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GenCon Indy 2007

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I will be there in spirit (and in acrylic), but alas, not in person! Not unless Nathan has started to make heaps of money off Wyrd, in which case he's promised to buy me a plane ticket! :)

Next year (as he hollers it to the sky ...) ... heaps of money, that's what I want and yup, if that happens, good ol' tall ass Anders is going to get a plane ride built for the likes of small japanesse women all the way over here.

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Ok, I think I am going for sure.

I asked my wife to go with me, but she kind of got that deer in the headlights look, and said, "you'd have more fun without me".

Apparently, its only a 7 hr drive from here, and it would be nice to have my vehicle (especially after buying everything I can in the Traders Hall). But, the flights right now are downright cheap....hmm decisions decisions.

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GenCon does have a spouse track with non-gamery events. Seems like they added quite a few of those this year actually. If you look at the Seminar (SEM) and Workshop (WKS) events listings I think they'll be listed there. You could also try asking on the GenCon forums. If she plays board games and card games at all, there are lots of events for those, and lots of them on free demo in the Exhibit Hall. I haven't seen much Scrabble, Monopoly or Bridge, but there are word games and lots of other family oriented board games that have nothing to do with miniatures, CCGs or RPGs.

There are also lots of activities that are on site that you might not hear much about until you get there unless you really scrounge for info. One item not listed in the events listing that a non-gamer might enjoy is the fan film track. If she knows just enough about gaming to get a laugh out of it, there's usually at least a few spoof films or documentaries. I just woke up so I can't remember titles (other than Life with the Dice Bag), but I could probably find links to some of the film descriptions at a later time if that sounds interesting. There was an hilarious LotR spoof last year that we really enjoyed. They usually have bands on site in the hallways.

The costume contest is pretty fun to watch, they start by parading around the con and then it's a couple of hours of people on stage doing little bits to show off their costumes. They usually get a fan type comedian or musician to do an intermission show. (I'm not 100% sure they're doing the costume contest this year, but I'd assume so.) There's artist alley with fantasy artwork on sale and display. The auction can be interesting to watch if you need to kill a little time. I'm betting they'll have a display up for the 40th anniversary of GenCon, the display they had a few years back for D&D's anniversary was pretty cool.

Indy itself has a lot of activities if she wouldn't mind spending some time alone. (Although it's worth checking on the GenCon forums if they do any of this in an organized way for the spouses.) There's a museum a couple of blocks from the convention center on one side, and a big shopping center a few blocks on the other. There are loads of restaurants you could wine and dine her at. ;-> I've heard the zoo isn't too far from downtown either.

I'm not trying to have you twist your wife's arm or anything, just trying to highlight some of what GenCon offers that isn't traditional geeky that you probably don't hear about since usually traditional geeks are the ones describing it. ;-> It is a family con, there are lots of women and a decent number of families, it's not just all 15-40 year old guys.

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Here's where you can browse over the Events: http://registration.gencon.com/indy/listevents2.cgi

Jim, check out the listings under "SPA - Activities for the better half" - maybe your wife would like to sign up for the Bellydancing class?! ;)

There's other things too, but I thought you may want to point that one out to her to garner her thoughts on it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought my plane ticket today, so I'm definitely going to Indy.

Now, if I can just figure out a way to get into GenCon....maybe a night-time infiltration using an elaborate rig to lower myself inside, sneak past the guards, avoid the motion detectors and guard dogs and set up a base of operations from deep inside the bowels of the convention center.

Or, I guess I could just buy a pass.

I'm certainly looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible and hopefully picking up some painting tips and tricks from some of the better painters. Definitely looking forward to meeting....a certain somone.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I was wondering if anyone might have advice about hotels for Gencon Indy.

I just bought passes for the con, but it would seem that all of the really close hotels Gencon blocks are sold-out. I would be there with my wife and 1 year old daughter, so I need both short travel and low cost. Pretty tough goal, I know. :(

At there hotels near the airport that have free/cheap shuttles to/from the convention center? Any other suggestions?

Thanks a bunch in advance. :)

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You might want to go onto the GenCon forums and post these questions, you'll be drawing on a far bigger pool of people for answers, including at least a few Indy natives.

