the hobby as this seem to be a common path.


Giant monsters attacking cities... what about them?

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I really don't see the problem and don't see overlap with Rackham...they are just making a new game that has nothing to do with WARMACHINE or HORDES and also aims for a different type of gamers...so smart move from PP I'd say: haul in more souls into their soul-mill!

And WARMACHINE and HORDES will remain a full metal line that gamers need to paint themselves, so no threat there.

And like Jim I'm enthousiastical about monsters attacking cities (with destroyable buildings...woohoo!) and vehicles...I'll just buy all the cheap ones from ebay and be happy.

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I really don't see the problem and don't see overlap with Rackham...they are just making a new game that has nothing to do with WARMACHINE or HORDES and also aims for a different type of gamers...

Like Rackham did with AT-43... that had nothing to do with Confrontation and Ragnarok.

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Like Rackham did with AT-43... that had nothing to do with Confrontation and Ragnarok.

Granted Ritual, I agree there are a lot of parallels between Rackham and PP and the anouncement, however the difference, is that PP has been communicative (I won't say Open, just because someone will bring up something somewhere in some form of a fiasco). Also unlike Rackham, PP is a privately held corporation, which means they are less likely to have shareholder pressure. In the past, PP has been very forthcoming in their plans and how they plan on going forward. Also as was pointed out, Metal prices(tin especially) have been for miniatures what Oil has been to everyone who owns a car (in the US anyway) its getting to the point that with the steady price increase, if PP doesn't make an attempt to diversify and go beyond the Metal mini market, they might end up either having to continue to raise prices and price themselves out of the market, or worse, close up shop.

But at this point, I would have to say, give them a little slack, and try not to go all Doomsayer that its the end of the hobby as we know it (wait till next week..k?)

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Giant Monsters attacking cities?

Lets go back to that part!!

Fine I can talk on that too.

I hate it. Sounds boring, and it holds zero interest for me. PP could have said that they were building an all metal traditional style game with this premise, and it would still be a big yawn from me.

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Fine I can talk on that too.

I hate it. Sounds boring, and it holds zero interest for me. PP could have said that they were building an all metal traditional style game with this premise, and it would still be a big yawn from me.

Good! Leaves more for me!!


I'm glad I live in a world where we have CHOICES for us mini lovers...whether its a Space Marine, Fairy, Steampunk Samurai, UberNazi, Zombie, Paladin OR Giant Scaly Fire Breathing Godzilla-esque Goodness....

And as those oh so wise French say...

Viva La Difference!

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Good! Leaves more for me!!


I'm glad I live in a world where we have CHOICES for us mini lovers...whether its a Space Marine, Fairy, Steampunk Samurai, UberNazi, Zombie, Paladin OR Giant Scaly Fire Breathing Godzilla-esque Goodness....

And as those oh so wise French say...

Viva La Difference!

Hee Hee

Steampunk Zombie Fairy Samurai

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Good! Leaves more for me!!


I'm glad I live in a world where we have CHOICES for us mini lovers...whether its a Space Marine, Fairy, Steampunk Samurai, UberNazi, Zombie, Paladin OR Giant Scaly Fire Breathing Godzilla-esque Goodness....

And as those oh so wise French say...

Viva La Difference!

Indeed. There are some people in this site, yourself included, who clearly have very different tastes in minis then me. I'm glad there are a variety to choose from.

Even is others peoples tastes are inferior to my own.:tongue1:

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Like Rackham did with AT-43... that had nothing to do with Confrontation and Ragnarok.

Totally different comparison IMO. Rackham handled AT-43 very poorly with a slacking release schedule (especially concerning the amry books) and misinformation concerning studio paintjobs and the actual ones (some of the miniatures were only visible only as studio paintjobs giving you no indication at all about the actual paintjobs). Sure PP isn't that far with releases yet, but I'm convinced they will not make the same mistakes as Rackham. In addition, the market is different and so far the communications are much better than what Rackham did.

Call me a PP fanboy, and I am, but I'm convinced the guys know what they are doing and will probably deliver another kickass game.

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The idea of big monsters destroying buildings, and destroyable buildings, sounds exciting; however, it seems to me either the monsters have to be pretty big to be bigger than the buildings they destroy, or the buildings are going to have to be pretty small.. or they'll be somewhere in between, but either way that means that it's likely neither monster nor buildings will be in a proper 28mm scale for use as either wargaming or rpg terrain/monsters. Since it seems unlikely I'll find many people to play the game with, the only reason I would get them is to be compatible with the other activities listed..

But random, meh. Maybe if they have 'building' boosters and 'monster' boosters, at least if I wanted some terrain I'd know I'd get something. But if they're all mixed together, that'd make me angry.

however, I admit I used to get a bit of a thrill out of opening a booster or two of D&D minis (although that wore off pretty quickly, too..).


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It looks as if the scale will be along the lines of 1/72 from I can tell, but Im sure it will be smaller. You can buy about 20 1/72 infantry for around 8.00, and can find deals on armor.

It may be closer to 1/444 or 6mm, that will still make the critter a couple of inchs tall.

I am not a fanboy, really dont like either of the PP games. I am really looking forward to this one. Some good ol' chessy stomping.

They may do the pirates deal, get a building in each pack with x number of monsters.

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got to admit the idea of this excites me a bit....I agree with the comments that PP seem so far to be handling this a lot better than rackham and the fact that they know what there main products are indicates that this won't take over...It would be nice if some of these pre paints came with an unpainted option though..would love a range of rampage esque godzilla B movie giant monsters to play with...maybe part of the extreme range...that would be nice...ah well good luck to them....

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