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The ghoul queen WIP


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Here she is set in with the rest of her menagerie. None of the pieces are glued down yet so i can paint up each individually. Once that's done I'll glue em in and unify the base a bit with some greenstuff.

For those who have been asking about how to do the water effects I want to assuse you that it's very easy and I'll do up a fullt tutorial on it in the techniques section as soon as I get a chance. For this piece I used a fishing wire as my basis on the stuff coming out of her finger. added a little bit of pigment to my Realistic Water Effects so it'd tint blue on drying. it starts out kinda gooy and I just ran that goo along the wire letting it clump a bit. Once that dried I washed it with a dark blue-green and then superglued it to her finger. I pulled teh superglue acrross the whole thing to give it some rigidity and took a wet brush across it in places to add thw sort of white frosty effect and took a little bright green and tipped some of the bubbles with that. Once that dried I went over it with more Water Effects that this time I had left clear and made sure there were enough drips coming ff it to give it a fullness. Once it had mostly dried I twisted it a little to give it a bit of a swirl.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally got time to take pics for an update. I've changed the tone of golds a lot and added another shadow layer to the darks in her dress. Toned down the bright shiney blue spell effects a tad to pull the focus more onto her. I may end up needing to the spell effect coming out of her hand though. It got kind of muddied while I was working on her.

Unfortunately the picture's a bit washed out. I'm looking forward to getting the photo light box I got for my birthday set up and getting some good pics without taking a million shots to do so.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here we go. Finished pictures at least till Reaper get their hands on her and takes their own shots. I was hoping to manage a few more work in progress shots, but decided that getting her done was more important then documenting it. I went ahead and shortened the spell effect from her fingers and added in a reason for there to be a second scabbard , creating spell chains coming out of it. I did decide to seperate them out from each other a bit as well, a bit of added space really helps reduce the overly busy feel, even if it doesnt entirely eliminate it. All in all I think I'm most happy with the scabbard and the ghoulies.


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