There are hotels at the airport and other outer rim areas of Indy, and the rates there will indeed be far cheaper than the downtown hotels. (Note that even with the Con rate most of the downtown hotels run you $150 a night, which might not be as low as you were looking for. You can add another $15-$20 per day for parking for most of them, also.) I'm not aware of a free/cheap shuttle service to the convention center. GenCon ran one a couple of years ago, but for whatever reason didn't continue with that. It's worth checking on the GC forums to see if that's changed for this year. There was a big hue and cry when the downtown housing block filled up within a day or so, so maybe there's been enough pressure put on GenCon to offer transit. If they haven't, your best bet is probably to drive in and park. It'll still cost $15-$20 a day.

Addendum: I took a brief look around the GenCon forums, doesn't seem as if GC is officially running a shuttle yet. There is a thread with travel suggestions for airport hotel users, though - http://community.gencon.com/forums/thread/93672.aspx

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Yeah, actually we'll be hanging out at a hotel near the airport ourselves. Originally we were going to get one downtown there but it was left off to the last moment and the options weren't viable any longer ($450 a night anyone .. yeah .. me neither).

For us, we'll be driving in, picking up Eric and his lady, and setting up and doing the drive back and forth every night. Bit tedious, but you will save some cash, expect to pay for your parking (no shuttles that I know of) and in our case, it'll just be a late return as there is plenty to do downtown, just instead of walking back to the hotel, we've gotta go find the car and drive ten minutes up the road instead.

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  • 1 month later...

Reviving this since GenCon is looming closer!

Here's a list so far who said they're going to attend (compiled from both Wyrd and CMON threads). Shall we all try to get together for dinner on one of the nights? I figure meeting at the Wyrd booth is a good a place as any.

(in alphabetical order)


Darthfoley & wife


Duende (me!)

EricJ & some woman crazy enough to date him

Frustrated Father & Magnanimous Mother

Hinton <--(This one's mine! All you other girls, Hands off!)



Paint Minion


Ritual (in spirit)

Rodnik & wife Marie




Thryth with wife and thrythling

Uberdark and maybe uberwife



Hope to see you all there! :D


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Add my wife to the list along with me.

More than happy to get together with everyone though I imagine it is going to be a real bear trying to get everyone into the same restaurant at the same time with room enough to cater to us all. Just a heads up.

Also when the exhibitors hall closes they'll be shoo'in everyone out and it'll be atleast an hour or so before I make it out of the hall myself though I don't think I'll be so cruel as to chain Eric and his lady in there if they want to get out ASAP. Little thing called inventory, clean up, security of product and of course legging it out of there with the goods. Probably be a good idea for some, or the main group of folks, to make it into wherever ya'll decide and we'll haul over there the moment we're able.

Just had to give a heads up on that.

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Edited the list. :D Hope Vicki likes her title. ;) (a little tip 'o the hat to her for all she did last weekend.)

FF- Like the rest of us can't just wait outside and blab while you finish closing up shop. :)

And how about the Wyrd shirts? I still want one to wear there! Are they available yet?

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Still waiting on the damn things to be honest, expected them the first of this week, appears that I'll be waiting until next Monday/Tuesday which really has me tore up to be honest.

On that note though, once I know the things are of a decent enough quality that I would be happy pimping them on ya'll, I'll let everyone know and would suggest buying them 'immediately' just because they don't seem to be the fastest folks in the world and look to take the better part of a week and a half or more to get you your product.

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I'd love for there to be a Wyrd diner one night. I'd be there, barring some sort of scheduling conflicts (my schedule looks to be more full and planned out them Gencons past). I'd also sport a Wyrd shirt as long as you have them for sale there, and have them in big boy sizes.

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Much as I would like to drag along a ton of shirts, I'm still a bit hesitant in putting in a large order in order to get a serious discount for direct print shirts. As it is, I'll make a whoppin' $1 on the shirts themselves but that's not really the point to be honest, more to get the shirts out at the cheapest I'm able in a manner that doesn't require me to have a ton of stock on hand.

So, you'll have to buy them ahead of time and have it shipped to you and wear the bugger in, but in this case atleast, they'll have everything from Small to 5X.

Here are a couple of examples of the shirts btw.

The top picture is the front obviously, the rest are different back variations. Bunch of different color options as well as different shirt types for the ladies.


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