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NEWS: MK studios Zodiac miniatures


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pictures of the upcoming Zodiac Miniatures line:

MK Studio's presents the all new miniatures line for 2007! Here we have the first sculpt of the new set, a lovely female satyr to represent Capricorn.


And aquarius


This figure is scheduled to be released in December 2006. Each month following, a new miniature will be released with a design to coincide with that month’s astrological sign.

and the current idea's for the figs:

Dec. - Capricorn: fawn

Jan. - Aquarius: Greco/Roman with water jug

Feb. - Pisces: mermaid

Mar. - Aries: similar to Capricorn but with a native Big-Horn-Sheep look

Apr. - Taurus: minotaur

May - Gemini: twin maidens in an interlocking pose

Jun. - Cancer: Top Secret

Jul. - Leo: African plains lioness

Aug. - Virgo: another dryad styled maiden

Sep. - Libra: Themis with sword and scales

Oct. - Scorpio: like the spider thing but smaller and a scorpion

Nov. - Sagittarius: Classic centaur with bow

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hahaha... You're a good newsmonkey or you are not ;) (did not want to steal your thunder though) I really like the idea too.

Aquarius would make a brilliant statue for diorama's as well. Would have been even better for it of the jug was tilted so we can make a watereffect flow out of it.

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Okay, now I see them.

The female satyr is odd, simply because they are all supposed to be male.

The amphora is missing a handle, and I'd have preferred it without the zig-zags as it's a great opportunity to imitate Grecian pottery styles, but I suppose they can be easily filled in.

So when do we expect the Chinese Zodiac?

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That is a great idea! Like Jabberwocky said, excellent for birthday presents. I like to paint miniature gifts for people now and again, but a lot of non-painters/non-gamers aren't going to appreciate most of the standard fantasy/sci-fi miniature poses and themes. I second the call for Chinese Zodiac minis, and since they're animals they should have good appeal for gamers, use in dioramas, etc. My birth sign is the top secret one, though, intriguing...

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I was always hoping somebody would make Zodiac-based minis! Yay!

@ vince - Who says satyrs can't be female? How many satyrs have you ever met? ;)

@ Wren - I noticed that you and my daughter share the same birthdate. So I'm also curious as to how they're going to depict "the crab" :D

I wonder if the minotuar will be female as well? It better look good becuase I just HAVE TO get one, since it's my sign!

Can't wait to see the rest!


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But Incubi have female counterparts: Succubi (sp?)... Maybe Satyrs have Sateresses?

There is a female minotaur, well female beastman (wouldn't that be beastwoman?) , but could be a female minotaur, CMON mini by Sascha Buczek (Goatman)


edit: in retrospect, not enough cow in her... more goat or the likes due to the horns

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Satyrs are male for the same reason Incubi are male.

They could exist! I found this looking under "satyr" at Wikipedia (the depository of all knowledge, as you know ;) )

(about 2/3rds of the way through the description)

"There are also many works of art of the rococo period depicting child or baby satyrs in Bacchanalian celebrations. Some works depict female satyrs with their children; others describe the child satyrs as playing an active role in the events...."

Females just never got any time in spotlight because they're at home taking care of all the little satyr babies while the hubby satyrs are out partying all night. (At least that's my theory)

:girl: :aetsch:

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Females just never got any time in spotlight because they're at home taking care of all the little satyr babies while the hubby satyrs are out partying all night. (At least that's my theory)

:girl: :aetsch:

Sounds good enough to me! That's pretty typical of most fantasy/mythological races. Try finding a female orc (or dwarf) in literature. Very rare.

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Since Patrick is here, I thought that I would ask...

Any chance of releasing them a month-or-so earlier? I would like to buy some and paint them as gifts for a couple of people, but there isn't enough time (place the order, paint the miniature - which is at least a 2 week effort with my limited skills, and give gift).

Just a thought :)

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Right now I'm working out of my head. The first four things are based on verbal descriptions Vicky gave me for what she wanted and I translated those into 3D. She has started to sketch a few details for the Aries figure but I have yet to scan them. I will try to post concepts online for most of the other figures, though when I have them.

Here are a couple of very early shots of Pisces and Aries in progress.



I have just finished the face on Aries before typing this.

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I like how all the minis have a "female" theme, although I'm not really sure how that works with Aries, being a "female ram" would technically make it an ewe. :sheep:

Of couse, following that line of thinking, Taurus would then be a cow. :thcow2: :thinking:

Bah, attribute it all to artistic license! I still like them and am saving my pennies for when you release them!


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