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nono, not our wyrd girl, but I just ran across this fun music service that is really pretty awesome


basically you put in 1 song or artist you like, then it starts streaming other related songs, and you tell it if you like or dislike the songs, and it basically keeps refining a playlist for you based on your tastes. And you can have multiple ones, for different genres and such...and then you can also share yours with others.

overall pretty fun, and seems like a great way to learn about new music and songs.

the only problem is that it seems to be all radio cuts, so the clean version of songs.

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Heck, it knows Ayreon and more of my favorite music... cool (bit unexpected). Oke trying this out today. So far so good.

I can't register though to have the options from that. Only US residents can.

Edit: hmmm... you need to register to listen to more than 6 songs..... Oke just registered with a fake us postal code.. just hope the postal code police isn't gonna get me ;)

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