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Christmas Wish List


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You people really puzzle me. Say what you want about Citadel paints, but I have never had to give more than a 1 or 2 second shake. Any color that needs more just means you aren't using it enough IMHO, so it's not that important.

I prefer mine stirred not shaken, the new citadel pots get a bit meesy if you shake then open.

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  • 11 months later...

:rip: Threadomancy alert! :rip:

But 'TIS THE SEAON! after all.....

So do all the good boys and girls here have their wishlists made yet?

And if you posted in this thread last year, did Santa bring you what you wanted?

:gimmie!: :gimmie!: :gimmie!: :gimmie!: :gimmie!: :gimmie!:

So hop up on Santa's lap and tell Ole Saint Nick what it is you wan to get your greedy little hands on this year!


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I did not get the extra hours of the day I wished fot last year and I didn't get the Drune cavalry either (but I have bought them myself :) ).

This year I will not get many presents since my father gave me a new computer a while back when the old one died and me and my gf don't give each other that much to save money.

But, I'll go visit my gf's parents way up north and have (hopefully) REAL winter with 1 m of snow and -30 degrees C and aurora borealis and such! That will be enough for me! :D

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I sort of want that eldar box set...sort of... :)

other than that, a new camera is pretty high on my list. I expect though I'll buy one as a business write off, along with a new computer, before the end of the year. The glory of needing deductions!

although it sort of ruins the gift giving aspect of christmas (and chanukah for the moms side of the family). But mostly I just like seeing the family and having an excuse to get together

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My wife tried to get me the US Paras I wanted last year, but the shop sold her the wrong set, US Command instead of US Para Command. I painted 'em anyway. Sold on eBay shortly therefafter.

This year, too soon to tell. Right now, I'll say more Trollbloods for Hordes, or some Greeks for my soon-to-be-obsessed-w/Greeks-because-of-300-the-movie self.

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