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All I can say is... wow!


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I just saw the Mad hatter on Jester's site and he pointed me this way. I have not seen a miniature that inspired me so much since I saw my first wolfen about 5 years ago...

My name is Paul (my australian shepard is Zeke). I have been painting on and off since 1985.. though I am more into it now than ever. I play Warmachine and have dabbled in Confrontation. I have been very interested in painting individual minis now just for fun. I am lucky enough to live in the same town as Reaper Miniatures, so I have started painting there and learning from some really great painters.

The minis here are amazing! I am really impressed with the quality and detail in the sculps that I have seen!

Anyways, I am glad I found this place and can't wait to see the new stuff coming out!


Texas, USA

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