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Preview of Kev Adams Wolfriders from Black Hat

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For some reason I was hoping for ElfQuest wolf riders.

Me too. I'd love some modern ElfQuest minis. The old partha ones just dont do it for this elfquest fanatic. Not that I havent seriously considered painting some of them, but there's only so much you can do with some of those older scuplts.

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not to much of a surprise since Kev Adams pretty much started the GW look for orcs and goblins.

True, but it´s kind of sad, that some sculptors just stick with the one style, which made them "famous". It gets boring. Why should I buy these, if I have dozens of similar minis lying around already?

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Me too. I'd love some modern ElfQuest minis. The old partha ones just dont do it for this elfquest fanatic. Not that I havent seriously considered painting some of them, but there's only so much you can do with some of those older scuplts.

Elfquest as in Wency Pini's Elfquest, Cutter, Rayek and so on? The comicbook series? If so i didn't even know there were miniatures made of that. I would love to see good versions of that as well. I been collecting those comics ever since the series was at comic 14 or so. It has shaped my creativity and way of drawing (less not then before but sometimes it still shines through) a lot. I stopped collecting a few years back though when they got other artists then wendy do the bulk of it.

It's that I can't do them myself due to IP or I might have tried my hand at some Elfquest greens myself.

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Elfquest as in Wency Pini's Elfquest, Cutter, Rayek and so on? The comicbook series? If so i didn't even know there were miniatures made of that. I would love to see good versions of that as well. I been collecting those comics ever since the series was at comic 14 or so. It has shaped my creativity and way of drawing (less not then before but sometimes it still shines through) a lot. I stopped collecting a few years back though when they got other artists then wendy do the bulk of it.

It's that I can't do them myself due to IP or I might have tried my hand at some Elfquest greens myself.

*Does the happy bouncy found another Elfquest fan dance*

Yes that one! You know, you cant cast them for sale without getting the liscence, but you can certainly do your own scuplts and paint em up without problem. Or at least I dont see why there should be a problem as they appear to have a very tollerant veiw of fan art in general as long as their copyright is acknowledged. You do a decent job on em I wouldnt be half suprised if you could track them down and get liscencing rights... You can see some examples of the old Ral Partha versions over here.

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Well the problem is that doing one offs for myself gets a bit to time consuming. So I'm better of sculpting things that I can cast and sell to get a bit back for the time invested and I like doing equally. It isn't that I have a shortage of ideas. I do think I can do a better job then the old Ral Partha ones though. So trying it it tempting. But that might be a somewhat warped view on the Ral Partha figures as the painting is a bit obscuring the sculpts.

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Cindy, maybe you could get around the licencing bit the same way Andrea does... make it look exactly like the character you want, than name it something completely different! :D

How about Elfseek? or.. Pixiequest? .....or Pointy-EaredGuyLookingForStuff?


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